I´m having a little eye surgery tomorrow...it´s a slight tear in my Retina...as usual I get the heebee jeebes when I have to ¨go under¨ for a few...please say a little prayer for my well-being and please God let my nervous tension fall away...I´ll be back with a full report and a eye patch for a few days/daze.
My best to all of you, siempre
Leonardo Ricardo

Last Wednesday afternoon (one week ago) afternoon (after sleeping it off and getting up to take a pill and eat fresh fruit salad) the surgery was 6:00 A.M. this morning...I´ve got a eyepatch and only a slight dull pain. The Opthamoligist, said all went well and I should heal nicely if I follow her instructions over the next week (follow up visit Friday)...Anesthesilogist, was also seemed very professional, although a regular nurse which seemed odd...it was like being treated well and I didn´t feel anything even when they put the needle in my wrist vein...they are both from the country of Columbia and have studied in Europe, South/Central America and The United States they said.
Back to the King size bed (where all five dogs of various sizes and breed are guarding me like carefully...how do they know?)...Violetta is cleaning, the sun is streaming down and the birds are chirping...thanks be to God there are so many blessings in my life (Juan Carlos laid out my clothes for me at the C.O.D./crack-of-dawn and my dear friend Judy came and picked me up/brought me home...the Sunrise this morning was spectacular).
More soon and thank you for all the kind words, friendship and prayers...love to all,
Leonardo Ricardo
FRIDAY UPDATE: Had my followup eyecheck this morning. The Doctor has ordered me to stay in bed all weekend with my head askew...more healing needs to take place inside but I see much better...slight irritation outside and I have new meds. It will be hard to stay in bed´...I´m not the type, but I will (and hold my head askew when reading about all of you in blogland).
MONDAY UPDATE: I stayed in bed most all of the weekend with my head Spiro Askewed. I went early this morning for the update on my eye. The Doctor said it had not improved and suggested another intrusive surgery that is four times more expensive than the first she performed. I calmy asked her to review/write down what she has done to date. I asked for her to write down exactly what she did do and what she wants to do (incidentally the price of the second surgery went up from the original amount she quoted and I pointed that out to her in her own writing from her own notes)...so, thank goodness I have a high placed friend in our Capitol City and tomorrow I will see ¨the most professional¨ Opthamoligist in the Country...he is also widely respected and a Harvard graduate. We will see what he has to report. Meanwhile, I´m trying to see what part Medicare would pay on a torn retina surgery should I opt to come Stateside for the operation...I´ve got wonderful options in terms of cities to go to and friends that would welcome me for a recovery period that may be a week or so. Therefore, tomorrow will reveal quite a lot. Love to almost all,
MORE UPDATE AUGUST 25th (today is my Birthday)
Tomorrow at 11:OO to around 1:OO I will be having retinal surgery...I saw FOUR of the FOUR top specialists (thanks to a dear friend getting me special appointment) in our Capitol City today and two of them will officiate on my retinal tear surgery tomorrow...my vision, as it turns out is 20/20 and they all insist it must STAY THAT WAY! So, off I go, I´m scared again, but hope to be home resting tomorrow late afternoon...apparently I will be in bed for more than a week but I can see a little T.V. and check the computer too...so, I´ll be in touch with all of you dear people whom I love and wish the best for in all that you do. Hasta la vista (literally)
Leonardo Ricardo
JUST GOT HOME. August 26, 2009, Late Afternoon!
It went really, really, well, the Doctors were fantastic the Anatheisioligist was REALLY GOOD DOCTOR (not nurse) and they repaired the torn retina completely...no pain now, but I´m still numb in the forehead area and I will take meds tonight and every 6 and 12 hours after that...must stay close to bed but I wanted to thank you so much for your kind wishes, checking ups and prayers for me...I´ve been as guarding angeled as one could be...more love, avalanches of it, with friends Elizabeth, Tom and Cathy escorting me in for the surgery and waiting hours. Wow. Yours, Len (can you imagine fs had eleven hours worth of this stuff, she´s a far braver patient than I)! FS! My hero!
