Ugandan ¨Ethics¨ Minister Says God Against Gays, Calls For Witch Hunt James Nsaba Buturo simply can't help himself! The Ugandan "Ethics" Minister, who has long pledged to fight the
homosexual scourge besieging his homeland, recently insisted that anti-gay activists shouldn't fear violent repercussions because God's on their side:

¨Dr Buturo told Africa's Sunday Monitor that there is no need to beef up security for anti-gay activists in Uganda because God is protecting them.¨
"It's true gays are rough people but men of God should not fear their intimidation. Ugandans should strengthen their mobilisation against the gay movement because the government is also committed to support them," he said.

Buturo also spoke about how the gays have infiltrated local schools and are "
luring" students to the
lavender side.
The government and loyalists, said Buturo, should begin compiling a list of
suspected queer interlopers and, you know, have a good, old fashioned witch hunt: "I appeal to the
investigative arms of the government to quickly compile reports of such students and their schools so that tough action is taken against them."
Read it all, click here for more on ¨Queer Interlopers and Witch Hunters¨ in Uganda:Ultimate Media
¨The Minister of Ethics and Integrity,
Dr. James Nsaba Buturo has today told a conference organized to discuss the ways to
fight Homosexuality that he will soon submit a bill on pornography and homosexuality for discussion in Parliament.
The conference that took place at Parliament was organized by Defend the Family International, an organization in the United States of America that was formed to
fight homosexuality.¨
A bizarre trio of American anti-gay leaders arrived in the Ugandan capital of Kampala Thursday to stage a three-day seminar, “Exposing the Truth Behind Homosexuality and the Homosexual Agenda,” in a country where homosexuality is a crime punishable by death. They are, click here:¨Buturo says the he will present the bill against pornography first before presenting that against homosexuality though he declines to mention exactly when these bills will be presented to Parliament.
He says pornography is partly a cause of homosexuality since it negatively affects the morals of the victims of pornography and makes them easily susceptible to the vice of homosexuality.¨ 
¨Ethics¨ Minister
Buturo to present larger ANTI-LGBT legislation that he hopes will assist in
sensitizing schools and churches in the fight against homosexuality.
¨He says the provision in the
penal code on homosexuality is too small to cover all concerns in homosexuality.
Buturo says the government will not only end at making laws against homosexuality but will also engage
in sensitizing schools and churches in the fight against this vice.¨
The Ugandan fight against ¨this homosexuality vice,¨ click here:
¨The President of Defend the Family International,
Scott Lively says it is good for the government of Uganda to
criminalize homosexuality but the government should subject the criminals of homosexuality to a
therapy rather than imprisoning them.¨
¨I am not sick Mr. Lively¨ read it all, click here:¨
Lively says this is aimed at the
criminals recovering from homosexuality which is the main objective of those fighting homosexuality and not to punish homosexuals through imprisonment. He says even schools should borrow this idea of therapy in dealing with gay students.¨
¨He, Mr. Lively, is a Conspiration Theorist. A person who forms a theory on causation, and then goes ahead to wrap all perception of his world around that theory. His theory explains all perceptions. Whether it is the gay agenda wrapped in the Nazi supremacy, or the macho gay men who caused the Rwanda Genocide. Anything that seems to question his theory is attacked, dismissed, irrelevant. And, if you dont believe him, you are of a reprobate mind, or you are a closet homosexual following the Homosexual agenda. No. I am not joking. (I wish I was)¨ read it all, click here:IMPORTANT WARNING from author/historian Michelle Goldberg regarding
Scott Lively´s anti-gay Holocaust revisionism: ¨To me, one of the more sinister aspects of AFA's ideology is its association with anti-gay Holocaust revisionism -- the belief, promoted throughout the hard right, that not only were gay people not targeted by the Nazis, but that they were the primary mover behind Nazism. One of the most important proponents of this view is Scott Lively, AFA's California state director and co-author of a book called "The Pink Swastika." I quote Lively's work in my forthcoming book, "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism" (which, in the name of self-promotion, I'm going to note is available for pre-order at Amazon.com):
Mr. Lively states in his book: "Like their Nazi predecessors, today's homosexualists lack any scruples. Homosexuality is primarily a predatory addiction striving to take the weak and unsuspecting down with it. The 'gay' agenda is a colossal fraud; a gigantic robbery of the mind. Homosexuals of the type described in this book have no true idea of how to act in the best interests of their country and fellow man. Their intention is to serve none but themselves." read the entire critique by author/historian Michelle Goldberg of Mr. Lively´s revisionist ideas (quoted in this paragraph) accusing Gays of being the ¨movers behind Nazism¨ click here:
DEADLY WARNING: Anglican Fundamentalist/Extremists Bishops Pete Akinola of Nigeria and Henri Orombi of Uganda
threaten the right for LGBT Christians and other to EXIST and exclude LGBT ANGLICANS at all levels of Churchlife!
