The No Anglican Covenant Coalition · Anglicans for Comprehensive Unity
Dear Supporters:
Thank you so much for being part of the
No Anglican Covenant Coalition. If you have seen our latest
News Release then you will know that much has been achieved in the year since we started the campaign.
Perhaps the most significant two pieces of news are firstly that the Tikanga Maori defeated the Covenant at their biennial runanganui; making it very likely that Covenant in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia will be defeated.
Second, four dioceses of the Church of England have rejected the Covenant (Birmingham; St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich; Truro; Wakefield). What is significant is that where synod members were provided with balanced background material (i.e., material that presented both the case for and the case against the Covenant), the synods have voted it down. Four dioceses,
where little or no material was presented other than officially sanctioned pro-Covenant material, have approved the Covenant (Lichfield; Durham; Europe; Bristol).
If eighteen more Church of England Diocesan Synods say “No” to the Covenant then it will not go back to General Synod and the Church of England will not adopt the Covenant. Clearly, we need as many Provinces as possible to ask the Archbishop of Canterbury to reconsider. I feel that if the Church of England says "No" then a re-evaluation of this dreadful document would need to happen.
We are tremendously grateful to our Episcopal Patrons,
Bishops John Saxbee and Peter Selby, who are working to encourage a full and balanced presentation of the proposed Covenant in the Church of England.
Please help us by letting us know what is going on in your area (particularly the date that the Covenant will be debated in your area/Church/Diocese) and by campaigning for a proper debate – encouraging debates to have both “For” and “Against” speakers. When that happens and people understand the document properly then the message about how unwise, unpleasant and unhelpful the Anglican Communion Covenant is shines through.
We have many resources and are willing to send them to you if that helps – please get in touch. In the meantime, I think an excellent new resource is the Presentation against the Covenant by
Perran Gay in Truro.
Christmas greetings from one of the ¨Viveros¨ just up the street from my home, Sacatapequez, Guatemala, Central America, Leonardo Ricardo, No Anglican Covenant Team |
I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of all the No Anglican Covenant team, to wish you a very happy and blessed Christmas, and a very peaceful and joyful new year.
With very best wishes and many thanks,
Rev’d Dr Lesley Crawley
Moderator, No Anglican Covenant Coalition