GREETINGS FREINDS (I typed fiends the first time because I´ve got a patch and my typing ain´t all that exact)...had my day after check up in BIGTOWN, thanks to Elizabeth and Tom driving me in, and the lead doctor who did my surgery, who is the head of the super efficient eye clinic and a Harvard Man, said to me while finishing the brightlight intrusive checkathon that, ¨this is not good...it´s PERFECT! Your retina is attached.¨ Thanks be to God, to him and his associates (a team of three doctors and three nurses worked on me for two hours), my highplaced friend who ¨connected me¨, and ALL OF YOU (interestingly the Episcopal/Anglican Cathedral was/is two blocks away and I passed it going and coming these last days...I don´t attend it anymore for various reasons, mostly Bishop related and unimportant in the big picture of things)...I hang with more with the Romans Catholics these days (who ignore the Bishop of Rome and the local Cardinal like they don´t know who you are talking about when their names are mentioned blankness sets in...mostly, and we use The Book of Common Prayer for our services).
I´m off to bed. All is well, and thank you for being here for/with me!
Giant Abrazos,
Had a great night sleep. All seems well, slight prickly sensations (there are some stictches inside) but have pain killers, antibiotic drops, and blood pressure pills (and Oatmeal Cookies)...I removed patch (per instructions of Doctor) and looked at, and cleaned around, my little eye opening that seemed to be emerging from a state of bewilderment)...read GAFCON, chuckled about Mrs. Crabapple Kennedy, the priestess, which seemed to get my mind functioning again...tooth ferrie, her husband is the toothy ferrie extraordinare with overly bite (one really ought be vaccinated when listening/reading their silly, yet sometimes contagious, poisoness stuff) HERE
Thanks all, back to bed.
I just did my little eye maintainance every eight hour project and I have a full fledged black eye...I knew it would come to this...I mean how good can someone look after a serious eye surgery (two of them in a week)? Thank goodness it is fully hidden under my plastic venilated eyebubble guard and I´ve put a strip of tape directly over the outside of the guard and it covers the worst part...so many new experiences to behold on a rainy vainey day...as if anyone could see me anyway.
I had a quiet weekend with the exception of watching OUR FRIEND Father Jake/Terry on a video produced by The Diocese of Washington and suggested to me by HRH Mimi, Absolute Queen of Southern Louisiana/beyond HERE.
Up and down I went but mostly rested on my right side and celebrated with millions all over the world the life and farewell to another American Hero, Senator Ted Kennedy.
My left eye seems to be improving and now when I look through it I see the top of Juan Carlos´ head (forehead but no eveballs yet) and then the rest appears underwater and fluidlike still...but this is good as the surgeon told me this is exactly what would happen this week as the injected gas disappears slowly and full vision reappears...presto!
I´m still having a big party on Saturday Night for the local FREE library/learning center I´d planned for months ahead (not knowing I´d have eye difficulties)...it´s a fundraiser and some very nifty people are coming...the house is being whipped into shape with fresh paint/etc. by Juan Carlos and some other wonderful helpers and Violetta and I will plan the menu today and the gardner, Chepe, has been planning/replanting parts in my little garden for weeks...the bar is a open affair and their will be a guitarist the first hour in the garden (hope it doesn´t rain) singing heartbroken/wrenching Mexican love songs (I told him to keep it low and less hopeless and more feliz)...all ought be well as I prepare later this week for another Doctor visit at the Capitol (he said I could proceed with the party but I´ll probably wear a patch to the party and sit more than usual as I´m normally running about).
September is San Miguel the Archangel month...I live in one of the many San Miguel named Pueblos in Latin America where he is Patron Saint. This month also comes Independence Day (from Spain)...this place will rock with fireworks and celebrations, processions featuring a statue of San Miguel for visiting private homes for overnights (a honor to host him) each night of the month, regular marching bands and events in the Plaza...a good time and happy time and I´m Thankful to be here and to be healing and seeing for the lively events.