PRAYER REQUEST A Call to Prayer for Nigeria On the Same Gender Bill Debate, read it all, click here: ¨Has anyone ever heard of blaming the murderers?¨¨I thought I was being a bit hard on the fundamentalists yesterday, because for the life of me I try to be fair and I dislike attacking anyone's sincere religious beliefs.
sodomy law advocacy goes too far. So does Holocaust denial.
So does threatening my right to peacefully exist.¨ Eric
¨They are despicable, they are
The Enemy, and I'm proud to be intolerant of their kind. Legal toleration (i.e., First Amendment), yes. Any other kind, no, none whatsoever, no quarter, no moral sanction whatsoever, none, period. I'll stop calling what they are, ChristiaNazis, the minute they finally stop acting like Nazis or Communists and not one minute sooner.
And, by the way, the first person to bring up "Goodwin's law" has lost the argument. "Goodwin's law" is a crock, and this Prof. Goodwin is either a crypto-Nazi himself or else at best a useful idiot paving the way for another Auschwitz.¨
¨They are despicable, they are The Enemy,¨ read it all from ¨Eric¨ and Steven Malcolm Anderson, click here:UPDATED SUNDAY! ¨Kampala Anti-gay activists in Uganda Saturday
formed a pressure group to discourage homosexuality, following a two-day conference of religious leaders, teachers and social workers in the capital Kampala.
The group, to be called the
Anti-Gay Task Force, is intended to "
fight against the spread of homosexuality and lesbianism in the country," spokesman for the group Stephen Langa told reporters. Same sex-relationships and marriages are illegal in Uganda, and human rights groups have criticized the government for harassing homosexuals.
The task-force said that it would one day "wipe out" gay practices in the African state.¨Anti-Gay Task Force Uganda to ¨wipe out¨ gay practices, read it all, click here:FINAL CONFERENCE NOTE
¨There is much to criticize about the
freakish conference taking place in Kampala, Uganda the past few days. Several blogs, including this one, have done their best to sift through the mess.
Chief among those who are providing information on the scene is Victor Mukasa, blogging for the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC).
Healing by Harming, read it all, click here:
Exodus’ Don Schmierer
Despite the
odious rhetoric and
violent imagery brought to the table by
Scott Lively, the fallacy of “preventing homosexuality” and
"blaming a parent" contributed by Exodus’
Don Schmierer, and the predictable
babble coming from International Healing Foundation’s
Caleb Brundidge, the following stood out to us as perhaps the most disheartening bit of all.¨
International Healing Foundation’s Caleb Lee Brundidge
The Great Tragedy of the Ex-Gay Conference in Uganda by David Roberts, click hereEx-Gay Pundit Criticizes Exodus Over Uganda Antigay Conference, click hereMONDAY MORNING FOLLOW UP FROM UGANDA¨To Scott Lively;
so much bigotry spewed, cesspool opened, stink in the air you leave me feeling defiled, raped in need of a bath...¨ read it all directly from Kampala, Uganda, click hereMONDAY MORNING FOLLOW UP FROM THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTEuropean Parliament’s Intergroup condemns Ugandan parliamentarians for meeting anti-human rights militants. European Parliament’s Intergroup on Gay and Lesbian Rights strongly condemns the meeting of 5 March between several Ugandan parliamentarians and Scott Lively, Don Schmierer, Caleb Lee Brundidge and Stephen Langa of the USA and Uganda-based groups working to diminish human rights of LGBT persons.¨read it all, click hereMORE ANTI-LGBT FEAR AND HATE-MONGERING REPORTED ON TUESDAY (added from Florida by LR)
Scott Lively: The Gay Agenda Is “To Turn The Whole World Gay”, read all about Gay's "turning the world Gay" click hereCLEARING UP THE LIES and AFTERMATH IN UGANDA REPORTED ON WEDNESDAY (added from Florida by LR)
The "Anti-Gay in Uganda" Part One, THE ONGOING CAMPAIGN OF SLANDER, read it all, click hereThe "Anti-Gay in Uganda" Part Two, THE LIES YOU TEACH, read it all, click hereURGENT! BREAKING NEWS! THURSDAY! "
Homosexuality is a 'moral and social holocaust" Anglican Church of Nigeria:

Bishop Peter Akinola of Nigeria, demonizer of fellow Christians and others, also leads a
insidious campaign to nationalize/institutionalize fear and hate at every level of Nigerian society by abominating/demoralizing LGBT Christians, Muslims and others.
