Oversized painted apaste/ceramic |
Greetings to friends, collectors and visitors to Antigua/Guatemala,
¨Convite¨ (costumed street dance) 4´x 4´ |
I have been working as hard as I can at the foot of the Volcan de Fuego/Guatemala on another collection of art work for me and for you.
Fuego #1, 4´x 5´ (painted on panel) |
During the past year(s) I´ve had several eye surgeries and they scared me. I was afraid that I would lose my eyesight, or have it so lessened, and I may not be able to continue doing the art that seems to spill from my heart as it gives me great pleasure. Having had seperated retinas in both eyes, different times, was a little daunting. However, I am glad, grateful and plain amazed that I was able to continue to work in my studio between surgeries, post surgeries and during the various times of healing. I have a very capable assistant, H. Leonardo M., who keeps both keen eyes on me and my sometimes smudges
Oversized ceramic pot, painted/polurethaned |
Helping me see was/is a very good and kind thing and I now have a greater appreciation for the challenges that many with sight-problems face...a very brave lot they are!
¨Carnival¨ 4´ x 8', painted on panel |
I was helped by several dear friends as my last surgery, past November, was done in a up-to-the-minute fully equipped eye clinic in Northern California.
Painted table, Orchid chairs |
Big thanks to my niece, Jennifer Fisher, for being such a great nurse, eye specialist (bravo Dr. Wendel) locator and hostess who offered reassurance, transportation and extra comfy accommodations to the coward in me. Thanks to Laura Fisher for being a great companion, chef and personal shopper and thanks to FENIX the giant dog who guarded my bed. Thanks to my longtime friend Kelsie Reed in Orlando who aided me from afar as well as many of you here in Guatemala who helped me during my time of urgency: Elizabeth Bell travel arrangements, Burt Pasternak got me to the airport shuttle and Juan Carlos Castillo, Mark and Illsy Creelman helped me, with eyes dialated, get up to ¨emergency speed¨ organized, packed and up, out and ready for travel!
Maya Geometric lamps, handmade lampshades |
Mil gracias!
Lamps, Wall decor, High table/chairs (set of three), bench
A few weeks ago I was able to get a new pair of glasses, my third pair, since the eye problems began. I am relieved, and very happy, to report that my corrected vision is better than it has been for quite a long time. I can see better, work better and my close up work is better than before. Thank you for your support, each of you and thanks to Letty Manne and Burt Pasternak for the welcome home from surgery party in December!
¨Saints and Sinners¨ |
Fiesta, lamp and handmade lampshade
(featuring the ¨Gossip Lady¨ and the ¨Mostess Hostess¨
In the past year, at the request of a friend, I revived a style that I once called Maya Cubism. This collection largely represents the Maya world around me from several personal views...lots of spiritual and emotional REAL goings on that weave their way, like the vivid tapestries created and merged into my life in Guatemala. There are many colorfilled cultural, and vividly costumed, customs that are downright dazzling in Guatemala. Most everything here is laced with passion, color and creativity. Among the most exciting folklore events are the carnivals, rituals, shaman ceremonies and ¨convites¨ that are held in many of the villages on a regular calendar for each place. |
36¨ high, ceramic ¨water saver´ painted/urethaned |
I witness joyous and festive parades, street parties, costumed/orchestrated street dances and processions often that are complete with bombastic fireworks and color-extravagant ¨fuegos artificiales¨ , incense, drums, flutes and sometimes full fledged marching bands.
4´ Bench |
I believe I have captured much of the mystery, vitality and passion that touches my life in Guatemala with the Maya Cubism and Maya Geometric collections. The pictured pieces are either ¨in work¨ or ¨finished art¨ and I have many others too. If you would like to see photos just ask.
Looking from above: Coffee table/round, Ceramic apaste |
I am continuing with my ¨pointalism¨ painted furniture (both custom or displayed in the studio as finished), painted ceramics and table decorative accessories plus NEW lamps (gorgeous new lamps with all custom shades). I paint in all the styles I have developed for decades including various landscape texture ideas with all the geometric style accents that people/yo enjoy.
4´ x 4´ Volcan de Fuego #4 |
Inspiration appears daily before me thanks to the lushness of the landscape and hospitality of the people in Guatemala. My inspiration comes from all the people, what they do, how they celebrate and cultivate their land and lives in Latin America. The people of Guatemala and Latin American countries are amongst the ¨happiest people in the happiest countries in the world¨ according to recent surveys...with good reason.
The Bar, five bar stools, on rollers/moves easily, fully fitted with wine rack, inside/back |
Large Rolling Table (table top view) |
This is the update on some of my work. If you have questions telephone me at country code 502 and cell number 56 56 82 95. My most longtime email, santosiempre at yahoo dot com and/or leonardoricardosanto at gmail dot com (or leave a comment/message here at the blog and I will read it when ¨moderating¨comments).
Leonard Clark/LeonardClarkBeardsley aka Leonardo Ricardo and Len |
4´x5´ Volcan de Fuego #5 |
Len, your art work is amazing! The colors are.brilliant and.reflective.of the culture that surrounds you. The fact that you are able to continue making fine art after the serious eye surgery you had is indeed miraculous! God Bless you my friend. Love Ricardo / Chicago / USA
Len, thanks for the update. I can't even begin to imagine the concern of an artist with vision problems. I'm so pleased to hear that you're doing well now. Your work is gorgeous.
Love and blessings,
Thank you Rich and thank you Mimi...yes, I have lots to be glad about including just moving along without being more emotional than I am already (of course I did eat a few tons of chocolate along the way since I don't drink anymore...good think or I wold be dead from alcoholism). My life continues to be bold and I am very much attuned to life around me. As you know I live in a small village at the foot of the Fuego Volcano...it´s a fabulous little town, very well looked after by the ¨importantes¨ and I appreciate all that they do keeping services current and keeping our lives happy. Thanks for your comments and thanks for being such great longtime friends. Leonardo/Len
Well Leonardo, I was lucky enough to get one of your pieces the easy way, I won it! It sits prominently in my corridor, housing the impossible to harm forever growing Pathos plant. I have seen and admired much of your other work out at Judy's, particularly like the Mayan cubism. Keep on keeping on.
Thank-you for the invitation to your gallery, Leonardo. I love what you do!
Thank you David and Laura for stopping by...yes, it feels a little like my gallery these days...a nice change from when I am pontificating about equality, nonsence from religious extremists and the slowglow over at the Church of England (better not get myself all worked up)...ENJOY and a special welcome to Laura from the England that I love! (I am not eating flour theee days or I would downstairs and make a Yorkshire Pudding a Roast Beef in your honor).
I love being able to see all your work gathered together like this.
Hi Linda, It must be Friday in Cambodia...Happy Friday! I like seeing it here too and there is lots more that I didn't picture which makes me think I might do this more regularly. Nice response and I like nice response and kind words and any positive feedback at all. Siempre, Len
The joy of raucous color and pattern brighten the gloomiest of days and spirits! THANK YOU for all that your do, I love to look at your work!
Thank you Christina and YOU are quite the brightener too! Un gran abrazo and more thanks!
Dear Len, Your work is gorgeous to look at and utterly original too. I have seen houses whose
esthetic has been established
with the introduction of your
pictures and furnitures, and
they are good places to be in.
It is wonderful that you are
well now after your eye treatments. Congratulations !
Hugs Peter
Thank you, Peter
I appreciate your comments especially as you face challenges everyday that I can not but only imagine...you, are a champ who never loses your vision when helping others. My very best to you and thank you, Len
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