I´ve just returned from my one week away from the surgery and the surgeons (2) gave me a BIG thumbs up...my retina is in place, the tear repaired, the healing will continue for a few weeks, but, wow, I can´t tell you how thrilled I am to be so well taken care of...thank you all for being here.
THE END (of the eye stuff)
Well, not quite:
Today, September 24, 2009. I will have another surgery on my left eye this afternoon...after a seemingly strong recovery, another tear happened yesterday and a more ¨extrensive¨ proceedure will take place at 2:30 today...estimated recovery time 3 months (although I ought be up and about I´ll only have the use on one eye)...just when I thought banging into thesides of doors and missing my ¨mark¨ on canvas was over and only a temporary annoyance...geesh, I´ve always been the artful dodger but this time I´m trapped (and scared)...¨God help me accept the things I can not change¨ comes to mind. Acceptance can be a very freeing word into action...think I´ll chant it, think it and give it another try...it works. I trust God, bottom line, no matter what and the whimpering must cease. Back to bed now for a few more wink/twitches...lol You should see my King size bed; covered/surrounded by five dogs (that know something is ¨up¨)
Love to all, siempre
Leonardo Ricardo

Just returned home from having a two hour surgery...the Doctor says that it all went well and I´m happy to be alive and repairing...the left eye is being treated for a surge in retinal tears and they have injected some kind of oil for six months to keep the heavily lasered walls up...or something like that. All is well, I may not be a coward afterall (I´ll let you know when all the pain killers wear off).
Love to all,
Leonardo Ricardo
Today was the second check up after last weeks surgery. I´ve spent most of the time since last Thursday in and around bed...it´s hard for me to keep quiet as I have so many creative thoughts that run through my mind (I want to jump up and paint painting or do some designing) but, alas, my dear friend Doña Irene gave me a very serious ¨talking to¨ and I listened to her (because she knows many things and has a great sense of humor too). The Doctor checked the surgery recovery and then checked my ¨good eye¨ and reports that all is well. Things are looking very healthy for me and I thank God (and nature taking it´s course), and the blessing of good people around me that have helped me through this difficult and disorienting adjustment/fear...the very thought of losing my eye sent me into a panic that I´ve not known for decades and I´m happy to report peace of mind has returned and I intend to make good use of my ¨gifts¨...I say thank God over and over to myself because I believe that God helped me go through my difficulties...when I feel overwhelmed and powerless I always ask God to help me accept the things I can not change (and change the things I can)...my Doctor was/is another miracle worker and a kind/wise fellow and for him I am filled with gratitude.
Reality and the world around me are fascinating to view...it just takes some paying attention to...I´ll be more attentive because of this health challenge because I don´t want to miss anything.
·Thanks to Flickr Photo Sharing
·Thanks to Irene de Grinnell
·Thanks to Elizabeth, Tom and Cathy
·Thanks to Luis Hernandez
·Thanks to Dr. Luis Felipe Hernandez Mutute
·Thanks to John Holden
·Thanks to Judy Sandlier and Gene
·Thanks to Tom, Paul and Mom/Joyce
·Thanks to Lisa Jensen
·Thanks to Juan Carlos Castillo Fuentes
·Thanks to Violetta the Great
prayers and I am sure the eye patch will suit you perfectly, quite dashing.
Prayers headed your way.
Good thought and prayers, Leonardo.
Prayers, Leonardo!
Prayers ascending!
Prayers ascending!
Prayers for quick healing.
Prayers, Leo, that all goes well and that you heal quickly, love.
I know heebie-jeebies.
Hi Leonardo--Sorry I didn't see your post yesterday. Hope all went well and prayers for a quick recovery and full healing.
Love and many hugs. Keep us in the loop.
Prayers to the God who sees all
Joining the chorus, post op, prayers for healing... keep quiet so your eye can heal quickly.
