Aug 31, 2012

THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION FADES INTO THE SUNSET OF ETERNAL DECEIT: Liars, bigots and religiouslike preachers and greedsters have spoken with twisted minds and selfish hearts.

Republicans believe Democrats are spiritually deformed, evil and/or beyond redemption.  Only the GOP can save us from OUR lazy, feckless, selfish and un-American immoralselves . 
It´s over!  Thank God it´s over.  The Republicans have finished their zesty ¨White Folks¨ (I am also White)  booze-in-performance in Tampa, Florida by nominating a non-alcohol-drinking,  albeit truthtwisting, Mormon to become President of the United States.  Every four years they use their ¨covention¨ to validate lies, blame and shame against everything/everyone other than their demeaning-of-others, do-nothing, congress obstructing, aspiring to and/or already deeply entrenched wealthdriven/greedyselves...they attempt to refocus noxious real acts of destructiveness by attempting to make themselves appear politically/spiritually wholesome.  They indulge in glossy fantasy, idealism and surrealistic pretend.

The entire ¨covention nominating¨ was a spectacle to behold night after night (I forced myself into the chair after turning on the T.V.) that left me speechless (almost).  It was sometimes hard to absorb the fact that GOP folks, dressed up in various cloaks/costumes of self/other American Colonial pretending, actually could believe the ¨altering¨ of their very own pettiness, blatant lies and/or ¨fall for¨ the lack of real reasoning that spewed forth in speeches each night.  Sometimes fashionable/attractive appearing sleezsters were trimmed, dyed, retouched and resurfaced with religiouslike self-righteousness into a faux-Americanism they illustrated with grandstanding, opportunism and posturing.  I believe the shallowness of it all was obvious to most but not to them.  The disgusting words and hatefilled slurs against others, spoke of a ¨prettier¨ Great American reality future by using lies, distortions, vague notions of ¨management direction¨ and/or flat-out twisted truths...a loathsome prime time experience to behold.  Leonardo Ricardo

The Daily Show host Jon Stewart had some fun both swooning over GOP veep nominee Paul Ryan's deep blue eyes and absolutely eviscerating him for the many, many falsehoods he included in his RNC speech this week, like the claim that Obama is "gutting" Medicare when Paul Ryan's budget plan takes the same exact steps.

Watch Stewart do his thing as only Stewart knows how HERE  (Thanks to Towleroad, sidebar)

Aug 29, 2012

NO MORE LGBT YOUTH SACRIFICED TO WITCHDOCTORS: ¨Reparative Therapy¨ fraudsters/abusers will be stopped by new California law!

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The California Assembly on Tuesday voted 52 to 21 in favor of a bill that will protect LGBT youth from treatments by mental health practitioners who falsely claim to be able change their sexual orientation or gender expression.

Authored by Senator Ted Lieu, Senate Bill 1172 is co-sponsored by Equality California, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Gaylesta, Mental Health America of Northern California, Lambda Legal, and the Courage Campaign.

The bill will return to the Senate for a vote to concur in amendments made in the Assembly before proceeding to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk.

This bill prohibits state-licensed mental health practitioners from engaging in abusive treatments that fraudulently claim to stop a young person from being LGBT, often referred to as reparative therapy....¨ read it all, HERE


British archbishop describes ‘freeing’ evil spirit in girl

The Archbishop of York has told peers how he freed the spirit of a girl who feared she was going to be sacrificed by witches.

Dr. John Sentamu said that doctors had been unable to help the child who was unable to move or speak after seeing a goat killed at a “coven.” He claimed she had returned to normal after he said a prayer, anointed her and lit a candle, in what commentators said appeared to have been a traditional exorcism.

The archbishop, the second most senior cleric in the Church of England, told the story during a House of Lords debate on the Health and Social Care Bill to illustrate his belief that health authorities should cater for spiritual problems as well as physical and mental illnesses...¨ HERE


·  Thanks to Governor Jerry Brown
·  Thanks to Ted Lieu, California State Senator
·  Thanks to Senate Bill 1172
·  Thanks to LGBT Nation, sidebar

Aug 28, 2012

MITT ´not-so-likeable´ ROMNEY: Can´t make most dance to his tiresome tune!

In what may be the understatement of the year, Mitt Romney admitted to POLITICO that, “I don’t think everyone likes me.” Of course, his take on the problem is that it’s all Obama’s fault. “What has been the focus of the Obama ads? Do they talk about my record in Massachusetts? Do they talk about my policy? No, they’re all personal attack ads.”

The issue can’t be that he’s unlikeable because “I was voted the president of my fraternity [called Service Clubs at Brigham Young University]…you don’t get voted to be head of your group if you don’t get along with people, if you don’t connect with people.”

Okay. Even if that explains voters’ attitudes, what about all those Republicans in Tampa who’ve been left with nothing to do but watch the progress of Hurricane Isaac and air their grievances? The ones who are fighting back against a power grab by Romney, his legal team, and the party establishment that means to change the rules in order to squash dissent? According to the New York Times, both Ron Paul supporters and Tea Party activists are unhappy over the effort to silence them at the convention. Activist and Paul supporter Jeremy McReynolds is quoted as saying, “They want to make everyone think that we all are united behind Romney. That’s not true.”