The Nigerian government tried to criminalize the freedom of association and assembly for Gay people and their Straight friends three years ago, but couldn’t get the bill through Parliament after an international outcry, including by the U.S. State Department under President Bush and Secretary Condoleeza Rice. Now we have a new administration that’s up to its eyeballs in economic worries, so the Nigerian government, in collaboration with the Anglican and Catholic churches, is trying again. They’ve cut the jail time from 14 years to 5, but even a month is enough to kill ya in a Nigerian jail." read it all, click hereOPPRESSIVE, SEVERE and ANTI-GAY Human Rights Legislation is being considered at THE NIGERIAN House of Representatives TODAY! Read it all at Gay Uganda and
Changing Attitudes (both at the right side bar).
"Meanwhile, in Nigeria
The House of Representatives, Nigeria
Homosexuality is a 'moral and social holocaust' which threatens the 'continued existence of this nation' and brings 'disastrous consequences to mankind' - according to the Anglican Church (Nigeria)." read it all, click hereNIGERIAN GAY ACTIVIST SPEAKS OUT
*any of our friends who knows that we live together would be subject to punishment. For knowing that my lover and I have lived together all this long, in love and harmony. They have ‘aided and abetted’ our love.
*Our friends would actually have tougher jail terms than me. For aiding and abetting me and my lover.
*The definition for gay marriage is “as gay people living together”. So, there you are. A new definition. Just living together. Not having sex. Not caught kissing. Gay people are plain not supposed to ‘live together’
*Any gay organisation is criminal." *Read it all, click hereNIGERIAN CHURCH SUPPORT FOR LEGISLATION The BBC reports under the headline Nigeria gay activists speak out
Church groups spoke in favour of the bill, saying that gay marriage risked “tearing the fabric of society”.
“In the Bible it says homosexuals are criminals,” Pius Akubo of the Daughters of Sarah church told lawmakers.
Rev Patrick Alumake told the National Assembly the top leadership of the Catholic church in Nigeria supported the bill wholeheartedly.
“There are wild, weird, ways of life that are affecting our own culture very negatively, we have people who either by way of the media or travelling around the world have allowed new ideas which are harmful to our nation and our belief,” he said.
According to reports in Nigerian media The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) was outspoken in its support for the legislation. See below the fold for detailed reports. Read it all from THINKING ANGLICANS, click here
Peter Akinola,
anti-gay religious/political campaigner and instigator of oppression in NigeriaNIGERIAN ANGLICANS RAMP UP THE ANTI-GAY RHETORIC "Having just posted my last entry "Nigerian Anglicans ramp up the anti-gay rhetoric," I wandered over to The Pluralist, who had also just posted on the Church of Nigeria anti-gay campaign. Pluralist's Expel the Nigerian Church - Time to Move On says it better, digs deeper and tells it like it is. Read it." Read it all at PRELUDIUM, click here"EXPEL THE NIGERIAN CHURCH" (Anglican Communion), The Pluralist:
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Expel the Nigerian Church - Time to Move On
Nigeria is clearly a place obsessed by homosexuality, no matter what else is going on that troubles that land. On top of laws already existing to outlaw homosexuality, it would outlaw "homosexual marriage", so it seems much of this would be to allow police to harass people who are suspected of simply living together in a relationship and to imprison both them and anyone who helps them.
It is law making that is clearly discriminatory in the sense known in the early days of Nazi power - wide scale, easy to pursue, easy to enforce, scare-based law making that really turns law into a harassment and police as an agent of thuggery. It even uses the word holocaust in its attack on gay people, twisting this historical tragedy against groups and individuals into something against the Nigerian State.