I had eye surgery on my eyes at age 3 and then 4 (first one eye, then the other), and wore an eye patch for two years, on which ever eye it was that had not been operated on). I was too young to derive any compliments as you will ;)
I went through the same kind of thing a few years ago. Aside from the fact that the local anesthetic for some reason made one eye much slower at moving around and focusing for about a week, it was totally uneventful. Hope you heal as thoroughly and happily! (And that the dogs aren't TOO disappointed when you get out of bed.)
I also missed your earlier first post about the surgery. But we all need rear-guard prayers, too - so WHOOSH, off they go.
Lot's of love your way, too.
You're in my prayers, as always!
Prayers for healing and for eyes as good as new, dear Leonardo. May blessings and love surround you, waking and sleeping.
Thanks for posting the update on your follow-up visit. I've known many people who had a med switch after that visit, so do not be discouraged about that. Yet I know it's staying still that's looming as a restless and boring time. I'll be checking in on you, and of course the prayers roll on. (But, prayers that you be happy being inactive all weekend might be pushing it, I hear God laughing).
Glad to read the followup. Yes, do rest with head askew. Do you have to put in drops every-so-often? And more prayers for your patience in convalescing!
I'm glad to read the update, Leo. Prayers continue. Yes, rest and keep your head askew. Can you have someone take a photo so we can see you with your patch and your head askew? Patches are soooo sexy.
I will not be take advantage of this no doubt, one in a lifetime photo opportunity...I look horrid, unshaven, p´j´s misbuttoned with a recent yogurt/fruit/granola drip moistly twinkling for all to see (my aim is off)...the very idea, smudged in the prime of my Sunset...yes, new drops for the inflmation (didn´t have inflamation any the first day...she says it´s normal in the days after)...what this Doctor doesn´t know is that if I´m to have a second surgery, it won´t be by her...we will see on Monday...I see much better out of the stricken eye now...only a few ¨floaters¨ and I´ve gained on overall clarity...she said the ¨floaters¨ would disappear in the next weeks, almost no irritation and no pain...antibiotic drops only three times a day instead of four...I sleep fine. Thanks for your beside manner and prayers too...it´s so nice to be thought about (even though I´m out here in the ruralmost middle of wherever it is I think I am).
Leonardo Askew
(No, I´m not the former resigned/currently dead Vice President under Nixon)
P.S. Lynn, no chocolate pictures available now that I need them? Something sideways would be nice (no upside downs por favor).
Well, I tried - for posterity sake, you know. There should be a record. ;o)
Dear Mimi, I probably blew out my retina when scripting another attack on the immoral antics of the blockheaded Orombi and Akinola at The Anglican Communion...well, no I do that all the time...maybe it was thinking about the absurd comments of the ABC or his pal +Wright (the smiley faced/glad handing instigator of ignorance, difference, fear, PRETEND, denial and hate)...dangerous twits all with their mindless and slanderous ¨written/spoken emissions¨ that get me going...but for now I must regroup for a few and think the thoughts of the truly blessed who have become flawed in appearance by temporary ¨head askew¨ orders.
Thanks for being here, no ¨close ups¨ please (posted from bedroom infirmary with five doggies on the King size bed to guard against unexpected paparazzi intrusions)!
Leonardo Ricardo the infirmed
Hi Leonardo--"The infirmed" lacks panache. PLEASE get well soon and when you are all spiffy, yogurt foaming free, don the eye patch and post picture. In the meantime, prayers are ascending for your continued recovery.
As to the marginalizing, excluding, ninny bishops--they might just be having a stroke after the Lutheran vote. We are gaining and they are still stuck somewhere in the 17th century.
Hi Leonardo--Is there a Monday update?
Hi Leonardo--I am sure we are all sorry and sad to hear this. Sounds like her greed factor has kicked in big time and her credentials have become a little more than questionable.
Mucho prayers ascending for your safety, well-being and for speedy good medical care.
Leonardo, you get an extra dash of encouragement here tonight, though I suspect it will be read when you get home!
