Jan 30, 2011

ATTENTION Archbishop Henry Orombi/Uganda: IT IS NOT OK TO KILL PEOPLE! ++Orombi has encouraged and fostered hatred of homosexuals in his country and around the globe...

...deliver us from evil¨

Schismatic Gafcon Archbishop Henry Orombi, Uganda HERE
¨The readings for this Sunday, too, speak to me about the abuses that have happened this week in Uganda, and elsewhere, against LGBT people. Our first lesson is from the prophet, Micah, which begins with God reminding Israel of all that has been done for the nation.

"With what shall I come before the LORD,

and bow myself before God on high?

Shall I come before him with burnt offerings,

with calves a year old?

Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams,

with ten thousands of rivers of oil?

Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression,

the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?"

He has told you, O mortal, what is good;

and what does the LORD require of you

but to do justice, and to love kindness,

and to walk humbly with your God?

--Micah 6: 6-8
Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with your God. That is what is expected. I wonder if the head of the Church of Uganda, Archbishop Henry Orombi, has any clue or concept that he must read this passage from the prophet and see the error of his ways? He has encouraged and fostered hatred of homosexuals in his country and around the globe. Let's face it: St. Peter's Anglican Church, the renegade crew that left St. John's in Tallahassee with accusations of 'unorthodoxy' and such, is affiliated with the Anglican Church in Uganda. And one need only do a YouTube search to find that the faux priest Eric Dudley is STILL foaming at the mouth about TEC's acceptance of LGBT Christians. I would ask Eric Dudley, Henry Orombi, Nicholas Okoh, Martin Ssempa, Scott Lively, "The Family" on C Street and all the others: where was the justice and the kindness in the offense committed at David Kato's funeral? How was launching into an anti-gay rant at a gay man's funeral a humble walk with your God?

"Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us..."

I am admittedly finding it extremely difficult to forgive what is happening on the ground in Uganda. Ultimately, I know that God is watching what is unfolding there, and my hope rests in the belief that Kato's death may stir some otherwise complacent people to see that the time for silence and wishy-washy liberal excuses about not wanting to appear "colonial" will come to a halt. This is a human rights issue, not a matter of trying to impose foreign rule. It is not OK to kill or to call for the hanging of peaceful people such as Bishop Christopher Senyonjo. People are being murdered for who they are. How is this different from any other holocaust or genocide in history?¨ read it all HERE

· Thanks to Wake Up and Live, sidebar
· Thanks to Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo, Uganda
· Thanks Be to God


Doorman-Priest said...

I thought these Old Testament Christians knew their Ten Commandments!

Bonnie said...

Hi Leonardo--Well, I was just about to offer my thoughts on the "forgive" piece but then I saw the OCICBW current posting on your sidebar and you don't want to know what my reaction to that is! beyond Rowan Williams aka "Choice of Lifestyle" is a quadruple ASS. ARRRGH!

Also, I do have some interesting nice WNC news tidbits I have been wanting to share with you and I am going to send you an email re those. So, if you don't get an email from me, let me know.

Bonnie said...

Hi Doorman-Priest--

I think they have their own version. (Probably comes with some kind of secret handshake.)

Leonard said...

Thanks Bonnie, I got your seperate note and sent you one back--I´m always so happy to see you (and glad that we share the same candid ideas about Rowan Williams and a number of other two-stepping, hop-scotching, Anglican dodgers--really, I wonder if the man thinks that people don´t notice what a big coward he is? Does he not realize that he´s not that SMART afterall? Shifty isn´t smart!

Bonnie said...

Hi Leonardo--Thanks for the note, I read it while sipping my morning coffee. IMHO I think it's all politics for ABC. He is after all a political arm of the British government. Somewhere down the line this is all about money and economic interests. If he actually cared about stopping stupid, senseless brutality he would have spoken more forcefully about the behavior of +Orombi, Akanolia, et al. a long time ago. And, he would never say: "Choice of Lifestyle." That is a very public nudge, nudge, wink, wink to people that it really is OK to be homophobic. So, I keep praying that no one will believe anything he says and we will continue to have the courage to keep moving forward. I am so proud of TEC.