Jul 9, 2013

GRATIFYING - A PLEASURABLE EMOTIONAL REACTION: Avoiding a passive mind is important to me and assists me when I pretend to have good character that I may not have.

Taking responsibility, self-accountability and focusing on self honesty (with me and toward others) are the keys to operating more successfully in REALITY for me. Sometimes I do better than other times, but I always MUST avoid blaming/shaming others to make myself feel more whole, better, more honorable, more worthy, less desperate. Comparing to others creates a fake self-image/mental picture of myself.

Not having a passive mind and learning how to engage in saying NO, YES and MAYBE (and then changing my mind if I need to readjust my thinking/beliving) are essential living patterns for me...knowing I am responsible, not manipulative, unfairly demanding and/or codependent keeps me rightsized (and to a degree free of manipulating others with the use of pretend, wishful thinking, grandiosity or out right lies cleverly deliviered).

Pretending to have virtues I don't have but act/say that I do is dangerous for me and acting as if I do have personalmerits I don't have is a chronic mistake. I know what good virtue represents so I try NOT to represent it if I don't own it.  Having good personal character is different than grandstanding, prancing/dancing around it in order for others to think I am a marvel of wisdom, talent and good. Portraying good character is unhealthy for me.  Keeping my eye on reality, mine and other peoples, gives me the ability to live with greater joy, sometimes deep sorrow or even just live in the REAL world in a profoundly appreciative way and more modest way.  It's my lot to face the challenges within me but I have trust that just being the authentic me is a huge gift and is enough.  More will be revealed (and ought be) as I travel toward my 70th birthday next month.

Leonardo Ricardo/Leonard Clark

Sacatepequez, Guatemala
Central America

* Thanks to my friend Carolina at Santiago Atitlan for stimulating my self-searching this morning

Jul 8, 2013


Anglican Archbishop Nicolas, pro-capital-punishment

Capital punishment: 

¨Those who rape and kill must be killed¨

 Primate of Anglican Church

Primate of the Church of Nigeria,
Anglican Communion, Most Rev. 
Nicholas Okoh,
 has joined in the bashing of those opposed 
to capital punishment in the country, 
saying they are ill-informed.
The Influential religious leader
 was reacting to the objection of foreign
 countries and international bodies
 on the recent execution of four inmates
 in Benin, Edo state.
The United Nations, Amnesty International
 and European Union, among others had 
opposed the action of the state 
there is more


Thanks to Three Rivers Episcopal, sidebar
Thanks to The Daily Post, Nigeria

Jul 5, 2013

WARNING TO HOMOPHOBIC ARCHBISHOP OROMBI/UGANDA - OKOH/NIGERIA - GAFCON: Homophobic speeches result in arrests in the United Kingdom (and U.S. Visas will be revoked for perpertrators of anti-LGBT evil/hate)

American Street Preacher Arrested In Britain For Homophobic Speech

The religious right has a new martyr in former Los Angeles County police officer Tony Miano, who was arrested in Britain earlier this week for allegedly using homophobic speech as he preached to passersby on the street. Via the Christian Post
He was found to be in violation of Public Order Act Section 5, for "using homophobic speech that could cause people anxiety, distress, alarm or insult," Miano said in a YouTube video posted on Wednesday. Preaching from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, Miano spoke about sexual sins for 25 minutes before being cut off by Metropolitan Police officers who said that although preaching in itself is not an offense, the specific part of the Bible he was preaching from was interpreted as homophobic by the woman who called to complain. Miano told police officers that he doesn't hate homosexuals, and then reiterated that he was preaching about all forms of sexual immorality – lust, fornication and addiction to pornography. He said that he "loves homosexuals enough to bring them the truth of the Gospel."
Miano claims he spent seven hours in jail. His encounter with the police begins at the 25:00 mark in the video below. A transcript of his interview at the police station is hereAccording to the Christian Legal Centre, which is representing Miano, police initially offered to let him off with a £90 fine, but then decided to prosecute him after he vowed that he would repeat his actions. It's unclear if any prosecution will actually take place...¨ thanks to Joe.My.God and the Christian Post:

Jul 3, 2013


Kenyans should not discriminate against homosexuals, should be respectful to them, and should grant them dignity and human rights, says Archbishop Charles Daniel Balvo, the Pope’s respresentative toKenya .

Archbishop Charles D. Balvo
Archbishop Charles D. Balvo, papal representative to Kenya
AllAfrica.com reported:
Speaking after commissioning a Sh400 million [US$4.6 million] pastoral centre at the Embu Catholic Cathedral in Embu town, Balvo said the Catholic Church does not approve of homosexuality but it recognises the dignity of every individual.
“The homosexuals should be defended against violation of their dignity and human rights, they are human beings like anyone of us,” he said. …
His remarks came in the wake of a call by the Amnesty International to the US President Barack Obama to use his ongoing trip to Africa to speak against threats to gays and lesbians which are reported to have reached alarming levels in Africa.
Sexual relations between men in Kenya is punishable by up to 14 years in prison, but that law is rarely enforced.
Balvo is new to the position of Papal Nuncio to Kenya.  At last month’s ceremony where Kenya President Uhuru Kenyatta welcomed him and other ambassadors, Balvo said, “Mr. President, as you strive to improve the lives of the people of Kenya, you can count on the generosity of the Catholic Church, to help the sick, the orphans, the homeless and all those who live on the margins of society, in order to make that same society more humane and just.”