If there is no prospect of gay partnerships in law the alternative is leaving people alone, of live and let live. This is precisely the opposite and reflects a society that doesn't have its priorities right, is obsessed, sacred of its fears, and looking for scapegoats and victims." read it all, there is more, click hereTHURSDAY AFTERNOON CHALLENGES FROM CHANGING ATTITUDES on NIGERIAN ANTI-LGBT LEGISLATION "Same Gender Marriage (Prohibition) Act and the Church of Nigeria’s position paper." By Colin Coward
"...My knowledge of Nigeria suggests there might be other more pressing things to introduce that would benefit the nation. These include policies to deal with the rampant corruption and devastation caused by the oil industry in the Delta region; the violence and killings being perpetrated by cult gangs; and the corruption which is widespread at all levels in Nigerian society. These have a far more corrosive effect than same gender relationships and love...." read it all, click hereTHURSDAY AFTERNOON UPDATES ON UGANDAN ANTI-GAY CONFERENCE AFTERMATHUgandan Conference Leaders Call For Another Meeting While Pushing Pedophilia Theme; Exodus Continues Silence. read it all, click hereTHE SILENCE IS BROKENEx-Exodus Minister Condemns Anti-Gay Ugandan Conference, read it all, click hereSOUTH AFRICAN LGBT ADVOCATES CONDEMN EXODUS The South African Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (SA GLAAD) have added their voices over the Exodus International board member
Don Schmierer’s participation at the anti-gay conference alongside
Holocaust revisionist Scott Lively in Kampala Uganda.
SA GLAAD hereby expresses its solidarity and support for American GLBT advocacy groups who yesterday berated the anti-gay group Exodus International for its public involvement and support of those who are responsible for vigilante violence and state-sanctioned persecution of gays, lesbians and trans people in Uganda." read it all, click hereRELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS HAVE CATERED TO THE CRAZIES FOR FAR TOO LONGSimilar to the Republican Party, religious organizations have catered to the crazies for far too long. The “ex-gay” organization, Exodus International, is a perfect example. It travels the world to proclaim its “love” for homosexuals. Yet, a Board member, Don Schmierer, spoke at a Ugandan conference that pledged to “wipe out” gay practices. Schmierer joined Holocaust revisionist Scott Lively to urge Uganda to continue its persecution of gay people, including life prison sentences for the “crime” of homosexuality." read it all, click hereA DUMB, DEPRESSING DOCUMENT FROM PETER AKINOLA AND HIS CHURCH IN NIGERIA"Simon Sarmiento of Thinking Anglicans has received a five-page document
(PDF here),signed by Peter Akinola and submitted by the Church of Nigeria in support of legislation that would outlaw same sex marriage, which is already illegal."
"It is a chilling document, especially the part where Akinola weighs in on just how long the prison sentences for the witnesses of gay marriages should be." read it all, click here:FRIDAY FROM UGANDA "RUMOUR MONGERING AND SENSATIONALISM"One of the ways of selling the Anti-Gay Agenda." read it all, click here:LATE FRIDAY NIGHT FROM THE U.K. "THE LATEST HATE SPEECH FROM THE CHURCH OF NIGERIA" "If ever you think the Anglican church of Nigeria cannot get more
incoherently bigoted about gay people, you're wrong. The latest proof comes in a position paper (pdf) submitted by the church to a parliamentary committee which is planning a law against gay marriage. Homosexuality is already illegal in Nigeria, of course, as is gay marriage. But the proposed law would provide three years in jail for gay couples who got married, and five years for any witnesses. Earlier drafts have proposed long jail sentences, also, for anyone who argues in favour of gay marriage."
If ever a law were a simple incitement to hate, this is it, and here is Archbishop Akinola of the Church of Nigeria cheering them on:
Same sex marriage, apart from being ungodly, is unscriptural, unnatural, unprofitable, unhealthy, un-cultural, un-African and un-Nigerian. It is a perversion, a deviation and an aberration that is capable of engendering moral and social holocaust in this country. It is also capable of existincting [sic] mankind and as such should never be allowed to take root in Nigeria. Outlawing it is to ensure the continued existence of this nation. The need for doing this is urgent, compelling, and imperative." read it all, click here:
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) related laws vary greatly by country or territory – everything from full legal recognition of same-sex marriage to the death penalty as punishment for homosexual conduct. read it all, click here:A WEEK LATER AND A TUESDAY AFTERNOON FINAL FOLLOWUP ON THE UGANDAN ANTI-LGBT CONFERENCE AT KAMPALA: MORE INSENSITIVE SPEWING of BOLD IGNORANCE and FASCIST MEANSPIRITED ARROGANCE as
FREE...it is "suggested" that you "do" start paying attention to your own "character defects"...your own, Mr. Lively, and stay out of mine and other peoples personal affairs...you may have missed the part about
"God Grant Me the Serenity, to accept the things I can NOT change, the courage to change the things I CAN and the WISDOM to know the difference." Emphasis on wisdom, it's a responsible "first person" kind of thing to do to keep a eye on ones own personal character and will help you exclude
fear and hate-mongering tangents/obsessions or "fund raising" activities that exploit others from your recovery from active alcoholism...only a suggestion, I've been sober for 30+ years, thanks be to God, and it's worked well for me to keep my eye on my "
less than attractive/unwholesome" character defects. I strongly encourage you to do the same and
STOP pontificating about other peoples ill-character (that is, the bad character that
YOU perceive it to be).*
Are you on a dry, egodriven, fear/hatedriven drunk?