PI sent my guardian angel south...she's going to double-team with yours. She said it was a better gig than the last time I sent her off on such a task (she didn't like going to Iraq at the beginning of the troop surge, was even a bit fussy!)
Hi Leonardo--Prayers for your birthday and your healing.
Off I go in 30 minutes...thanks for thinking of me, and yes, send legions of guardian angeles as they are mucha appreciated...interesting, a ex-Nun nurse is taking me and bring me home...Love to all, Len
Vaya con Dios, amigo!
How did I miss the last update? Happy Belated Birthday and Hasta la Vista, Baby! Prayers are rising.
Happy belated Birthday, Hasta la Vista and Prayers ascending!
I'll send a couple of mine - they are well trained...
Hi Leonardo--TBTG! You were held lovingly (and also with major whining to God) in my prayers at the healing service this morning and thanksgivings for your birthday.
And fs, major hero to many of us.
Thank God the second surgery went well, Leonardo. What a harrowing tale it turned out to be! Heal, my friend. An artist's eyes are precious indeed.
And belated Happy Birthday! What an unusual, "visionary" birthday you had this year.
Hello, Bonnie -- good to see you again. May all of our prayers from across the globe bring renewed strength and optimism to our friend Leonardo -- and to his compadre-esposo Juan Carlos, tambien. Y los perros simpaticos!
Hey fs--Nice to see you too. You are missed.
More prayers from across the pond
Absolutely Fabulous, Dear Leonardo! So happy you are once again perfect! Thanks for keeping us posted!
Abrazos caro amigo!
All is well. Thanks be to God and the second medical team.
Your fiend, Mimi
Once a fiend, always a fiend (they say over at standinglimp).
We, of course, will have none of it.
All is well, it´s FRIDAY and I´m resting well, sleeping well, comfortable, covered in dogs and medicated per instructions...I´ll be nice nice (Mimi I loved watching the Anderson Cooper visit to New Orleans last night on CNN International...we only get his first hour but it was very uplifting).
I want a bowl of Gumbo! Dang!
Best to all,
About the bowl of gumbo, luv. I would if I could, ya know.
Such GOOD NEWS, Leonardo! The angels and archangels and all the company of heaven have been with you, indeed. Thanks be to God!
I found it amusing that reading Mrs. Crabapple Kennedy and the toothie ferrie, sans eye-patch, was what got your mind working again. Maybe such folks do serve a purpose, after all. <:-o
Continued prayers and gratitude for blessings received and blessings to come.
Still prayers, dearest Leonardo, for you and for Carlos!
Leonardo, I'm so sorry I missed your birthday! I must find time to make a belated (chocolate) birthday post. Another year, an attached retina...much to celebrate.
Tell truth. Was it the surgical team, or the oatmeal cookies, that brought on this blessing? :-)
Dear Lynn, I´m eating chicken salad right now, the oatmeal cookies went some where and I´ve got seedless green grapes and lots of hunger (must mean I´m getting well).
I watched the Ted Kennedys Funeral from Boston...they had it live on Fox and BBC...I watched it on BBC.
Ah, yes - a good appetite is one of the best signs! Though I do that under certain circumstances, an oatmeal-raisin cookie is quite close to a balanced meal.
I suppose I should 'fess up - I have the oatmeal cookies. Or rather, I did. I didn't realize they were stolen goods when they arrived. Sorry. :-)
Leo, I just finished two bowls of shrimp-okra gumbo cooked by Grandpère. I thought of you as I ate. I'd share if I could, and that's the truth.
I hope you're "getting better all the time".
Betrayl of the impossible to eat variety...such things mark ones conscience...mine and yours...but, not to fear, my love is stronger than my longing for gumbo and oatmeal/raisin cookies (I think)...healing in Central America, I remain a pitiful sight (but some people want me to cater a ¨Wedding Rehersal¨party with my Puerto Rican specialties...it will pay for more than the both surgeries...I´ll live with that most recent miracle...I´ve never catered before).
Leonardo Ricardo the Hungry
I´ve never catered before)
You can do it, Leo the Hungry. I know you can.
