Sep 30, 2011

PROMOTING IGNORANCE AND GENERATING MORE HATE IN NIGERIA: Anglican Primate attacks gay marriage, homosexuality and lesbianism as ¨great evils¨

¨...homosexuality, lesbianism and same-sex marriage was not the original plan of God¨
The Primate, Church of Nigeria, the Anglican Communion, Most Rev. Nicholas D. Okoh, has described the practice of homosexuality, lesbianism and gay marriage as great evils that must neither be condoned nor allowed to further exist in our society.

Entering into a Gay Marriage earns the damnation of the Almighty
“I want to draw you attention to what is becoming acceptable in some quarters which we must not accept. What is being known now as gay and homosexuality is contrary to God’s plan for human sexuality and procreation. It is against the will of God, and nobody should encourage it, and those who do will earn for themselves the damnation of the Almighty.

¨What is being known now as gay and homosexuality is contrary to God’s plan for human sexuality and procreation¨
“It’s through marriage that people should enter into true sexual life. It’s not the process of re-inventing the third person because God did not invent the marriage between two same-sex persons as the cases in homosexuality and lesbianism.” He admonished those practising it to repent and come out of it because it’s evil...¨ don´t miss one hatemongering word, HERE

·  Thanks to MyJoyOnline, Nigeria
·  Thanks to Changing Attitude, United Kingdom
·  Thanks to Changing Attitude, Nigeria


Changing Attitude, Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, will campaign against the prohibition of marriage between persons of the same sex bill recently introduced in the Senate of Nigeria. HERE

Sep 29, 2011

WORKING TOWARD FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS IN UGANDA: ¨Sexual Minorities Uganda¨ awarded 2011 Rafto Prize (Español and English)

The 2011 Rafto Prize is awarded to Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG). Frank Mugisha (32), Executive Director of SMUG, will receive the award on behalf of the organisation. The Prize is awarded to SMUG for its work to make fundamental human rights apply to everyone, and to eliminate discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
¨The human rights situation in Uganda in general, and the plight of sexual minorities in particular, is getting worse. They are blamed for social problems and are "the good enemy" that politicians can attack in order to garner support. In this situation, SMUG's work is especially important. The battle they wage is for human rights' most basic purpose: to protect individuals from abuses by the authorities and the majority. The Rafto Foundation hereby gives its support to the work against what former SMUG leader Victor Juliet Mukasa, characterized as a "state-sponsored homophobia that is spreading across the African continent".

Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG)

SMUG is a coalition of organisations that work for the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI people, or sexual minorities, which is the term used by SMUG). Since its inception in 2004, SMUG has become a powerful voice for a stigmatised and persecuted minority. The coalition has played an important role in opposing the proposed "Anti-Homosexuality Bill" and has successfully used the legal system to fight harassment and violence from government and private actors. SMUG also does important work supporting individuals who suffer from abuse.

Sexual minorities - "pollutants of society"

Frank Mugisha and his colleagues in SMUG have demonstrated great courage in fronting the fight for LGBTI people's rights. People who do not conform to society's gender and sexual norms are subject to abuse in today's Uganda. Homosexuality is publicly portrayed as "un-African" and a "contagious" pollutant that destroys society and therefore must be eliminated. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons are often ostracised by their families and local communities and are left without any form of social safety net. Many lose their jobs and place at school and end up having to live in the slum.

SMUG activist killed

Frank Mugisha describes a life in fear: "I don't know what could happen to me at any minute. I do not know who wants to hang me, I do not know who wants to attack me".

A high-profile SMUG activist, David Kato, was killed in his home in January 2011. The killing came after his photo appeared on the front page of a local newspaper, Rolling Stone, accompanied by the headline: "Uganda's top 100 homos. Hang them!". Kato and two other activists took the newspaper to court and won. Soon after, he was killed...¨ please read it all, HERE

·  Thanks to Box Turtle Bulletin, sidebar
·  Thanks to Frank Mugisha, SMUG, Uganda
·  Thanks to The 2011 Rafto Prize, HERE

Anglican LGBT Activist, David Kato, R.I.P.