Holocaust revisionist Scott Lively offered a defense of his proposal to compel Ugandan gays and lesbians into forced therapy:
"And remember that homosexuality is literally illegal in this country. Imagine how bad things would be if the criminal law were abandoned. By the way, the false accusation against me, now circulating in the US, is that I called on the Ugandan government to force homosexuals into therapy. What I actually said is that the law against homosexuality should be liberalized to give arrestees the choice of therapy instead of imprisonment,
similar to the therapy option I chose after being arrested for drunk driving in 1985 (during which time I accepted the Lord and was healed and transformed into a Christian activist)." [Emphasis in the original]
Lively’s analogy is appalling. A conviction for drunk driving in any U.S. state is nothing like being convicted for homosexuality in Uganda, which carries a penalty of spending the remainder of one’s life in a dank Ugandan prison. And a “choice” between spending the rest of your life in that cold, dark cell and undergoing an unproven, unregulated therapy is not a choice. Lively can dress it up all he wants, but forced therapy is forced therapy.
Exodus International waited nearly a week before announcing that they no longer support the criminalization of homosexuality or forcing people into therapy. We are still waiting for Exodus to explicitly denounce Scott Lively after Exodus board member lent his credibility to Lively’s proposal at the Ugandan conference while remaining silent in Uganda over this proposal. read it all, click here :IMPORTANT UPDATE A WEEK LATERWHAT HAS AFRICA DONE TO ORGANISED RELIGION TO DESERVE THIS?
Al-quaeda is not the only threat to our future freedom
The recent declaration made by the Roman Catholic Pope on the use of condoms while on his way to Africa has caused widespread hue and cry against a church that faithfully supports outmoded principles, no matter how harsh the consequences may be. But the Catholic Church is not the only culprit. At a time when Africa is plagued by social injustices, health disasters and governance issues, do we really need religious leaders crusading for ideological prescriptions that could spell enormous setbacks to health and human rights achievements? The Nigerian Anglican Archbishop has also prayed for the brutalisation of other humans to promote his ideology in a backdrop of Islamist extremism.¨ read it all, click here:Thanks to Gay Uganda, at the right sidebar
Thanks to Cany (Life on the Outside of the Herd), at the right sidebar
Thanks to Ex-Gay Watch, at the right sidebar
Thanks to Classical Values
Thanks to Southern Poverty Law Center Hatewatch, at the right sidebar
Thanks to Flickr Photosharing
Thanks to Episcopal Cafe
Thanks to The Daily News
Thanks to Ultimate Media
Thanks to Truth Wins Out
Thanks to Wikipedia
Thanks to Queerty, at the right sidebar
Thanks to House Of Rainbow MCC Lagos Nigeria, at the right sidebar
Thanks to The Earth Times
Thanks to Talk2Action/Michelle Goldberg
Thanks to Box Turtle Bulletin, at the right sidebar
Thanks to Not the same stream, at the right sidebar
Thanks to 365.Gay, at the right sidebar
Thanks to Akinola, Repudiate Anti-Gay Violence, at the right sidebar
Thanks to Thinking Anglicans, at the right sidebar
Thanks to Preludium, at the right sidebar
Thanks to The Pluralist
Thanks to South African Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (SA GLAAD)
Thanks to Guardian/UK, Comment is Free by Andrew Brown
Thanks to AFRIK.com
Thanks to The European Parliament
A very special
thank you to
¨Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism" the upcoming book By Michelle Goldberg (available for pre-order at Amazon.com)