Now, did I ever tell you the one about the delicious layered plantains with cheese and minced beef between each of the layers?
It ain´t Gumbo, but it´s really good.
So funny, when I look through my recently operated eye, it´s like opening ones eyes underwater (at night)...fascinating stuff this recovering (of course it helps that I´ve been told my eyesite will be fabulous again or I´m certain not to be such a ¨sport¨...enter screaming crybaby).
Just finished watching Ted Kennedys funeral at Washington then Arlington (this part was only available in Central America on Fox News...they attempted to keep their collection of morons in line and acted all nice nice (for today).
Abrazos all,
I'll drop you a note - I might be able to help with some hints & resources on the food gig. It depends on the nature of the food, of course. Meanwhile, line up friends who will let you have some refrigerator space.
Sounds like very good progress. it is interesting indeed that you see with more than just the eye and that eyesight has always been clear and 20/20.
best wishes on a belated birthday and ask Lynn to sned you some of those cookies!
In my shame and guilt, I made chocolate chip cookies. Then I realized Leonardo likes them without the pecans, so I guess I'll have to make another batch...
Don´t be silly, I like them with or without pecans and with or without cookie dough. I´m very adaptable (especially when wounded).
Hi Leonardo--Happy to hear all the GOOD news. Prayers for your continued recovery. And, will we get a picture of you in your spiffy, dashing eye patch?
For a man whose left eye is still blurry, you sound VERY busy, Leonardo. That party will be fabulous with guitar and song in your beautiful garden and a menu planned by yourself, all for a good cause. And of course you'll be dashing, even a tad mysterious, in your eye patch. Play it up (but rest when you need to).
Agreed on the Jake video (he's a *good* speaker) and the whole wonderful weekend of Kennedy memorials. He's with his brothers now, and we shall miss him, and miss a very special era, as well. I'm so glad to be able to remember Jack and Bobby and an amazing spirit of optimism that I hope returns to our country someday.
Prayers for continued healing, Leonardo.
Thanks fs,
I just updated the blog and noted that the doctors are really pleased...so pleased (with their work and my recovery) that I did a little inter-American interview for them...complete with black eye photo!
Good news, indeed! Thanks be to God and the medical staff.
Thanks, Leonardo, for keeping us up to date! It sounds like you will be back to your old self(minus torn retina, of course) soon. Should we keep praying?(well, I mean more than usual.)
Thank you for this wonderful news. Just stopping by to say hello, ya know...:-)
Hi Wonderousones,
Your prayers are always welcome...we never close.
So many good things happen in my life, what´s a little torn retina now and then? Just kidding! Just kidding!
It was funny, the pictures they took of me were to go with a print interview and I made them delete the ones I didn´t like (I figured I had the upper hand in the editing department since I was the one doing the free RAVING about the great talents to be found in the medical field, South of los borders. They edited them right out...one had a horrid looking man with a black eye and turkey neck...I don´t know who he was...and nobody ever will.
Vanity under extreme conditions.
Thanks for so many kind words and prayers,
Interviews, photos...Leonardo, you sound like a local celebrity! So very glad to hear that it went so well. Gracias a Dios!
Somehow I missed all these updates until now. Glad the final result is so satisfactory, prayers for continued recovery.
Thanks fs and Brian, poco a poco (little by little) I´m gaining on clarity in my left eye (and the gas bubble they injected is getting smaller and smaller everyday and my remaining vision is coming back into sharper focus...I can see the bubble when I open my eye and last week it looked like I was underwater with my eye open).
I haven't been following blogs much the last two weeks and had no idea your first surgery didn't work out well. Glad things are on the mend and that you are being so well taken care of.
Another note on eye surgery...after the party, a few days after the party, another tear in my retina appeared in my vision (a darkside panel) which was different than before...I went immediately back to the surgeons and they did the surgery the SAME DAY (I´d not eaten that day thinking they might) and the next day prescriped laser treatments too...so, I´ve had my first laser treatment (a piece of cake after the surgeries) and I´m lying low for a week for the next...it´s hard for me to not want to jump out of bed screaming and run into the studio and paint (really nice projects underway)...but, I must show restraint...naturally, restraint is amongst the character virtues I have little of.