El Premio Rafto 2011 se le otorga a Minorías Sexuales Uganda (MSUG). Frank
Mugisha (32), director ejecutivo de la organización, recibirá el premio en su
nombre. El premio se otorga a MSUG por su trabajo para que los derechos
humanos básicos rijan para todas las personas, sin discriminación por motivos de
orientación sexual e identidad de género.

La situación de Derechos Humanos en Uganda en general, y las dificultades de las
minorías sexuales en particular, están empeorando. A estas minorías se les culpa
de ser la causa de los problemas sociales, ellas son el “buen enemigo” que los
políticos pueden atacar cuando necesitan ganar apoyo público. En este contexto, el
trabajo de MSUG es muy significativo, la batalla que libran es por el propósito más
básico de los derechos humanos: proteger las personas de abusos por parte de las
autoridades y las mayorías. Por ello, la Fundación Rafto quiere apoyar el trabajo de
oposición contra lo que Victor Juliet Mukasa, anterior líder de MSUG, ha
denominado “homofobia patrocinada por el Estado que se está propagando por el
continente africano”.

Este texto es un extracto del documento “argumentos de la fundación Rafto para otorgar el premio.” Paraver la versión completa de los argumentos de la fundación, ver el compilado de publicaciones de prensa, o nuestra página web:

MSUG es una coalición de organizaciones que trabaja por los derechos humanos de lesbianas,
gays, transgeneristas, bisexuales e intersexuales (colectivo LGTBI, o minorías sexuales, que es el
término que usa MSUG). Desde su creación en 2004 MSUG le ha dado valor y fuerza a la voz de
esta minoría estigmatizada y perseguida. La coalición ha cumplido un rol importante de
oposición al “proyecto de ley anti-homosexualidad” que se propuso en Uganda, y ha usado
exitosamente el sistema legal en su lucha contra la persecución y violencia ejercida en su contra
por el gobierno y agentes privados. Simultáneamente, MSUG se ha dedicado a la atención de
personas víctimas de abusos.

Minorías sexuales - “contaminación de la sociedad”

Frank Mugisha y sus colegas en MSUG han demostrado un gran coraje al afrontar la lucha por los
derechos de la población LGTBI. Hoy en Uganda, las personas que difieren de los cánones
sociales dominantes sobre género y sexualidad son sujetos de abuso. La homosexualidad es
públicamente mostrada como una contaminación “contagiosa” y ajena a la “africanidad” que
destruye la sociedad y por lo tanto debe ser eliminada. Lesbianas, gays, transgeneristas,
bisexuales e intersexuales generalmente son personas excluidas por sus familias y comunidades
cercanas, y despojadas de cualquier sistema de protección social. Muchos pierden su trabajo y
cupo en instituciones educativas y terminan teniendo que vivir en tugurios.

Un activista de MSUG fue asesinado

Frank Mugisha cuenta que vive permanentemente en el miedo: “yo no sé qué me podría pasar en
cualquier momento, no sé quién me quiera ahorcar, no sé quién me quiera atacar”.

David Kato, un importante activista de MSUG, fue asesinado en su casa en enero de 2011. El
homicidio ocurrió después de que su foto fuera publicada en la portada de un periódico local,
Rolling Stone, acompañada del titular: “Los 100 principales homosexuales de Uganda
¡Cuélguenlos!” Kato y otros dos activistas acudieron a las cortes, denunciaron al periódico y
ganaron el caso. Poco después Kato fue asesinado...¨ leer todo, AQUI

A Letter to ¨Mum¨ in KENYA: Protect me, the laws have failed me. Don’t throw me out; the church has already done that!

Dear Mum,

It’s now over 20 years since u gave birth to me

I am the child you gave birth to me. I am your last borne child. You brought us up as brothers without a sister. The conditions were the same; we were all living in the same house, eating of the same pot, wearing of the same cloth. But mom, I’m different.

Mom you said I loved to be cleaner than other boys, that I was your darling son that I was like the daughter you never had as I was more gentle and organized. You called me “the perfect gentlemen” mom you didn’t notice my difference as its said, a book held very closely to the eye is less clear. But today I tell you mum, I’m different.

I’m still you loving boy, I’m still of the same blood ,it’s still me your son I’m still the child you brought up with the morals you installed in me but mom I’m different

Please don’t curse me; the society has already done that.

Please don’t lock me out; my colleagues have already done that.

Don’t throw me out; the church has already done that.

