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Dr. Williams condemns the ¨rotten and disgraceful Ugandan publication¨ |
¨In his press conference yesterday in Dublin, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, condemned the actions of the Ugandan rag "Rolling Stone" (not to be confused with the US magazine) for calling for the hanging of "homos". He pointed out that words matter ..... when uttered by what he called "this rotten, disgraceful Ugandan publication" and they have serious consequences. Responsibility needs to be taken, he said.
The same goes for the Archbishop. Words matter. In the same press conference he defended Ugandan Archbishop Henry Orombi's anti-gay stance. The Irish Times put it this way: "Defending Bishop Orombi, Archbishop Williams, head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, emphasised that, as with other relevant Anglican primates, Bishop Orombi’s position concerned “exclusion from ministry on grounds of behaviour, not orientation”.
Those words uttered by the Archbishop, supporting the institutionalized homophobia in the Church of Uganda, matter. They send a dangerous mixed message that does nothing but perpetuate an atmosphere of fear and discrimination. An atmosphere that could lead to violence and death. He needs to take responsibility for muddy-ing the waters...¨ HERE
Attention Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury:
The "rotten, disgraceful Ugandan publication" Rolling Stone (not U.S. magazine) called for the hanging of heterosexual Anglican Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo along with David Kato. Bishop Christopher was ¨disgracefully¨ excommunited in his retirement by Archbishop Orombi for ministering to desperate, often suicidal, LGBTI Anglicans/other ...his life, Bishop Christophers is in danger as you continue to ¨selectively¨ address the problem of LGBTI ¨outcasting¨ in Uganda by endorsing the punitive acts of Archbishop Henry Orombi.
¨Supporting those who support homophobia is no different than supporting homophobia yourself.¨
¨Words matter. Our words matter as well. We need to continue to urge the Archbishop of Canterbury and all faith leaders to step up and speak out against homophobia. We need to ask the Archbishop to stop speaking out of both sides of his mouth. He needs to hear words that say: Supporting those who support homophobia is no different than supporting homophobia yourself.
Yesterday the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts-Schori, called upon us all to "heal the world". A giant step toward healing is ending homophobia. A good start would be for the Archbishop of Canterbury to recognize his words matter. No more mixed messages. Please!!!!!!¨ HERE
The Anglican Church of Uganda´s Position on Homosexuality
¨From a plain reading of Scripture, from a careful reading of Scripture, and from a critical reading of Scripture, homosexual practice has no place in God’s design of creation, the continuation of the human race through procreation, or His plan of redemption. Even natural law reveals that the very act of sexual intercourse is an experience of embracing the sexual “other”. The Church of Uganda, therefore, believes that “Homosexual practice is incompatible with Scripture” (Resolution 1.10, 1998 Lambeth Conference). At the same time, the Church of Uganda is committed at all levels to offer counseling, healing and prayer for people with homosexual disorientation, especially in our schools and other institutions of learning. The Church is a safe place for individuals, who are confused about their sexuality or struggling with sexual brokenness, to seek help and healing.¨
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Henry Luke Orombi, Anglican Archbishop of Uganda |
"People should respect nature and the great creator who modelled man and woman. He wasn't blind and he knows why he created a man's parts and a woman's parts. Why should anyone try to undo that?" Henry Luke Orombi, man of God HERE
Today I am ashamed to be an Anglican.
¨The accounts of David Kato's funeral have shocked and depressed me as I think of his family and friends gathered there to mourn, but instead being subjected to a kind of pastoral rape.
Yesterday I wrote in hopeful terms that there was an opportunity for the Archbishop of Uganda to live up to the proud Christian history of his country, to bring peace in the midst of conflict.
His predecessors stood up for the Gospel and for justice, and some gave their lives for it - the church he leads now is doing neither. The Gospel they have chosen to embrace appears more ready to condemn than to love, by its actions as well as by its words. That is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The appalling way in which his funeral was handled has ensured that a new martyr has been born in Uganda - and the role of martyrs has always been a powerful force in the spirituality of Uganda.
But unlike the martyrs which the Church of Uganda celebrates, David will be the kind of martyr who, like the prophets of the Old Testament, shines a light into the lives of those who profess to be God's people. What will that light show?
It will show an Archbishop in Uganda who has remained silent, while other Archbishops speak out, and even Presidents express their deep sadness. It will show a church which is content to Scapegoat a vulnerable minority, rather than face its own moral bankruptcy. It has shown the world who the real 'violators' of Lambeth 1:10 are - those who refuse to listen to others - those who refuse to assure homosexuals that they "are loved by God and that all baptised, believing and faithful persons, regardless of sexual orientation, are full members of the Body of Christ" - those who refuse "to minister pastorally and sensitively to all irrespective of sexual orientation".
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¨The Gospel they (Anglican Church of Uganda) have chosen to embrace appears more ready to condemn than to love, by its actions as well as by its words.¨ |
Today I am ashamed to be an Anglican. HERE
· Thanks to Walking With Integrity U.S.A., sidebar
· Thanks to Louise Brooks
· Thanks to Flickr Photo Sharing
· Thanks to Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo, Ugandan Hero
· Thanks to Benny´s Blog