There is a murderous ¨anti-Homosexuality Bill¨ pending at the Parliament of Uganda and it is being LOUDLY and enthusiastically promoted by Fundamentalist Protestant religions and by The Ugandan Anglican Church .

Dear Friends, we are faced with a Homophobic INTERNATIONAL HATE CRIME Campaign that has been initiated by extremist hatedriven religious CLERGY leaders and wildly supported by their ill-informed and frightened puritan zealot followers.
It´s focus TODAY is in UGANDA and in the form of a deadly¨anti-Homosexuality Bill¨ pending in the Parliament of Uganda and promoted by Fundamentalist Protestant Churches and by The Ugandan Anglican Church. The pending ¨anti-Homosexuality Bill¨ in Uganda is JUST NOW being addressed by The Canadian and British Government at the Commonwealth of Nations Meeting in Tinidad and Tobago:
Britain and Canada today led Commonwealth protests against a law proposed by the Ugandan parliament which would introduce the death penalty by hanging for "aggravated homosexuality".
Gordon Brown expressed Britain's concerns about the parliamentary bill when he met Yoweri Museveni, the veteran Ugandan president, at the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Trinidad and Tobago Fury at Uganda proposal for gay executions, HERE

What Is Homophobia?
¨Homophobia is a word often used to describe a fear of homosexuals. However, it is more useful to consider the ingredients - it's created using societal norms of masculinity/femininity, gender roles and difference. For individuals, homophobia can lead to deep rooted low-self esteem, fear of familial and community rejection and various mental health issues; including feelings of isolation, depression and suicide. In the community and larger society, the impact of homophobia can mean increased violence in communities and increased rates of HIV. In all its forms, homophobia makes health education, HIV prevention and treatment extremely challenging. We must not let hateful and abusive treatment from others undermine our ability to care for ourselves and each other.¨
Be an Ally to Black Gay people:

¨When you see something, say something! People who harass LGBT people often get away with it because people in the community do not respond. Violence often happens against people who are most marginalized, whom an abuser feels like he/she can attack without reproach. If you witness this kind of verbal abuse, harassment, or physical violence you have the power to stop it by intervening, or calling someone in the community who the perpetrators know and respect and get them to stop.¨
Accept Diversity in the Community:
¨Open your doors! There are no LGBT centers in the Black Community. We often must travel outside the community to find places of support and care. You can open your home, apartment or community garden to provide a meeting or social space for people to find comfort and support in their own community. HERE

President Museveni, of Uganda, has not endorsed the private member's bill, which was introduced by a backbencher, David Bahati, in the Ugandan parliament. But Uganda's ethics and integrity minister, James Nsaba Buturo, welcomed the anti-human proposal, saying that he regards the demonizing bill "with joy" because it will "provide leadership around the world". Government ¨ethics¨ Minister Nsaba Buturo ¨thinks¨ his Homosexual Bill ¨executing¨ Homosexuals will provide ¨leadership around the world.¨ Leadership in murdering LGBT people and imprisoning our family and friends. Minister Buturo needs to ¨think¨ again.
BBC Radio 4's "Sunday" program has looked into the situation in the Ugandan Parliament with a bill promoting anti-gay measures and found more of the "deafening silence" within the Anglican Communion that has many asking for a voice of intercession or appeal.
Lowell Grisham of The Chicago Consultation and Colin Coward of the UK-based advocacy group Changing Attitude are among the interviewees in this week's edition of "Sunday."
We believe that the leaders of the Anglican church should speak out, especially to those who are frightened and threatened by this legislation in Uganda. This is a matter of justice and of compassion. We see this as legislation that violates Christ's command that we love our neighbors as ourself and his example to show compassion to vulnerable and marginalized people. HERE

·RESPECTFULLY CALL FOR COMPASSIONATE AND CLEAR STATEMENTS OF CONDEMNATION from Rowan Williams, The Archbishop of Caterbury, The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu (a refugee from Idi Amins brutal dictatorship in Uganda who suddenly remains quiet at the desperate plight of LGBT Ugandans who, like him, may be forced to leave Uganda or be killed), Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of The Episcopal Church and Henry Luke Orombi, Primate of the Anglican Church of Uganda·
¨When you see something, say something! People who harass LGBT people often get away with it because people in the community do not respond.¨
UPDATED: Monday, November 30, 2009
¨The voices of lgbts of color must be heard,¨ HERE
UPDATED at NOON: Monday November 30, 2009
Americans must take urgent action to let the State Department know that it IS their job to prevent the misuse of taxpayers’ HIV/AIDS dollars to slaughter gay people, enrich evangelicals, and deny Africans access to condoms.
Please write letters to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton demanding a hold on PEPFAR funding until strict human-rights, privacy, and free-speech controls are imposed upon all PEPFAR aid. PEPFAR aid must not be given to sectarian religious interests, especially those with violent and inhumane intentions.HERE
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
(202) 647-4000
EMERGENCY NOTE: The ANGLICAN UN, United Nations, HUMAN RIGHTS Observer, Mrs Hellen Grace Wangusa from Uganda, has an office provided by the Episcopal Church (USA) at the Church Center 815 Second Avenue, New York, 10017. The direct office line is (001) 212-716- 6263 and the email address unoffice@episcopalchurch.org
"reprehensible, vile and hateful"
¨The Anti-Homosexuality Bill (2009), now before the House's Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee, proposes life imprisonment for acts of homosexuality and introduces a serious crime called "aggravated homosexuality".
According to the proposed law, offenders must face death if they have sex with a minor or a disabled person, or are found to have infected their partners with HIV. The proposed law, if passed in its current shape, would also punish attempted homosexuality as well as the failure of a third party to inform the authorities of homosexual activity.¨
¨...In Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean nation that is hosting the 2009 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown reportedly raised the issue with President Museveni. And the Canadian government, which is conservative, reportedly described the proposed law as "reprehensible, vile and hateful". HERE, from All Africa
U.S. Warns against International Efforts to Criminalize Homosexuality
Although her subordinate Eric Goosby seemed to defend no-strings aid to Uganda last week, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this afternoon said international efforts to criminalize homosexuality are “unacceptable.” HERE
Anderson condemns Uganda anti-gay law
Episcopal Church House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson has issued a statement condemning the pending Ugandan legislation that would imprison for life or execute people who violate that country's anti-homosexuality laws saying it would be a "terrible violation of the human rights of an already persecuted minority." HERE
·Thanks to Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, sidebar
·Thanks to We Are Part of You
·Thanks to Prime Minister Gordon Brown
·Thanks to Living Out Loud With Darian, sidebar
·Thanks to Episcopal Cafe, sidebar
·Thanks to Wikipedia
·Thanks to The Reverend Colin Coward
·Thanks to The Reverend Lowell Grisham
·Thanks to The Chicago Consultation
·Thanks to Gay Uganda, sidebar
·Thanks to Changing Attitudes, United Kingdom, sidebar
·Thanks to Truth Wins Out, sidebar
·Thanks to All Africa
·Thanks to U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton
·Thanks to President Bonnie Anderson, TEC House of Deputies
·Thanks to Scott Gunn, Photo Peter Akinola (hiding his face/soul)
·Thanks to The BBC