Herman Cain spoke at a Sunday night rally to pump up the Tea Partiers. Even though he finally backed Romney in May, he told CBS Sunday that “If everyone had competed fairly and honestly, I’d probably be the nominee being nominated this week.” Hmm. Sour grapes much?...¨ HERE

·  Thanks to Addicting Info, sidebar
·  Thanks to  o
·  Thanks to POLITICIO
·  Thanks to The New York Times

Aug 27, 2012

SICKER THAN MAD DOGS: Republican party platform draft supports African countries which persecute gays

Noxolo Nkosana was viciously attacked and raped in South Africa because she is a lesbian. So why are the Republican party defending African counties which allow this madness? (Picture courtesy of BBC)
Get a grip!  The Republicans will go to any length, ANY LENGTH, to please their cast of selectively Scriptural, selectively moral faux-Christians and the rest of the grabbers, takers, haters, thugs, thieves and bigots within the GOP (Greedy, Oppressive, Pandering) they have strung along for votes these days/daze. 

Here is another example how treacherous and dishonorable they really are.  Forget the supporting of corrupt despots and the money thrown toward culturally vertical thieving, kickbacks and the buying of clergy who discriminate against their own LGBT citizens by preaching lies...these dirty GOP political leaders/players tarnish themselves beyond redemption because they know what they do.  The GOP is spiritually dead but still slithers to strike down fellow human beings.  Leonardo Ricardo

¨According to Think Progress, in a draft of its platform, the Republican party is taking a stand on the point of the persecution of gays on the African continent.

But it's for the countries persecuting gays:

Recently, the Republican National Convention accidentally leaked a draft of the party’s foreign policy platform. The subsection on foreign aid contained a rather peculiar criticism of President Obama’s policy in the area:

The effectiveness of our foreign aid has been limited by the cultural agenda of the current Administration, attempting to impose on foreign countries, especially the peoples of Africa, legalized abortion and the homosexual rights agenda. At the same time, faith-based groups — the sector that has had the best track record in promoting lasting development — have been excluded from grants because they will not conform to the administration’s social agenda. We will reverse this tragic course, encourage more involvement by the most effective aid organizations, and trust developing peoples to build their future from the ground up.

Think Progress points out the truth of the matter:

. . . while it’s true that the Obama campaign has worked to protect gay rights internationally, foreign aid dollars aren’t going to marriage equality campaigns — U.S. money is being used to finance legal and journalistic efforts to protect LGBT Africans from being murdered or jailed for their sexual orientation, a point the President made clear in an official memo on the topic:

¨I am deeply concerned by the violence and discrimination targeting LGBT persons around the world — whether it is passing laws that criminalize LGBT status, beating citizens simply for joining peaceful LGBT pride celebrations, or killing men, women, and children for their perceived sexual orientation…Agencies engaged abroad are directed to strengthen existing efforts to effectively combat the criminalization by foreign governments of LGBT status or conduct and to expand efforts to combat discrimination, homophobia, and intolerance on the basis of LGBT status or conduct.

Think Progress is also quick to the point out that the claim that the Obama Administration imposing "legalized abortion" is wrong.¨ HERE

·  Thanks to Think Progress, sidebar
·  Thanks to Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, sidebar

Aug 26, 2012

TAMPA BOUND? REPUBLICAN RED ALERT: Not only do a majority of American voters support marriage equality but they are more likely to support candidates with pro-LGBT postions. UPDATE - Crist endorses Obama!

¨A poll released today by Harris Interactive for Logo TV shows that support for LGBT Americans is no longer a wedge issue among voters.

Not only do a majority of American voters support marriage equality, but the poll also indicates that voters are more likely to support a candidate who takes pro-LGBT positions. 49 percent said they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who supports legislation to protect LGBT students and 48 percent favored a candidate who supports enacting laws to prohibit workplace discrimination of LGBT Americans.

The poll also looked at which issues LGBT voters prioritize compared to the general population. Overall, for both groups economic issues dominate. Looking at LGBT issues specifically, the poll found that while both groups generally agree on which issues are important, LGBT voters care more about marriage equality and workplace protections than American voters overall. Just 1 in 5 general voters said they didn’t care about any LGBT issues.

In terms of progress for LGBT Americans, 77 percent of LGBT voters said the country is moving in the right direction. The poll also found that while LGBT voters favor Democrats, 26 percent still said they would consider supporting Republican Party candidates who had the same positions on LGBT issues as Democratic Party candidates.¨   HERE


Former Florida Republican Governor Charlie Crist
Crist Endorses Obama: ‘Extreme’ Positions Make GOP ‘Incapable Of Governing’ HERE

·  Thanks to Gay Politics, sidebar
·  Thanks to Aaron Teskey
·  Thanks to New Civil Rights Movement, sidebar
·  Thanks to David Badash
·  Thanks to Former Governor Charlie Crist , Republican

Aug 24, 2012

ON THE STREET WHERE I LIVE: I am full of life this morning and it´s time to go walking with the dogs and dodge the cows, goats, chickens and the horses pulling loaded carts on the Calle Real

The Birds are chirping, the dogs are leaping and so am I.  Tomorrow I´ll be 69 years old but for today I think I´ll go visit a orchid finca for the first´s not far beyond the town.

I live in a rural pueblo in the Departmento de Sacatepequez in Guatemala, Central America.  I´ve lived in Guatemala two times in my life and this time I´m retired and have more time to take in the beauty of life around me. 

This morning David, the massuse, came to give me my weekly massage.  He told me that I´m holding together very well and my muscles are strong, my flexibility fantastic, I´m looking good but I best lower my weight in order to remain fit and healthy. 