Protect me mom, the laws have failed me.

Mom, I need your love to continue to be,

I need a person in my corner, Mom I’m different but I’m still David, your son.

I am the love that dare not speak its name.¨ David

·  Thanks to Gay Kenya, sidebar
·  Thanks to David HERE
·  Thanks to Kaniuki

Sep 28, 2011

Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה‎), (literally "head of the year"), is the Jewish New Year.

September 28, 2011, it´s Rosh Hashanah!

¨Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה‎), (literally "head of the year"), is the Jewish New Year. It is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim ("Days of Awe"), celebrated ten days before Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah is observed on the first two days of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar.[It is described in the Torah as יום תרועה (Yom Teru'ah, a day of sounding [the Shofar]).

Rosh Hashanah marks the start of a new year in the Hebrew calendar (one of four "new year" observances that define various legal "years" for different purposes as explained in the Mishnah and Talmud). It is the new year for people, animals, and legal contracts. The Mishnah also sets this day aside as the new year for calculating calendar years and sabbatical (shmita) and jubilee (yovel) years. Jews believe Rosh Hashanah represents either figuratively or literally the creation of the World, or Universe. However, according to one view in the Talmud, that of R. Eleazar, Rosh Hashanah commemorates the creation of man, which entails that five days earlier, the 25 of Elul, was the first day of creation of the Universe...¨ there´s more, HERE

·  Thanks to Padre Mickey, sidebar
·  Thanks to Wikipedia

Sep 25, 2011

ATHEISM ALERT: ¨The future of American faith is grim as the nation undergoes the secularization process that has already pretty much wrecked the churches in the rest of the West...¨

¨I agree with the conclusion that the loss of religion in public policy - at least the Christianist version that applauds executions, cheers at allowing the uninsured to die, and boos gay military service members - can only be a positive good.¨

¨Even as the Republican Party races to turn itself into a completely religious based party, the trend in the larger American public is away from religion. True, there are many reasons for the trend, but I continue to believe that no small part of the movement away from religion traces back to the Christianists who are making Christianity into something truly foul and ugly where hatred of others is the principal hallmark. Indeed, I increasingly find myself not wanting to even acknowledge myself as a "Christian" because of the negative connotation that the word has come to have associated with it...¨ HERE

·  Thanks to Bilerico Project, sidebar
·  Thanks to Michael Hamer

Sep 22, 2011

BIGOTS BE AWARE OF YOUR OWN PERSONAL CHARACTER: The righteous anti-LGBT loathing is all about a feardriven sickness inside of you!

Hating LGBT Anglicans/others more and enjoying it less?
O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. (Isaiah 3:12)

I´m certain this is no revelation to most, but, I´ve continously noticed, and even more recently by way some of the thickheaded Anglican Communion Primates that their historic never-ending loathing, demeaning and damning  HERE of LGBT Christians has absolutely nothing to do with the actual personal character of most of the hated Gay people at Church!  The excluding, outcasting, brutalizing, discrimination and assorted acts of absolute vileness directed toward LGBT Anglicans at Church reflects a tainted spiritual/emotional and illeducated point of view HERE by the demeaners.

Not-so-pure-pure-puritan persecutors of fellow human beings at Church have nothing to do with the commonly accepted standards/Commandments of Godly guidelines to fact, blind loathing, discrimination and fear/hate-mongering and other slanderous abuse, some which generates deadly crimes of hate, directed against LGBT Christians/others violates most of the commanded holy directives!

I´ve noted increasingly that grandstanding, grown, yet cowardly, men at Church are acting like vicious boys in shower rooms by smearing and trampling on the personal integrity of many LGBT Christians/others HERE more ...they think they know the intergrity, heart and soul of every LGBT human being...they no nothing and refuse to listen to the voices of LGBT Anglicans at Church...contempt prior to investigation seems to be their study guide.

Outspoken Primates at the Anglican Communion and their other arrogant dominionist accomplices/sponsors at Church seem to scurry about meeting at their ¨exclusive¨ pre-paid world-wide gatherings in order to further cover their very own filthy, and deadheaded beliefs against LGBT people.  At the end of these ongoing hatefests they issue despotic ¨directives¨  with orthodoxlike delight pontificating against LGBT Christians/others with heterosexual self-praise as defenders of true faith!

