May 19, 2011

Meet Deputy Speaker Candidate-9th Parliament Odongo Otto: ¨You thought Ugandan lawmaker David Bahati, sponsor of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, was a demon?

Then you haven't met MP David Bahati´s colleague MP Odonga Otto, who says he'd kill his own son if he found out he was A Gay
MP Odongo Otto, Uganda, “young boy making noise in parliament” MP Ruth Nankabiirwa

¨...Makau Mutua, chairman of Kenya's Human Rights Commission, denounced Odonga's remarks. "I am baffled by the kind of hatred you spew against gay people, including your desire to be a hangman. Would you apply to be a hangman if the person to be hanged were your son?"

Odonga nodded. Which is also what you should expect him to do if the Kill The Gays bill comes up for a vote. HERE

Two members of the 9th parliament are in the race for Deputy Speakership. MPs Jacob Oulanyah and Odongo Otto are in this race. HERE

Anglican MP David ¨Kill all the Gays¨* Bahati
Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” Bill Returns: Kampala. According to a BBC Africa Network Report, today’s opening of Uganda’s 9th Parliament has brought with it the revival of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. There had been talk of a procedure by which the new Parliament may take up unfinished business from the old Parliament. If this report is correct, then it appears that this procedure has been invoked. Stay tuned. HERE 

UPDATE: Uganda Parliament Spokesperson: Anti-Gay Bill Has Not Been Revived  HERE

ODONGA OTTO´S FAILED BID:  MP Jacob Oulanya was voted as deputy speaker of parliament by 299 votes. Opposition MP Odonga Otto (Aruu county) got the same number votes as those of Nandala Mafabi contested for the Speaker of parliament seat -- 57 votes. HERE

*Jeff Sharlet interview HERE

·  Thanks to The Daily Monitor, Uganda
·  Thanks to MP Ruth Nankabiirwa, Uganda
·  Thanks to Makau Mutua, Kenya
·  Thanks to Box Turtle Bulletin, sidebar
·  Thanks to Jim Burroway
·  Thanks to Warren Throckmorton, sidebar
·  Thanks to Ronald Kabuubi, AP/Bahati photo

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