Que?  Weight?  Denial is a not-so-friendly friend of mine.  Denial and pretend have always been tricky factors when I attempt to take a thorough self-inventory on the subject of weight-gain, self-will running riot, self-centeredness, emotional stress, addictions or anything else.  It seems if I really want to do anything about any shortcomings or overplumping I must face my own reality(ies) straight on!  Life in the REAL? Hark!

I belong to a ¨anonymous¨ fellowship.  I have belonged to this same ¨anonymous¨ fellowship for 33 and 1-2 years and haven´t had a drink of alcohol in all that time.  The results of being part of a fellowship that strongly suggests ¨rigorous honesty¨ from me is that being ¨self-honest¨ has become a priority in my daily life.  Well, mostly it has.  Self-honesty can be a little tricky.  Sure, it helps me identify shortcomings and admit my own wrongs but it also allows me to see some remarkable and good changes in me and how I interact with YOU.  Some times I´m content to simply pass the time away painting or reading all the brilliant stuff, from you, my blogger friends, on the web and I don´t do all the other things that are good for me. Laziness? Sloth? Procrastination?

Once I start keeping my eye´s wide open and focused strongly on me I also notice that I could see all of YOU better too.  Becoming more keenly aware of me and my interactions with you has allowed me a new freedom and emotional balance that I´d never known before.  I become more personally accountable.  I get to be the authentic me and I´m able to accept my shortcoming more easily because I know they will most often ¨slip away¨ after being dealt with, exposed to REALITY and hung out to dry and not left to rot in the back of my mind that sometimes is far too lazy for an active person like me.

It´s almost magical what self-truth is capable of doing when fully operating within the more authentic and ¨open/exposed¨  self-truer version of me.  Acceptance of myself, and often you too, has allowed me to walk through difficult times such as financial insecurity, sickness, lonliness and even bereavement with ¨courage and serenity¨ and emerge quite soundly.   

Thanks be to God and to all of you who have helped me find my way again today.,,you are a gift to me and I appreciate YOU.

Leonardo Ricardo
Central America

Aug 23, 2012

THE BISHOP OF BUCKINGHAM: God is not ¨an angry old man out to get us¨

The Rt. Reverend Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham
¨Bishop of Buckingham Alan Wilson, a married father of five, caused a row in the Church by urging leaders to “get our head around blessing gay people’s relationships”.

He said in a YouTube video for the Out4Marriage campaign: “It all comes down to how we see gay people and how we see God. We don’t actually believe gay people are sick or stunted or criminal. We don’t believe God is an angry old man out to get us.

“Let’s stop behaving as though we did. Recognising gay people are equal means they won’t dilute or spoil marriage but potentially enrich it.”

The video made by the Bishop of Buckingham, The Right Reverend Alan Wilson can be viewed HERE

But, according to the Evening Standard:

¨The Church of England needs a reboot, not a rebrand¨
A Church of England spokesman contradicted Dr Wilson. “Our Church is committed to marriage as being between a man and woman,” he said.

“Opening marriage to same-sex couples would add nothing to the rights and responsibilities that already exist within a civil partnership but would require multiple changes to law, with the definition of marriage having to change for everyone.” HERE

·  Thanks to Thinking Anglicans, HERE
·  Thanks to Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham
·  Thanks to The Evening Standard, United Kingdom
·  Thanks to The Guardian, United Kingdom

Aug 21, 2012

ELECT REPUBLICANS? The All-American Spring 2013 (a nation ¨calls in sick¨ and the ¨trickle up¨ economy kicks in*)

The GOP sleaze/con artists of November -- truth is a very angry reality!
¨Does anybody get what’s happening to the Republican Party? Superficially they look okay – Mitt Romney’s getting ready for his coronation next week in Tampa, and he’s not far behind in the polls – but the reality is the party is falling apart. And this has been apparent for some time now.

The clearest indication was last winter as the primaries got started. They had a bunch of cartoon characters running for president – remember Herman Cain? – but this has been going on for years. Michelle Bachmann always reminded me of that former secretary of state of Florida, Katherine Harris, who liked to do remote stand-up interviews on TV (“Hannity and Colmes”) in profile so men could see her breasts. She ran the worst campaign imaginable for the U.S. Senate in 2006 – then when she’d get in trouble she’d just make stuff up...¨ much, much more, HERE

·  Thanks to Gay Spirit Diary, sidebar
·  Thanks to Josh Thomas

*Can you imagine what would happen if the majority of U.S. citizens use ¨sick leave¨ (or just call in sick) for a day, a week, a month in January? No trips to Las Vegas!  No dental/physical check ups for a year!  No shopping at any of the GOP fundie stores!  Cut way down on gasoline!  Stay home, no eating out (especially at Chick-a-filet). Alternate cities could have citiwide strikes!  Nobody pays any bills for one month or two!  Occupy everything/everywhere because the Republicans are destroying America. 

The people of Americas answer to ¨DO NOTHING¨ OBSTRUCTIONIST REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS who have voided/filabustered every positive act for solid growth/prosperity presented by Democrats and by President Barack Obama for the past FOUR YEARS!

It all could happen, and much worse, just by electing greedy/bigotted/people abusing
Republicans in November!  The price for continuing to lie and screwing fellow citizens may destroy any chance of prosperity (not to mention justice and equality).

Reality just takes some getting used to, so get used to it, Mitt and accomplices!

Leonardo Ricardo

Aug 18, 2012

AN ABUNDANCE OF NATURAL DESIRES: I love color and use it passionately in my real and in my imagined life too.

Today, at the foot of the volcano, in the late afternoon, my friend Juan Carlos took some photos of my most recent artwork.