Glad I got that off my chest, the whole of the Global South group of dangerous bigots are a very emotionally damaged lot who really piss me off !

· Thanks to Fr. Jake, Stop the World
· Thanks to Thinking Anglicans, sidebar

Sep 20, 2011

MEET JAMEY RODEMEYER: He´s dead. Jamey couldn´t take the ongoing unkindness spewed at him by degenerate bigots and everyday fools/hate-mongers.

Jamey committed suicide Sept 18th 2011
Attention emotionally sick/self-righteous relentless bullies and bigots 

Take note of the trail of blood you leave flowing because of your hateful whispers, smutty slurs and as you demean others at school, at home and at Church (as you exclude).  Think about the cowardly and immoral mess you leave as you scar and sometimes kill innocents, our families, our friends and loved ones as you self-deceive and pretend you are some sort of ¨sexually pure¨ human being.   The Price of Hate It´s all about you and those like you who smear others around are responsible, you are often sadists or seriously demented and wreckless homophobes. Stop your deadly abusive!


Sep 19, 2011

IN HONOR OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL: Please meet some of San Miguels most cherished and beloved friends and followers...

This past weekend, as part of our celebration and tribute to Saint Michael the Archangel, patron Saint of our village, there were bags and bags of healthy food distributed to some of the elderly folks who rarely leave their homes because of illness or age.  My friends Juan Carlos, Chepe, Henry, Raphael and one of their amigos went around our town passing out anonymously given gifts of nutrious food to some of our older and very respected neighbors.

This time the delivery angelitos took dozens of photos of the wonderful and gracious people who received their ¨Angel Food¨ gifts.  After Juan Carlos downloaded the delivery pictures into my computer I was speechless.  The faces who appeared before me were not only my nobel neighbors and fellow villagers but I could almost see their various personal histories appearing before me...I know most of you will understand the deep feelings of gratitude and Thanksgiving I have for being part of life and everyday ¨being¨ in Latin America. 

May I introduce by way of last Saturdays photos a few of San Miguels dear friends:

Thanks to the many anonymous friends in North and Central America who donated ¨Angel Food¨ for this years celebration

Special thanks 
Jenn and John, San Francisco, California
Juan Carlos, Violeta and Leonardo, San Miguel
Tom, Paul and Mom, Antigua and Hawaii
Lisa, Antigua and Maine
Suzanne, San Pedro/Antigua and Wisconsin

Sep 18, 2011

MEET CHANGING ATTITUDE AUSTRALIA: Moving forward the debate about human sexuality in the Anglican Church and beyond...

Promoting Full Inclusion of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex People in the Life of the Anglican Church. HERE

Sep 16, 2011

EMERGING FROM TABOO and RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION IN UGANDA: Mr. Frank Mugisha to receive Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award

Mr. Mugisha is the Executive Director of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG),

Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy and Senator John Kerry to present the award in Washington, D.C., on November 10, 2011·  

WASHINGTON (Sept. 15, 2011) – Frank Mugisha, a prominent young advocate for the rights of sexual minorities in Uganda, has been chosen to receive the prestigious Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award. Mr. Mugisha is the Executive Director of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), a leading organization of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) movement in the East African country...¨

·  Thanks to Mr. Frank Mugisha, Uganda
·  Thanks to Box Turtle Bulletin, sidebar
·  Thanks to African Activist, sidebar
·  Thanks to The Robert F. Kennedy Center

Sep 13, 2011


Anglican Hero, Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo, ¨excommunicated¨ by Archbishop ¨C Street¨ Orombi HERE  for ministering to the suicidal and Ugandas LGBT outcasts
¨The work of Bishop Christopher Senyonjo, a retired Anglican Bishop from the Diocese of Western Uganda, has become increasingly vital over time, heightened by the intensifying persecution of homosexuals in his country. Taking the courageous step of ministering to LGBT people in his country, the Bishop is calling on America to “stop exporting hatred” as he continues to advocate for the global decriminalization of homosexuality

The not-so-reverend American, ¨Deadly¨ Scott Lively,  Preaching  anti-Gay ¨Holocaust Revisionist¨ lies/filth on the ground in Kampala, Uganda
It is a well known fact that Christian Evangelicals from the United States of America have planned, funded and implemented a direct attack on homosexuality in Uganda, citing biblical interpretation and transporting myth and lies to a country plagued by poverty and seasoned for ‘scapegoating.’