Jul 1, 2013

JOSH THOMAS - Pride Day Gallery: Bye-Bye DOMA, Hello Equality

Posted on  by Josh

Jim Borgman of The Cincinnati Enqurier won the Pulitzer Prize for this drawing.
Jim Borgman, Pulitzer Prize winner, The Cincinnati Enqurirer.
(The Rev. Deacon Leilani Nelson)
Love and flowers. (The Rev. Deacon Leilani Nelson)
Castro Throng, 6.26.13 (The Rev. Deacon Leilani Nelson)
Castro Throng, 6.26.13 (The Rev. Deacon)
A Tuesday night, not a weekend; 6.26.13. (The Rev. Deacon Leilani Nelson)
A Tuesday night, not a weekend; 6.26.13. (Deacon Leilani)
Cynthia Wides & Elizabeth Carey, trying the knot at SF City Hall.
Cynthia Wides & Elizabeth Carey, trying the knot at SF City Hall. (source unknown)
The Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Ogletree, retired from the Yale Divinity School, is up on charges now for officiating at his son's wedding. (Christopher Capozzelielo/The New York Times)
The Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Ogletree, retired from the Yale Divinity School, is up on charges now in the United Methodist Church for officiating at his son’s wedding. (Christopher Capozzeielo/The New York Times)
The minute Edie Windsor found out she beat the United States government. (Ariel Levy/The New Yorker)
The minute Edie Windsor found out she beat the United States government. (Ariel Levy/The New Yorker)
The most famous building in the world went Gay.
The most famous building in the world went Gay again; it always does, every year, it’s got Pride.
SF 6.26.13. (The Reverend Deacon)
Equal: imagine that. (The Reverend Deacon)
Ernest & Louie, Apostles to the Queers.
Ernest Clay & Louie Crew, Apostles to the Queers. That whiteboy’s gonna be a saint someday, you know he is, so let’s remember the gorgeous guy he takes such delight in.
Priests of the Orthodox Church of Georgia beating a man for being Gay. Priests! (Reuters)
Priests of the Orthodox Church in European Georgia beat a man for being Gay as a police officer tried to get him to safety. Priests did this! May they rot in hell. (Reuters)
International Day Against Homophobia, May 17, Cuba. I didn't even know there was such a day, but Castro's daughter got involved. (Ramon Espinosa/Associated Press)
International Day Against Homophobia, May 17, Cuba. I didn’t even know there was such a day, but Castro’s daughter got involved. (Ramon Espinosa/Associated Press)
Jen Rainin and wife Frances: doggy & flags.
Jen Rainin and wife Frances: doggy & flags; nice chair. (Source unknown.)
Keith Ford kisses his fiancƩ Robert Hart, FDNY, 6.30.13. Watch out, people, the person who saves your life might be a Homo Sexual. (James Estrin/The New York Times)
Keith Ford kisses his fiancƩ Robert Hart, FDNY, 6.30.13. Watch out, people, the person who saves your life might be a Homo Sexual. (James Estrin/The New York Times)
Prop 8 plaintiffs Kris Perry and Sandy Stier wasted no time; they got married by the Attorney General of California. I think that's their oldest son looking on. (Dustin Lance Black, winner of the Academy Award)
Prop 8 plaintiffs Kris Perry and Sandy Stier wasted no time; they got married by the Attorney General of California. I think that’s their oldest son looking on. (Dustin Lance Black)
San Francisco, 6.26.13. I ran this on my prayer site and escaped unharmed. (Deacon Lani)
San Francisco, 6.26.13. I ran this on my prayer site and escaped unharmed. (Deacon Lani)
Mark Carson murder site, Greenwich Village, New York, May 17.
Mark Carson murder site, Greenwich Village, New York, May 17. (The New York Times)
More American. (Deacon Lani)
More American. (Deacon Lani)
One magazine, June 1963: we've been at this a long time, since before the word Gay was adopted. The editors couldn't conceive of actual legal rights, they wanted to promote relationships. Fifty years later, I believe that marriage equality, more than any other right we still need, is what breaks the back of homophobia. (bluetruckredstate.blogspot.com)
One magazine, June 1963: we’ve been at this a long time, since before the word Gay was adopted. The editors couldn’t conceive of actual legal rights, they wanted to promote relationships. Fifty years later, I believe that marriage equality, more than any other right we still need, is what breaks the back of homophobia. We’ve won, people, you can stick a fork in it. (Russ Manley/bluetruckredstate.blogspot.com)
Paul Katami & Jeffrey Zarrillo. (Patrick Fallon/The New York Times)
Paul Katami & Jeffrey Zarrillo. (Patrick Fallon/The New York Times)
World LGBT acceptance map, according to the Pew polling organization.
World LGBT acceptance map, according to the Pew polling organization.
Where it starte - which is why New York, not San Francisco, will always be the world's Gay capital. We fought back; that never happened before. We fought back. (source unknown)
Where it started – which is why New York, not San Francisco, will always be the world’s Gay capital. We fought back; that never happened before, though there were earlier protests in California and D.C. We fought back in New York – and the word spread worldwide. They scared the cops; that’s what made the difference. (source unknown)
Unconstitutional. The Castro, SF, 6.26.13. (Deacon Lani)
Unconstitutional, you mother——: The Castro, SF, 6.26.13.(Deacon Lani)
Butch boys. Let's give that man a Pulitzer Prize. (adamandandy.com)
Butch boys: Let’s give that man a Pulitzer Prize. (adamandandy.com
 Thanks to Josh Thomas
Thanks to Gay Spirit Diary, sidebar