I sometimes get so close to the actual ¨doing¨ and ¨executing¨ of the work that I feel sort of obsessed.  Not in the ¨must get it done¨ way but into the trying to ¨reach deeper into it¨ thinking and doing as I paint away.

I don´t know quite how to explain it but I think I have so much to ¨portray¨ with my innnermost sense of passion for life.  I have deep resources of rememberance for those people, places and things I´ve appreciated, loved and admired for many, many reasons but mostly they are simple or complex collectables.

I remember much. Even down to a tiny public display of love I once saw demonstrated between two teens when I was a teen decades ago.  They were waiting for an elevator and were beaming with the joy of being alive.  There are so many real life moments that have touched my heart, all the way down to flashing near my soul, I´m so glad to have been so keenly alive.

Summer nights sleeping in my sleeping bag in our back yard when I was a kid and then, suddenly, becoming aware of ¨infinity¨ and my own lack of understanding of what could be beyond the stars.  My lack of understanding the depth of God startled me.

The vastness of it all, as well as the closeness of everyone of you, with me, has always (mostly) been a spiritual and physical thing that I´ve admired and embraced.  Sometimes quietly and sometimes not so quietly as I´m often filled with glee, or pain, or amazement and go ¨on and on¨ (as my Mother would say).

Quite clearly, to me, my artwork represents me seeking beyond the structured life of my understanding.  I strive to go beyond myself by using color. I use color from a down to earth reality and then seek adventure by taking color as far as it, and I, can go. But, like some adventurers I sometimes take the safer way...sometimes I take it all back as I push toward the unknown.  However, each time I go further than I´ve been before as I trudge toward infinity.

Once upon a time, a true story, I was a child riding in the back of my parents car.  My Mom and Dad were in the front and I was standing behind my dad, the driver, looking out the window as we traveled up a very curvy city hill...I remember looking into the cars that were going by in the opposite direction and wondering about each and every person and their lives.  I wanted them to come to my birthday party, whenever that next birthday party might be.

Later we passed a cemetery and I felt sad because I didn´t, and wouldn´t, know all those people who had died...they couldn´t come to my next birthday party, whenever that next birthday party might be.

I was wrong, there are many influences from up close and afar that have been gifted to me...real lives of those living and dead have touched my vision of eternity.

Thank you for being here with me and sharing my life, I cherish your company.

All colors united, Lord hear my prayer

Leonardo Ricardo
Leonard Clark

Aug 17, 2012

NEW! THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO GAY GUYS: ¨I’ll tell you a secret: it’s really a Gospel for Gay Guys...¨ Josh Thomas

JOSH THOMAS: My third novel was published yesterday and is now on sale as an e-book at Amazon, in the United States, the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain
13th century Russian icon, St. Sergius and St. Bacchus; graphic design by Peter Schröder Studio, Amsterdam
Does God love Gay guys? Absolutely – including, and within, their sexuality

¨The Church has always taught that within marriage, sex is sacramental. So the book’s got a couple of communion times in it.

Last month the Episcopal Church approved same-sex marriage rites. It’s local option, so they won’t take place all over the country right at first, but in marriage equality states, local priests will be able to sign our civil licenses, the same as they do for Straight couples.

The Episcopal Church has given GLBT Christians everything we want: our own bishops and priests, marriage, non-discrimination, full respect. That’s great news.

Sure, it took a long time, about 40 years, but as God measures time, this was an eye-blink.

The message of the book is this: we’re free to come back to church now. The Episcopal Church Welcomes Us.

Episcopalians aren’t being trendy, they’re being faithful. God wants LGBTs in church, so Episcopalians have thrown the doors open.

There are other good, welcoming churches of all denominations, on every continent. Whatever church you grew up in or used to go to, you can probably find an accepting community.

I make a case that the Episcopal Church is ideal for Gay people because it’s both Protestant and Catholic, but also that no one should tell you how to think. Go where you’re comfortable; go where you find God in the church’s midst.

My biggest target audience is GLBT Christians raised in the faith, who left because of Pat Robertson and the Pope. Churches have been full of anti-Gay hatred for as long as most of us have been alive. I left too; I don’t blame you.

But times are changing, and churches are, too.

Find yourself a good faith community, test it and join it. It’s much easier to encounter God with other people around. Yes, you can worship on a mountaintop or in the woods, but let’s face it, you don’t do that very often. The community has a purpose: mutual teaching, mutual support.

And it welcomes people with no religious background at all. When we first meet Kent Kessler, his faith is as vague as can be. He doesn’t know much, he’s never examined the claims Christians make for Jesus, and his life is okay without asking about him. He goes to church because his family does, but he just never thought much about it.

I hope Gay guys can still listen when God calls.

But the book doesn’t preach, it tells a story: here’s what happened after these guys fell in love.

Genuine romance changes lives. So does real friendship. We’re never the same. We’re better off for knowing someone and trusting them with our inner selves, the way we really are.

I’ve loved several Gay guys, and they’ve loved me. So this is what I’ve learned from them; God is there inside our love.

Physically, spiritually, emotionally – in every way, God is right there.

I’ll end now with a final observation. Maybe you already know God loves you. I hope you do; it means you’re one of his.

But few of us perceive the height and depth and breadth of God’s love for us. It includes all the things about yourself you hate.

Gay guys have been taught to hate ourselves, and nearly all of us still do, deep down inside. The most homophobic people on the planet aren’t Christians, but Gay guys. “Religious people” have taught us how to do this, but we’re the ones who absorbed the lessons down to the core of our being, where our sexuality is located.