Homosexuality is currently considered by most Ugandans to be criminal under current legislation. Section 140 of the Ugandan penal code criminalizes “carnal knowledge against the order of nature”. However, homosexuality is not explicitly mentioned in the Act, leaving room for judicial interpretation.

Anglican and MP David ¨Kill the Gays¨ Bahati (Anglican Archbishop Henry Orombi is his ¨spiritual advisor¨)
David Bahati, an ambitious young member of parliament, is seeking to close this legislative gap. After meetings with U.S. backers and receiving encouragement from Uganda’s first lady, the Anti-homosexuality Bill, (AHB) otherwise known as “The Kill the Gays Bill,” was born. The AHB takes existing legislation much further by mandating harsh sentences such as death and life imprisonment. It also provides for the arrest of those who fail to report people whom they know to be homosexual.

Currently the AHB is languishing in uncertainty, causing a conundrum, not only amongst the LGBT community and concerned activists, but within the Ugandan government itself.

In an explosive new Wikileak report out today by Paul Canning of LGBT Asylum News, it is confirmed that the Bahati Bill has the support of the wife of President Museveni:

“According to a newly released US diplomatic cable, the wife of the President of Uganda, Janet Musceveni, “is ultimately behind” the Anti-Homosexuality (AHB, ‘Kill gays’) Bill. It is signed by the US Ambassador to Uganda, Jerry Lanier.

It quotes a 2009 private conversation with Senior Presidential Adviser John Nagenda, who had just published a column in The New Vision newspaper comparing the AHB to McCarthyism and the Inquisition. He told an Embassy Political Officer:

Religious Zealot, dangerous First Lady/Bigot Museveni HERE lectures on ¨Gays¨ being part of Gods curse who sell their souls for money
“President Museveni is “quite intemperate” when it comes to homosexuality, but that the President will likely recognize the dangers of passing the anti-homosexuality legislation. He said First Lady Janet Museveni, who he described as a “very extreme woman”, is ultimately behind the bill.”

“He added that the bill’s most vociferous public supporter, Ethics and Integrity Minister Nsaba Buturo, is a “very bad guy” responsible for a campaign of mass arrests – known by the Swahili term ‘panda gari’ – during the early 1980s under the Obote II regime while serving as Kampala’s District Commissioner. Nagenda said Buturo is using the anti-homosexuality legislation to redefine himself and “will do anything in his power to be a populist.” He advised the U.S. and other donors to refrain from publicly condemning the bill as it fuels the anti-homosexual and anti-western rhetoric of the bill’s proponents.”

·  Thanks to Paul Canning
·  Thanks to Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo, Uganda
·  Thanks to LGBT Asylum News, sidebar
·  Thanks to America Blog, sidebar
·  Thanks to The Washington Post

Sep 12, 2011

THE LORD HAS MERCY...and so does Bishop Raul Vera Lopez, Catholic bishop of Saltillo, Mexico

Raul Vera Lopez, the Catholic bishop of Saltillo, Mexico
Raul Vera Lopez, the Catholic bishop of Saltillo, Mexico has vowed to continue his outreach to the gay community.

¨The Vatican had summoned the bishop to Rome to inquire about a gay-inclusive group of Catholics headed by Noe Ruiz.

Vera publicly affiliated his diocese with the group and sponsored its film festivals, which lead to harsh criticism from the Peru-based Catholic news agency ACI Prensa.

Vera told El Universal on Sunday that the Vatican had not reprimanded him.

“It is no surprise that the Church supports sexual diversity because there are at least 50 diocese in the United States serving gay communities,” Vera said.

He said that Vatican officials simply made observations about his work, but the bishop did not elaborate.

“I will not abandon these children,” he added, referring to children with gay parents. “We cannot abandon people who depend on us.”

Earlier, Vera chided ACI Prensa, which had claimed Vera supported groups that advocate for marriage between members of the same sex and abortion.

“In the Diocese of Saltillo, we have very clear objectives,” Vera told the Zocalo Saltillo. “We work with [the gay community] to help them recover their human dignity, which is frequently attacked at home and in society, and they are treated like filthy people.”

