¨God's not all that interested in you falling down. God is interested in you getting up again,¨
Cutié told Episcopal bishops and hundreds of parishioners gathered Saturday at Church of the Resurrection in Biscayne Park for the ceremony marking his return to the priesthood. He spent the past year at Resurrection, studying Episcopal traditions as a lay minister.
It's a denomination, he proclaims, ¨that is welcoming of all,¨ including himself, a once invincible priest who has seen many Catholics ¨act as if I dropped dead, as if I don't exist.¨ HERE
· Thanks to The Miami Herald
· Thanks to Jaweed Kaleem
· Thanks to El Nuevo Herald
· Thanks to Melissa Sanchez
· Thanks to The Episcopal Cafe
I read about Fr Cutié this morning, and I'm pleased to have him in our church. His life as an Episcopalian and as a husband and father is moving along at a fast clip. May God's blessing be upon him, his family, and his parishioners.
I'm hoping he can use his charisma, good looks and newfound freedom to build up the Church in Miami.
Dear Josh, Fr. Alberto has vast experience too with a popular following...he´s a very well-received clergy person who no doubt will refresh his ministry since he has become a Priest of our Church...think about the number of Catholics who come to us and our ¨received¨ because they need a new home for various reasons (especially now)...I once had a very good friend (my best friend), a Irish Catholic who actually thought he was attending Mass often on Sundays (for years) at a Roman Catholic Church...it was St. Marys in Laguna Beach, TEC...I never said a word and I think he passed away not knowing (or he was pretty good at pretending when they got to the part of prayers for the Bishop of Rome and the ABC).
Dear Grandmère Mimi,
We had a horrible storm over the weekend I´ve been having trouble posting and uploading pictures until right now...I also think the Fr. Alberto is going to be a very strong power of attraction at TEC and at The Anglican Communion (or at The Episcopal/Anglican Communion)...Bishop Frey is a good man too and I believe of Cuban decent (as is Fr. Alberto)...Cubans are fabulous, hard-working and enthusiastic/passionate no-nonsense people...exactly what we need more of!
It is good to see a man who has found his liberation and freedom in TEC.
Leo, I'm glad you made it through the storm with only internet service interrupted.
A number of Cubans settled here in Thibodaux. Some are quite conservative, but others are more enlightened. Two ladies live down the street from us, and I think they are...(whisper)...lesbians. One is Cuban. When they moved into the neighborhood, I was the first to visit them, and others in the neighborhood asked me if they were lesbians, and I had to say that I hadn't asked them. I mean, really, was I going to ask them first off, "Excuse me, but are you ladies lesbians?" I still haven't asked, but I believe they are. Our Cuban neighbor is a amongst the enlightened.
Many Cubans are Republican because of the anti-Castro hoopla...OUR Cubans, both mainland and Puerto Rico, are families of the original escapees...I worked for Cubans in Puerto Rico who were very business savvy, paid well and expected everything...that was/is fine with me, I like that combination. My experience is that they are very down to Earth and FUN! Wildly fun, great dresser who love fine things and don´t mind working very, very hard to get them (and keep them).
OUR Cubans, both mainland and Puerto Rico, are families of the original escapees...
Ours are, too, Leo, the aristocracy of pre-Castro Cuba. Of course, they had to leave everything. They are great fun, and we have a lot of laughs, but some are quite conservative and subservient to the pope.
Grandmère Mimi, I never forget the double standard is often in play in Latin America (and the Cubans play it very well and it borders on Amnesia)...great friends, I´m glad you know Cubans too (I have two coming for dinner on Saturday night...they have a construction company in Texas and a home here)...I think I´ll make Mexican Mole and Guatemalan Chorizo/rice combo...both attractive dishes and flavorfilled with Green and Fruit salads too!
I came here to find out if you're all right. I like seeing the date/time stamp above, as well as your thread with Mimi.
Thanks Josh for checking up on me...it´s true, the Pacaya Volcano, the Tropic Storm (what´s her name) and the giant Sink Hole in Guatemala haven´t gotten me...at least yet and I´m having a little dinner party for my eye surgeons on Saturday night...sort of a thank you that they saved my left EYE...yes, I can SEE after FIVE surgeries!
Some of the neighboring towns and cities have had a horrible time of it here and my good friends who are away to the States (and live at the other end of this tiny pueblo) had deep, chest high, flooding and their household is totally ruined (along with three cars). They are such wonderful people and of service to many, Saints...see, it´s not about being good or being bad...it´s about nature´s reality! Sometimes life can be really difficult, thank God we have one another to help us along when growing gets tough.
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