But The Gospel According to Gay Guys argues that Gay liberation began with Jesus Christ. There were these two guys living together, see…

You heard it here first. The idea isn’t original with me, but nobody tells the story like I do.

It takes a Gay guy to tell it; someone who isn’t academic, and whose job doesn’t depend on pleasing anyone else. Chances are your parish priest could tell it, but s/he doesn’t.

I’m the one who’s free to go for broke. So in this book, I do.

If that isn’t worth $6.99, go to the movies or buy yourself another drink. All I can do is tell you the truth; from here on it’s up to you.¨  Josh Thomas (bold emphasis added by Leonardo Ricardo)

You can  download it here

·  Thanks to Gay Spirit Diary, HERE
·  Thanks to Josh Thomas
·  Thanks to Peter Schröder Studio, Amsterdam

Aug 16, 2012

MORALLY CONTEMPTIBLE: Tragically, the position of Rowan Williams on homosexuality continued to change and harden after he reached the throne of St. Augustine

¨Under Rowan Williams, the church has failed gay people¨

The Anglican church is on a path to acceptance of gay marriage. What a shame such disunity has to be caused along the way

Since 2005, same-sex couples in Britain have been able to contract a civil covenant which gives them the same legal protection and framework as heterosexual marriage. It is an act of legislation that has been almost universally acknowledged as a great good, a real advance for social stability and human happiness.

Far more people entered civil partnerships than the government had anticipated, and in the first years a high proportion of them were older couples who had been together in secrecy or semi-secrecy for decades – some from before the time homosexual acts were decriminalised in 1967. The sense of release and liberation, of joy in a newfound sense of dignity and affirmation, was extraordinary. For gay Christians it was a cause of profound thanksgiving to god.

For official church – and here my concern is mainly with the Church of England – is one of the few public domains where this development has been only grudgingly accepted, and in some quarters vehemently opposed. In recent years, while society has moved towards acceptance, the church has arguably moved in the opposite direction.

The ¨disappearing act¨ of Rowan Williams
When the archbishop of Canterbury George Carey was succeeded by Rowan Williams in 2002, most expected a change of approach, not least since Williams himself had endorsed an ethical framework for gay relationships and personally campaigned against the culture of lying about homosexuality that obtains in the church. Tragically, he changed his public position as soon as he reached the throne of St Augustine. Since then the church's line on homosexuality has continued to harden. The CofE has refused to countenance any form of official liturgical recognition for civil partnerships; has sought special exemptions from human rights and equalities legislation in order to continue discriminating against openly gay clergy or gay employees; has repeatedly restated its condemnation of all sexual relations outside heterosexual marriage; and has formally debarred even celibate gay clergy from becoming bishops.

Most recently, the bishops of the CofE have set themselves against government proposals to extend civil marriage to include same-sex couples. Their opposition is above all a public and political stance which is intended to maintain ecclesiastical unity, particularly within the Anglican communion. About half the world's Anglicans are African, and the majority of them are in violently homophobic countries whose churches back harsh punishments against homosexuals, right up to the death penalty...¨ please read it all, HERE Jeffrey John, The Guardian, 14th August 2012

·  Thanks to The Very Reverend Jeffrey John
·  Thanks to The Guardian, United Kingdom

Aug 15, 2012

MIRA - OY VEY ALERT: ARCHBISHOP DREXEL GOMEZ and his denial/fear driven ¨Anglican Covenant Campaign¨ now makes sense -- ¨In the Caribbean region today 20% to 30% of men say they are bisexual¨

Almost one in four Caribbean men today describe themselves as bisexual, a new study suggests.

The preliminary findings of the regionwide Caribbean Men’s Internet Survey (CARIMIS) are in stark contrast to the Caribbean’s traditional image of a macho society with sparse tolerance for homosexuality.

“We have a fair population in the Caribbean that identify as bisexual. Across the entire sample … about 20 to 23 per cent say they are bisexual,” facilitator of the CARIMIS project and director of UNAIDS, Caribbean Regional Support Team, Ernest Massiah said.

The CARIMIS study is being touted as the “largest sample” of the Caribbean MSM (men who have sex with men) population of its kind, done via Internet—surveying 2,560 men throughout 33 territories in the region...there is much more, HERE

·  Thanks to LGBTQ Jamaica, sidebar
·  Thanks to CARIMIS
·  Thanks to Ernest Massiah
·  Thanks to Archbishop Desmond Tutu

PLEASE MEET DAVID RICHARDSON: Florida elects first openly Gay state legislator! BRAVO!

¨David Richardson has become the first openly LGBT candidate elected to the Florida legislature. He won a Democratic primary tonight to represent the Miami-area District 113 in the Florida House of Representatives, and faces no GOP opponent this fall.

Florida had been the largest U.S. state never to have elected an out state lawmaker. It is also among the largest states without significant statewide LGBT non-discrimination laws...¨  HERE

·  Thanks to Gay Politics, sidebar
·  Thanks to Florida District 113, Florida Legislature

Aug 14, 2012

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SOCIAL SECURITY: 77 Years After It Became Law, Social Security Keeps 20 Million Americans Out Of Poverty

Thank you President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
¨Today marks the 77th anniversary of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act into law, creating arguably America’s most successful social program. “We can never insure one hundred percent of the population against one hundred percent of the hazards and vicissitudes of life, but we have tried to frame a law which will give some measure of protection to the average citizen and to his family against the loss of a job and against poverty-ridden old age,” FDR said on that day. HERE

Today, as this table from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows, Social Security is keeping more than 20 million Americans out of poverty:

· Thanks to Think Progress, sidebar
· Thanks to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, U.S. President
· Thanks to ¨Americas most successful social program¨

Aug 13, 2012

CHALLENGE: SOCIOPATH - PSYCHOPATH? Take the online self-diagnostic psychopathy test!