Oh no, Leo! I'm so sorry. More prayers on the way, luv. Yes, do show restraint and rest, rest, rest. You must, you know. Promise me that you will be good.
Love and blessings.
Dear Mimi,
I´m being good as gold (however it´s hard to sleep sitting up and I sometimes wake up all toppled over)...one more laser surgery next week...can´t wait, it beats the heck out of the otherstuff they´ve pulled...interesting, the tears were totatlly unrelated, which is a very good thing I´m told...and my eyes still correct to 20-20! I think the Dominionists did it...living in a ¨thick¨ Maya environment, well, it´s easy to start thinking as they do...besides, BLAME is so versitile!
Oh my. I'm sorry to hear about this, Leonardo. Bodies (and Maya) are so slow --and minds/spirits so quick -- but be patient with your dear, good, loyal body, okay?
Prayers for health, for healing, for all the gifts of sight -- for a long, long time to come.
I read the whole thread. I'm glad you're doing so well; glad you got the Harvard man; glad you didn't submit anymore to that nurse-anesthesiologist (man, that s---'s dangerous).
I'd be scared too, but you were a man and got through it. I'm proud of you and grateful for your accomodating friends.
Thanks Josh and fs for the comments and visit.
Well, it´s not looking too rosy this morning...I went back yesterday for my final laser treatment and a entire section in the same eye had ripped again...so, today, this afternoon is a more complicated, around two hour surgery, to remove the lense and fill the ¨cavity¨ with a fluid that will be in place for three months to help restore the area...I´m really scared, but if ¨being a man¨ means surviving 11 hour surgeries and such, like fs did, I guess I try and be a ¨fs¨...last night I had to take a sleeping pill and I just took another half as I need to be fully rested and twitching and worring won´t be of any help...I believe acceptance is the key and I´m still stomping my feet and projecting all sorts of terrorizing thing (well, I´m a artist and in recovery, 30+ years with no drink but still needs mellowing, seems natural to me to fret and/or get overly gratiful, extremes are what I know best and usually I´m on the more positive end of ¨things¨ in my everyday life). I prayed last night for God to help me find the strength as I face ¨the things I can not change.¨ Sugery is this afternoon around 2:30 Central time...thanks for your kind thoughts and any prayers you would offer. Today, more friends will take me and wait for me and drive me home...as I live about one and hour and a half from Guatemala City and the clinic, this is a huge gift of friendship in its self...it´s been that way all along, different friends have stepped up and volunteered to help me (out of nowhere it seems as some are unrelated and don´t communicate)...a very big thing since I can´t drive and public transportation, Chicken Buses, are way out of the question with a bandged/healing eye...Juan Carlos had to work all of last night (security at a large home in Antigua) so I was alone, tonight he ought be here when I return...that will be really nice to have some comforting...yesterday, last night, I felt exhausted from this, felt I couldn´t hardly breathe but while writing this in the mid of night note I notice I feel stronger and more willing to face reality...that is a good thing...now, back to bed.
Thanks again for coming to visit,
Leonard Ricardo
I am so sorry you are going through this. My prayers go with you today and prayers for the doctors and nurses who are caring for you. May God grant you the serenity you need to get through what must seem like a never ending ordeal. I hope you got some rest.
Leo, I'm so sorry you're still having problems with your eye. I'll continue to pray, luv. God's peace to you.
Dear Mother Amerlia and Mimi,
It´s looking good (that is, it would, I´m quite sure if I could see)...my left eye surgery went well and I slept through it like a puppy (except for the last halfhour and I was fully awake and able to see them pour some kind oil into my eye cavity...terribly interesting when one is still partially sedated...if not, it probably would have given me a heart attack/massive stroke.
More later, and thanks for the wonderful and helpful prayers and good wishes.
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