“Some would like to weaken my work on behalf of vulnerable groups, that is what they want, but I'm going to go ahead in the struggle for human dignity which is the principle of the Gospel,” he added. HERE

·  Thanks to On Top Magazine, sidebar
·  Thanks to Bishop Raul Vera Lopez, Saltillo, Mexico
·  Thanks to the Vatican

Sep 11, 2011

WICKEDLEAKS: Madame Deadly Despot, First Lady Janet Museveni, behind Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda

The First Lady of Uganda,  Janet ¨the extremist¨ Museveni
¨According to a newly released US diplomatic cable, the wife of the President of Uganda, Janet Musceveni, "is ultimately behind" the Anti-Homosexuality (AHB, 'Kill gays') Bill.

The cable is amongst those newly released unredacted by Wikileaks. It is signed by the US Ambassador to Uganda, Jerry Lanier.

It quotes a 2009 private conversation with Senior Presidential Adviser John Nagenda, who had just published a column in The New Vision newspaper comparing the AHB to McCarthyism and the Inquisition. He told an Embassy Political Officer:

"President Museveni is "quite intemperate" when it comes to homosexuality, but that the President will likely recognize the dangers of passing the anti-homosexuality legislation. He said First Lady Janet Museveni, who he described as a "very extreme woman", is ultimately behind the bill."  read it all, HERE

Malicious Janet Museveni, Member of Parliament and First Lady of Uganda

"In God's word, homosexuality attracts a curse, but now people are engaging in it and saying they are created that way. It is for money The devil is stoking fires to destroy our nation and those taking advantage are doing so because our people are poor," she said. Mrs. Museveni advised the youth not only to listen to messages on how they can make money but also focus on spiritual growth. "You know that you will lose everything else when you lose your soul.¨ Mrs. Janet Museveni, First Lady of Uganda HERE

·  Thanks to Paul Canning
·  Thanks to LGBT Asylum News, sidebar
·  Thanks to New Vision, Uganda
·  Thanks to Wikileaks

Sep 10, 2011

SALLY KERN, The Queen of American Vileness: “It’s [homosexuality] more dangerous [than terrorism], and yes I think that it’s also more dangerous because it will tear down the moral fibre of this nation.¨

¨Sally Kern makes Sarah Palin look like a smart, sane lady. If you want, you can email Sally at BE CIVIL, this woman is crazy
¨Ahead of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States, Republican member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives Sally Kern has renewed her claim that homosexuality has killed more people in the United States than terrorism...¨  HERE

22 INSANE Things Representative Sally Kern Has Said Politics Buzz A collection of quotes from the worst, most horrible, bigoted woman in the US government.  HERE

·  Thanks to Pink News, United Kingdom
·  Thanks to James Park
·  Thanks to Matt Stopera
·  Thanks to Buzzfeed

Sep 9, 2011

Bigots like Rick Santorum and NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, “are much more concerned about being perceived as bigots than whether they might actually be bigoted.”

Bigots More Concerned About Being Perceived As Bigots Than Whether They Are

Yep, you’re a bigot. by Zinnia Jones
¨...And no, your religion does not have the power to legitimize bigotry. Bigoted beliefs do not become excusable just because a church or a book endorses them. You don’t get a pass on bigotry by claiming that a god agrees with you. People came up with the very same justifications for all kinds of prejudice. It changes nothing. Like it or not, your religion will evolve. It might deny this, it might lag behind, but religions are dragged along with the moral climate of society at large. The Catholic Church doesn’t hold trials of alleged witches anymore. Mormon leaders decided that God changed his mind about allowing black people to be ordained. And some day, you will have to face the reality that your 2,000 years of moral theology are helpless next to a moment of moral reflection.¨ please read it all, HERE

Pick from a peck or pairs of prickly bigots
¨In the end, such people will learn that trying to isolate themselves from ideas they don’t like, particularly in today’s world, will be to no avail.¨  Dr. Lionel Deimel HERE
Canon Dave Doveton, Bigot HERE
Bigots: Old Birds of a Feather
Anglican Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi/Uganda, Bigot Extraordinaire HERE