¨Because my article on the sociopathic personality has been one of my more popular articles, I decided to make an online self-diagnostic psychopathy test. The 52 question test examines eleven dimensions of personality to uncover psychopathy and other affective deficit personality types that could be confused for psychopathy including antisocial personality, narcissistic personality, asperger syndrome, and schizoid personality.¨ Kevin Goodman

Note: I use psychopathy interchangeably with sociopathy. Most scholars use sociopath and psychopath interchangeably but some insists a psychopath is the more violent version of the sociopath.¨ HERE

Are you a sociopath/psychopath?

Sociopathic personality is based on an inability to feel empathy for others. Sociopaths are not necessarily violent or maladaptive but they do lack empathy for others and are therefore capable of being manipulative or threatening in order to get what they want. The words sociopath and psychopath are used interchangeably in the research community. The current DSM does not recognize sociopathic personality as distinct from anti-social personality but many researchers believe sociopathy is distinct. Aside from cold-blooded killers and manipulative con artists, it’s believed that adaptive psychopaths have succeeded in authoritative fields such as business, law, medicine, and the military.

About the test

This test is designed to provoke responses that correlate to a number of psychological indicators. Certain combinations indicate a possible personality type.


The Online Self Diagnostic Psychopath Test!

Note: This test should be taken for amusement purposes only. I have tried to accurately replicate personality features to correspond with the correct personality type but only a trained psychiatrist can make a medical diagnosis.

·  Thanks to Cultural Psychology HERE
·  Thanks to Kevin Goodman

Aug 11, 2012

A REPUBLICAN SAFE/SAME SEX ¨MARRIAGE¨ : Mitt Romney hooks up with Paul Ryan!

Paul Ryan as VP Matches Mitt Romney on Homophobia
¨The Wisconsin congressman has voted to ban same-sex marriage and adoption by gay couples, and he voted against repealing the "don't ask, don't tell" ban on gays serving openly in the military...¨ bigots on the runHERE

Aug 10, 2012

ATTENTION PLEASE: Tammy Smith Comes Out as She is Promoted to Brigadier General, Becomes Highest Ranking Gay Military Figure

Army reserve officer Tammy Smith (pictured with her wife Tracey Hepner) was promoted to Brigadier General today, and came out of the closet at the same time, the Stars and Stripes reports:

What she glosses over is that along with the promotion she is also publicly acknowledging her sexuality for the first time, making her the first general officer to come out as gay while still serving. It comes less than a year after the end of the controversial “don’t ask, don’t tell” law.

“All of those facts are irrelevant,” she said. “I don’t think I need to be focused on that. What is relevant is upholding Army values and the responsibility this carries.” HERE

·  Thanks to Tammy Smith, Brigadier General
·  Thanks to Towleroad, sidebar

Aug 8, 2012

GAY UGANDA aka ´GUG´ SPEAKS OUT AGAIN: Dr. Paul Semugoma has come out as gay and he has much to say!

Dr. Paul Semugoma, OUR HERO!
Dear Friends at the foot of the volcano,

For many years I´ve blogged almost every word, every mood, every hope and every time of frustration written by ¨Gug¨ at the blog ¨Gay Uganda¨ (still available at the bottom of sidebar).  Over a year ago ¨Gug¨ stopped his entries. He quite literally stopped writing and many of his loyal supporters and worldwide friends were quite distressed as he´d been repeatedly and hatefully, threatened week after week in his ¨comments¨ section.  Our Gay Activist friend David Kato had already and recently been murdered in Uganda and the well-being of ´Gug´ and his partner of 10 years mattered to us. 
Dangerous it IS to be Gay in Uganda.  

I worry no more and send Dr. Paul Semugoma, my longtime online friend, ¨Gug¨ my very best wishes and great hope for the personal happiness, for he and his beloved partner, during the next part of his very vital life.  Leonardo Ricardo

¨As far as coming out stories go, this one should have been the lead story on all the television stations in Africa, plastered across CNN, the BBC, VOA and every well-meaning cyber news media. It wasn’t.

It should have been the headline carried on the multitude of Uganda’s radio channels and extensive interviews of the man (and reactions from his friends) ought to have been conducted by Uganda’s four main television stations with the intention of making the story dinner-time viewing for the entire country. None of that happened.

Paul Semugoma’s coming out on Facebook should nonetheless go down as a watershed moment in the struggle for Ugandan (and African) gay men and women to live their lives freely in their own countries without having to apologize or justify themselves to vengeful pastors and idle government ministers.

For those who don’t know it, Paul Semugoma is the blogger who, for years, wrote the extremely erudite, albeit ‘cry in the wilderness’ John-the-Baptist GayUganda blog...¨  please read it all, I´m so happy our very own dear friend ¨Gug¨ and his ¨quiet ferocity¨ of a voice have been found  HERE

·  Thanks to Gay Uganda, sidebar
·  Thanks to Dr. Paul Semugoma aka ¨Gug¨
·  Thanks to Sebaspace
·  Thanks to Box Turtle Bulletin, sidebar

CONFESSIONS OF A SELF-ADMITTED SOCIOPATH: Thrill seeking is my real motive -- Part Four

¨Of course there's no point to life. We're just a bunch of monkeys who are very proud of themselves. But just because life doesn't have a point doesn't mean it's not worth living.

