Rick Warren and his deadly ¨religious¨ righteous accomplices in Uganda, read it all, click here:
The Truth About Homophobic Rick Warren, read it all, click here:

¨Bishop Nazir-Ali's political opinions do not reflect the views of the vast majority of prominent Christian leaders or indeed many church going Christians of this country, and stand diametrically opposed to those of the Archbishop of Canterbury, a man of wisdom, intelligence, and exceptional scholarship.¨ Read it all, click here:

Renegade puritanstriving bishops and GAFCON excluders/demonizers of LGBT Anglicans/Christians and *others*...these men insist upon their VERY OWN, yet various and conflicting, versions of PURITY...none speak for my God.

¨A cult is a group of people who organize around a strong authority figure--most often that person is attempting to expand their influence for the purposes of money or power.

¨However, in order to achieve their goals destructive cults, as opposed to harmless ones--use a strong combination of influence techniques to psychologically control their members (Rhoads 1998).¨

Read the official police report, click here:
Grace and St. Stephens was/is a Akinolan CANA NIGERIAN Church takeover target attempt against The Episcopal Church, Diocese of Colorado, United States.
Armstrong+, CANA, +Peter Akinola nor The House of Bishops of The Anglican Church of Nigeria speak for my God who COMMANDS that ¨thou shalt not steal.¨
More than 20 officers cordoned off the block-long church complex at 601 N. Tejon St., evicting its controversial pastor, the Rev. Donald Armstrong, who wandered the sidewalk in clerical garb, a copy of the warrant clutched in his right hand. Read it all, click here:
¨This set of techniques is often called "mind control" or "thought reform".

¨The "Demand for Purity" serves to lower a member's self esteem. More specifically--in many groups there is a demand for "sexual purity" people may not have known this when they first joined.¨

¨Now, it all begins to make sense to me. I am familiar with this kind of self-loathing person who attacks gay men and lesbians!¨ read it all, click here:
¨Frequently they did not know they would be expected to become celibate until the group approved of a sanctioned sexual relationship. It is obviously often difficult to accept such a way of life. Before joining many members may have been romantically involved, engaged, or even married. If a new recruit expresses difficulty in complying with this demanding new lifestyle--subsequent harsh rebukes make him feel bad and negative about these seemingly personal flaws and failings.¨

Former Bishop Jack Leo Iker of TEC-USA diocese of Ft. Worth, Texas, does not speak for my God.
UPDATED FANTASY WORLD OF JACK IKER Engines Runnin But Ain´t Nobody Drivin, read it all, click here:
The Fantasy World of Jack Iker, read it all, click here:
¨Through continually finding ways to lower a follower's self-esteem, often through a relentless and ever-increasing "demand for purity"--cult leaders can more effectively maintain their control and promote dependency upon the group/leader(s) for a sense of self-worth.¨

¨In particular, the Most Rev Peter Akinola, Archbishop of Nigeria, claimed recently that "homosexuality and lesbianism, like divorce, breed a society of single parents which gives rise to a generation of bastards ... an ill−bred generation of hooligans portending much terror to the peace and stability of society¨ read it all, click here:

¨However, for cult recruiters the stakes seem higher than the material world--their frequent belief is that they are vying for souls and essentially providing salvation.¨

¨Many people join cults at a very young age when they are naive and ill equipped to face the cold realities and deception of the world. Moreover, when people are in transitional periods in their lives they are more vulnerable. That is--someone who is essentially in great shape psychologically may be approached during a major life transition or during a crisis.¨

¨They might be recruited more easily after the death of a parent, after moving to a new and unfamiliar location or perhaps after a major relationship breaks up. We should not blame cult victims for their naivete or temporary vulnerability--certainly not when there is little education in our society about the dangers of destructive cults. Many people who have previously held that cult members must be weak or disturbed people--suddenly change their mind when a close friend or family member joins such a group.¨

Read all about CULTS vs. Public Perceptions of them, click here:
·Thanks to Cany at Just Another Black Sheep (at the right sidebar)
·Thanks to Desert´s Child, Katie Sherrod (at the right sidebar)
·Thanks to The Forum Against Islamophobia and Racism
·Thanks to Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, Church of England
·Thanks to End Bigotry in Venango County (at the right sidebar)
·Thanks to Max Blumenthal for The Daily Beast
·Thanks to Lisa Fox, My Manner of Life (at the right sidebar)
·Thanks to The Colorado Independent
·Thanks to Stephen Bates, The Guardian, UK
·Thanks to Flickr Photosharing
·Thanks to ¨Cults: Public Perceptions vs. Research¨
"Cult" IS the operative word, here!
Awesome post Leonardo!
Happy Epiphany!!!
Thanks Leslie! Happy Epiphany to you, your family and Kirkepiscatoid too!
Great post. The pic you have of x-JDS is the last one of him taken in our parish. It is a beautiful place - now.
An important post and an important message.
They 'speak' for nothing other than their own fetid minds
and their presumptuous madness is an affront to God and the Church alike
thanks for the powerful post Leonardo
Thank you David, Göran and Fred...I feel this ¨purity cultism¨ is a the bottom of almost all the very dangerous unrest in many cultures...it´s not hard to see how vaguely well intended preaching of ¨morals¨ can become the instigating of HATE CRIMES against LGBT people, Muslims and others...it´s time these opportunistic and ego driven old men playing ¨dress up¨ start taking responsibility for the harm they create in society...they are hit-and-run specialists mostly who show little compassion as they bungle their way through the lives of those suffering around them...suffering from bigotry or simply self-loathing or plain terror of facing REALITY.
Grandstanding, corrupt and ignorant instigators of hate and fear must be exposed...there is no place for them to hide, not really.
As I put together this ¨purity¨ post...I kept running into information of Nazi Germany and Hitler...although I decided to avoid using it (because frankly, these current day destructionist/purist excluders are informative enough with their outspokeness and thieving deeds) it there was a tone and theme that was EXACTLY the same. I´m afriad Pope Benedict is obsessed with purity, or anti LGBT thinking, he´s not out in the trenches of real life murder, rape etc in Sudan and beyond...he´s writing little memos about LGBT destroying the quality of life...unfortunate.
Hi Leonardo--This is a great post and thanks for including the cult mentality of a certain priest in Colorado Springs.
For a rather interesting different take in Colorado, check this out:
If the link doesn't work, you may have to copy and paste. This is very special.
Hi Bonnie, GOOD NEWS, Bishop O´Neil remains undaunted by the Puritan Cult RECRUITERS FROM CANA NIGERIA that are temporarily poaching at Grace and St. Stephens...most certainly folks in the pews are grasping the value of his leadership and personal integrity after a blindspot of the preaching of deceit, fear and hate-mongering!
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