TO THE AFRICAN ANGLICAN BISHOPS CONFERENCE/UGANDA: The persecution of LGBTI Anglicans/others ought not be ignored HERE
·  Thanks to New Civil Rights Movement, sidebar
·  Thanks to Zinnia Jones
·  Thanks to by David Badash
·  Thanks to Counterlights Peculiars, sidebar
·  Thanks to Preludium, sidebar
·  Thanks to Canon Mark Harris,   HERE
·  Thanks to Dr. Lionel Deimel

¨...2,000 years of moral theology are helpless next to a moment of moral reflection.¨ 
Zinnia Jones

Sep 7, 2011

NOOSE AROUND ¨GAY NECKS¨ LOOSENED IN UGANDA: Anglican MP David Bahati´s ¨Anti-Homosexuality¨ bill ignored by Parliament Business Committee

¨Today Uganda's Parliament Business Committee discussed topics to be brought before the Parliament in the next quarter. The Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009 was not included.

According to Frank Mugisha, Executive Director at Sexual Minorities Uganda, "information is that the bill can not be debated in a 2nd reading it has to be reintroduced and has to go through all the initial stages."

Frank Mugisha, Executive Director at Sexual Minorities Uganda, monitored the situation at Parliament today. He provided a brief report on Facebook.

There is no SIGN at all that the bill will be discussed today , and it does not appear on the order paper of parliamentary business today, will watch parliament and keep you updated , however information is that the bill can not be debated in a 2nd reading it has to be reintroduced and has to go through all the initial stages...¨ HERE

Behind the Mask contacted sources in Uganda's Parliament and believes that "debate on the anti-gay bill is postponed indefinitely."    HERE

·  Thanks to African Activist, sidebar
·  Thanks to Behind the Mask, sidebar
·  Thanks to Parliament Business Committee, Uganda
·  Thanks to Frank Mugisha, Sexual Minorities Uganda

Sep 6, 2011

JOYOUS MOMENTS IN THE THICK OF REALITY: Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, Democrat, Enters Into Wisconsin Senate Race

“From day one, I have always been open about my sexual orientation,” Baldwin said on the call. “I think that integrity is something that is important to voters.”
(Madison, Wis.) U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin entered the race Tuesday for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by retiring Democrat Herb Kohl, becoming the first Democrat to officially jump in the contest.

Baldwin would be the first openly gay U.S. senator.

The seat is one of at least eight open spots that will help determine the balance of power in the Senate, where Republicans need to pick up just four seats to take control.

One of the most liberal members of Congress, Baldwin had been saying since Kohl announced his retirement in May that she was seriously considering a Senate bid. Her congressional district includes the city of Madison, a liberal Democratic stronghold, and some surrounding rural areas.

Baldwin, 49, made her announcement in an email and video announcement to supporters early Tuesday. If elected, she would become the first openly gay member of the Senate.

Baldwin, the first woman whom Wisconsin voters sent to Congress, was also the first person elected to Congress after announcing they were gay. She was first elected in 1998.

She downplayed the historic significance of her candidacy during a conference call with reporters Tuesday. She said she supports equal opportunity for all people, regardless of race or sexual orientation, but that her focus of the race will be on fighting for the middle class.

“From day one, I have always been open about my sexual orientation,” Baldwin said on the call. “I think that integrity is something that is important to voters.”

She called for a new federal stimulus plan focused on improving schools, roads, bridges and other infrastructure in order to put people to work immediately.

“I hope we hear the president calling for that later this week,” she said.

Baldwin also used her video message to mention her opposition to the war in Iraq and her support for ending the war in Afghanistan, as well as to hint at the obstacles her candidacy will face as she seeks to win her first statewide election.

“I’m used to facing challenges head on,” she said. “When I first ran for Congress in 1998, people counted me out. But we worked hard, campaigned across south-central Wisconsin, and we won.”

Republicans are sure to go after Baldwin’s liberal voting record, hoping to sway independent and moderate voters their way in a state that has swung between handing President Barack Obama a 14-point win in 2008 and kicking Democrats out of power in the Statehouse in 2010...¨ please read all about Congresswoman Baldwin, HERE

·  Thanks to 365 Gay, sidebar
·  Thanks to LOGO Online
·  Thanks to Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin
·  Thanks to The Associated Press

NO SALE: Focus on the Family´s anti-LGBT Rhetoric

Gay scapegoating not the cash cow it once was
by Jeremy Hooper
¨Focus on the Family's Citizenlink, the political action arm from whence most of the organization's most pointedly anti-LGBT rhetoric comes these days, is in desperate of a cash influx:

CitizenLink this week sent an email to constituents pleading for $2.3 million in 30 days to avoid a budget shortfall. If the money is not raised, “our ability to act on your behalf will be severely, and perhaps irreparably, hurt,” wrote Tom Minnery, CitizenLink executive director.