Sociopaths are often described as thrill seekers, and I think this is my real motive. Life is a roller coaster. There are ups and downs, you can lean one way or the other, maybe throw your hands up and cheer, or maybe close your eyes, but in the end you are on the track you are on. Maybe you are friendly to the person next to you, maybe you steal their wallet, maybe you don't even care that they're there. The ride will end and you are equally done. More people will ride, but it's just a loop. There is no point. But damn, wasn't that fun¨

Anonymous Sociopath

Aug 7, 2012

VICTIMS OF SOCIOPATHS: Traits before and after -- and the ¨brainwashed¨ accomplices of Sociopaths -- Part Three


Below are the traits most commonly attributed to a sociopath’s target. Every person is inherently different, and that includes each target and the traits that are most pronounced in the individual. An individual would definitely not need any of these traits to be preyed upon.

This is not an attempt to diagnose anyone.


•Difficulty communicating

•A lack of self confidence

•Wanting to please

•A belief that if you love enough the person will change

•A belief that if you love enough the relationship will succeed

•Difficulty establishing and maintaining boundaries

•Not being able to say no

•Being easily influenced by others

•Wanting to be rescued from your life situation

•Wanting to rescue others from their distress

•Being over nurturing particularly when not asked

•Feelings of shame and self doubt

•Low self-esteem

•A lack of memories about childhood or periods of adulthood

•A lack of motivation from within and being motivated by others

AFTER: SYMPTOMS of a Relentlessly Abused VICTIM

This is a very accurate list of symptoms experienced by someone who has had their psyche brutally victimized by a sociopath. With that said, this list is not all-inclusive, nor is it intended to be part of any diagnostic function, whatsoever. These symptoms can also be triggered by many other conditions or events.

The source of this data is from ongoing research, but the majority of the data is derived and confirmed from personal experience … the key word being “majority” There are some symptoms listed here that I have not experienced at all, though they have been mentioned enough for me to accept them as potentially common.

If you, or someone you know, has experienced even a few of these symptoms, seek professional help. Keep in mind, though, that not all “help” is equal. If the professional you choose does not seem to relate to your needs as you would expect or desire, keep looking.

•Emotional paralysis

•PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

•Suicidal thoughts or actions (indirect homicide)

•Loss of interest in life

•Loss of energy



•Depression or Severe Depression

•Numbing of feelings

•Disinterest in having a relationship

•Panic attacks


•Increased anxiety from being alone

•Increased anxiety from being in crowds

•Mood swings

Sources:,, and; personal experience (50+ years)

·  Thanks to Country of Liars, HERE

Two of dozens of comments:


¨...the accomplices my sociopath has surrounded himself with that are still gnawing at me, almost relentlessly so…will they eventually stop? Other than ignoring them what can I do?  They will not listen to reason. They firmly believe that he’s a good man and see me as the evil one. Please help with any advise. Thank you.¨  Catherine


¨It’s impossible to provide a definitive answer, as your sociopath’s disciples have been brainwashed. The likelihood of changing their perceptions is probably nil.

The best thing for you is to be proactive. Clear these people from your life. I know that can be very difficult since they may be family, friends, or co-workers. But whatever it takes, distance yourself. All my efforts to change the minds of my sociopaths’ disciples ended in failure and even threats.

I gave up in changing anyone’s mind, and just have been doing my best in moving forward...¨  Larry

Aug 6, 2012

THE WORLD OF SOCIOPATHS AROUND ME/ASTOUNDS ME: Psychopath vs. Sociopath, Part 2 -- Erratic -- ¨They have no respect for the social norm¨

¨I aspire to have more creativity than the common asshole¨

Sometimes people suffering from Antisocial Personality Disorder also tend to suffer from another mental disorder known as Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Such people are often called narcissistic sociopaths or sociopaths with narcissistic traits and such a situation is a dangerous one, as these people do not want to be helped. Such people often tend to be highly manipulative and without any shred of remorse for their actions, even if their actions have harmed others who are close to them or their family members. There is nothing that can stop a narcissistic sociopath from achieving his goals. He makes use of all his charm which is highly superficial and intellect in order to attain his goals by any means possible. Such people often think that they are above all and they do not really care if anyone disagrees with them.


Many a time people tend to get confused between a psychopath and a sociopath. Though psychopathy is not a disorder that is formally recognized, it is more or less considered to be a form of antisocial personality disorder. People considered to be psychopaths are often paranoid and suspicious and the implications of this paranoia tend to be severe, with psychopaths interpreting all aggressive behavior against them as unjust. Usually psychopaths are organized and they can have normal relationships and they are successful career wise too. These people place a lot of emphasis on planning, especially when planning to commit a crime, they tend to plan for years. However when it comes to sociopaths, they are incapable of maintaining relationships, jobs and they are highly disorganized and erratic. As they have no respect for social norm, they do not hesitate to physically or verbally abuse their victims.

There is much more, oh so much more, be awareHERE

· Thanks to Google/Sociopaths
· Thanks to Sociopath – Sociopathic Personality Disorder
· Thanks to The American Psychiatric Association
· Thanks to Photobucket, Cartoon

Aug 5, 2012

HARK! ANGLICAN ASIAN GAFCON/GLOBAL SOUTH: ¨The Associated Press reported on Sunday that the communist government of Vietnam is officially considering legalising same-sex marriage¨

Will Vietnam become the first Asian nation to legalise same-sex marriage?

