Jan 20, 2011

The World Around Us Ought Truly Astound Us -- That´s what it does for me!

It´s the way that I see things

That makes the World be things

And the World around me truly astounds me

And doesn´t cause me to whine and complain (mostly)

I´ve been busy living around us and painting much of the reality I see.  It´s continously revealed to the artist in me.

Leonardo Ricardo
Guatemala, Central America, 2011 


Frank Remkiewicz aka “Tree” said...

Your work is astounding! Or is it outstanding? Your eye on the world, which you allow us to share from time to time through your work, really does capture something of great beauty!

Leonard said...

Thanks Fred--and your words often ¨capture¨ the world around YOU very well--sometimes even with music! Wow! Viva TEC San Joaquin!

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

What Fred said!

Leonard said...

Dear Göran,

Thanks for the double compliment--I guess there is sooo much wonder in life that is absolutely delicious that when we run into a clearly sour, dishonest ¨note¨ it throws the entire orchestra off for a momento or two!

Good to see you and hope you´ve got your warmmies on for the Winter! You might consider a visit here one Winter to defrost--afterall, it´s the Land of Eternal Spring and we´d love you to come and watch the donkey´s, horses and cows go up and down the street like everything is perfect in the world--it is, isn´t it?

it's margaret said...

Wow. Wow Leonardo. Wow!

Leonard said...

Dear Margaret--it´s because you know what´s around me! This country is lush and beautiful!

Hope to see you here again soon.