Citizen Link sends plea for $2.3 million to stay afloat [The Gazette],   HERE

·  Thanks to The Gazette
·  Thanks to Jeremy Hooper
·  Thanks to Good As You, sidebar
·  Thanks to Flickr Photosharing
·  Thanks to Joe.My.God., sidebar

Sep 4, 2011

¨UNITY IN DIVERSITY¨ : The Anglican Diocese of Waiapu requests the New Zealand General Synod/Te Hinota Whanui to decline the Anglican Covenant

The Anglican Diocese of Waiapu
¨The Diocese of Waiapu affirms its desire to remain a member of the Anglican Communion, valuing highly our common faith, mission, tradition and liturgy. We do not believe that the proposed Anglican Communion Covenant will enhance the life of the Communion and request that the General Synod/Te Hinota Whanui declines to sign the Covenant...¨ HERE

Welcome to Waiapu

¨Stunning vistas, picturesque landscapes, art deco buildings, rolling surf beaches, and above all vibrant, passionate people make up our diocese in the North Island of Aotearoa New Zealand.

We are known within our Church as a diocese committed to youth, social services, unity in diversity and, as our Mission Statement says, ‘Knowing Jesus and making Jesus known’. Watch the video message from our Bishop below to discover more about this place of abundant waters...¨ HERE

·  Thanks to The Anglican Diocese of Waiapu, HERE
·  Thanks to Bosco Peters, HERE
·  Thanks to Comprehensive Unity, The No Anglican Covenant Blog, HERE

Sep 2, 2011

ARE YOU *LISTENING* ARCHBISHOP ROWAN WILLIAMS? Most African countries, including Uganda, Zimbabwe and Ghana – all of have been accused of witchhunts against gay people.

Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, off to visit President Magabe, Zimbabwe,  in October HERE
Forty of the 54 Commonwealth member states retain a ban on homosexuality

¨Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has called for next month’s Commonwealth heads of government meeting to discuss gay rights.

The meeting, to be held in Perth, Australia, should discuss issues such as the decriminalisation of homosexuality and legal protection from harassment, Mr Tatchell said...¨ HERE

·  Thanks to Gay Kenya, sidebar
·  Thanks to Pink News, United Kingdom
·  Thanks to Peter Tatchell

DANCING WITH DEATH IN GHANA: ¨As evangelical Christianity has seen its fastest growth on the continent, gay communities have simultaneously grown more open...¨

¨...At seaside dance parties where beer and reggae flow to all and sundry, it’s no longer uncommon for men and women in Ghana’s capital city, Accra, to test the waters and try to pick up companions of the same sex. Even in conservative Ghana, it seems that gays and lesbians are taking steps out in the public domain, at least at night.

But like elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, a backlash to that new openness has erupted as well. Since late May, it has spilled out onto the radio. Hours are spent debating whether gays should be allowed to exist here. Then Ghanaians wake up to national headlines screaming that gays and lesbians are dirty and sinful and ought to be locked up.

The pattern is becoming a familiar one throughout sub-Saharan Africa. As evangelical Christianity has seen its fastest growth on the continent, gay communities have simultaneously grown more open. The parallel developments have led to a growing list of countries in which politicians and media outlets have both incited and exploited social panic around sexuality. In the late 1990s, a beleaguered Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe drew global attention as he invited violence against gay people and blamed the country’s growing troubles on the European deprivation he said they symbolized. Since then, similar moments have struck in places stretching across the continent. Most recently, Uganda has been embroiled in controversy over a proposed law that would, among other things, allow the death penalty as a punishment for homosexuality. The authors of that law are closely tied to the U.S. religious right...¨ please read it all, HERE

·  Thanks to LGBT Asylum News, sidebar
·  Thanks to Frankie Edozien
·  Thanks to Colorlines