Vietnam Justice Minister Ha Hung Cuong
Last month, Justice Minister Ha Hung Cuong announced that his ministry is considering legalising same-sex marriage. Fridae speaks with Le Quang Binh, head of iSEE, a not-for-profit research organisation that promotes understanding of LGBTs in society, about recent developments and societal acceptance of LGBTs...¨ read it all, HERE

·  Thanks to Sylvia Tan
·  Thanks to Fridae, Asia
·  Thanks to The Associated Press

Aug 4, 2012

U.S. SECRETARY HILLARY CLINTON TO PRESIDENT MUSEVENI/UGANDA: ¨It is critical for all Ugandans - the government and citizens alike - to speak out against discrimination, harassment, and intimidation of anyone"

United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Museveni of Uganda
 During her stop in Uganda yesterday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton praised the brave LGBT activists who risk murder and rape merely by being open about who they are.

"It is critical for all Ugandans - the government and citizens alike - to speak out against discrimination, harassment, and intimidation of anyone. That's true no matter where they come from, what they believe, or whom they love," Clinton said. Clinton said she raised the issue in talks on Friday with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, whose government has been accused of allowing political and religious leaders to drum up anti-gay feeling in the deeply conservative East African nation. "You are a model for others and an inspiration for the world," Clinton said to representatives of the group, formed in 2009 to combat draft legislation which proposed the death penalty for anyone convicted of "aggravated homosexuality". HERE

·  Thanks to Joe My God, sidebar
·  Thanks to Reuters, HERE

Aug 2, 2012


I jumped into bed tonight, turned off the light and then various visions of real (mostly) life experiences moved
about in myhead. I couldn´t sleep and neither of the above faces look like mine which added an odd element to dreaming while awake in the middle of the night.
Dear Friends, Followers, Curious bloggers and faceless/nameless Google-ists from afar and the great beyond even further than wherever afar is:

My mind is flowing from place to place and face to face tonight as I remember many feelings and actions that once, and sometimes still, confused/confuse me.  I´m remembering the people and places of it all. 

I´m remembering how once upon a time, in my less sober time, I seemed to always need to be filling-up space, to be overflowing with activity in my life so ¨it¨ wouldn´t leave big voids and emotional blanks that would scare me if I stopped trying as hard as I could to be someone, or handsome, or fine and good...maybe you knew or know of that strident clutching for more-than-my-share of life too?  It was suffocating the process of just living in the ¨right now.¨ 

I would grasp at the very next thing/thought I could attack to save myself from thinking about whatever that self-void, that inside hole, that pending betrayl was that haunted me and drove me so...don´t look back, just go, go, go. I ran!

I didn´t know why the ¨filling¨ up of life was so important...but ¨it¨ was important (vital). I didn´t know how to accept being ¨fully¨ present in reality without ¨doing¨ something to keep qualifying or fitting-in-it or smooching it until I couldn´t breath anymore and passed out (or the smoochie ran for cover).

I knew little of trusting in the world around me without grabbing at life, and many of you, by the edges of the greater energy around me as I insisted on projecting imagined success on-the-run that was mostly self-generated.  I had to find a way to be me, to be ¨someone¨ or I might not ever be a full-fledged person...afterall, I had authentic *secrets* that I only shared selectively (even with me)...wasn´t I different?  Wouldn´t you agree? I better get on with the fixing of me!

So I huffed and puffed and filled-in breaths of fresh air with whatever it took to run as fast as I could away from the spontaneous good that was always inside waiting for me to know *it* confusing it would be to ¨be¨ for over two decades to not ¨be¨ simultaneously with existing as a forgery (mostly).

I couldn´t pull it off.  I almost killed me trying to ¨be¨ a convulted me.  I had to go natural. Native.

I had to face reality sober.  I had to walk through the fears (and hate) that had tormented me...there was no longer anyplace/space to run or hide or grab, snatch, cover or thieve.  It was impossible to pull off being the authentic me without letting me ¨be¨ more patiently .  I surrendered to whatever is, to nature taking it´s course with me, to God of my understanding, to accepting good and also the real character inside of me.  A custom job.

Gore Vidal died.  I liked him (and in some ways he reminded me of the real me).

Peace be with you and with Gore Vidal too.

Leonardo Ricardo

Aug 1, 2012

HOME AGAIN, HOME AGAIN: The garden is heavy with blooms in the ¨Land of Eternal Spring¨

I´m home.  All is well.  The dogs were leaping around me when I returned last night...lot´s of leaping as we´ve got five --that included Coban who was visiting for a week because his mother(s), the stars of many skies, were featured singers at the Newport Folk Festival (and they were heavily praised in the Boston Globe reviews and previews both before and after the festival). 

Big greeting. The birds were chirping and Chepe the Gardener and Juan Carlos the Great were busy doing their Tuesday evening miracle of ¨Night Gardening¨ (It happens every Tuesday and Friday night as Juan Carlos loves working in the garden and Chepe IS the Vice Mayor of this town during the day but he was our official gardener long before public service). 

Me? I went to bed early last night and I´m going back to bed for a few right now.

Love to all of you.  I extend great fondness and gladness for my friends -- especially to those of you who were so kind as to have me as a guest in your homes this past month...and thanks to my work associates too in Austin, Texas...¨our reviews¨ were also excellent!  Un gran abrazo, Len