May 28, 2011

RE-ELECT PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unwavering ally who has delivered on promises to LGBT Americans/others

Human Rights Campaign ♥ President Obama
"There can be no doubt that President Barack Obama has improved the lives of LGBT Americans more than any president in history. As with any movement for sweeping social change, our opponents have put up roadblocks along the way, but the president has been an unwavering ally who has delivered on promises both great and small. Much more remains to be done, which is why ensuring that President Obama is able to continue the forward momentum toward equality for another term must be a top priority of our community." HERE

-- Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese in an editorial for the Advocate endorsing President Obama's re-election campaign. The GOP hasn't even found a candidate yet... HERE

·  Thanks to the Bilerico Project, sidebar
·  Thanks to the Human Rights Campaign
·  Thanks to Bil Browning
·  Thanks to Joe Solmonese

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