Jan 19, 2011

BELIEVE IN THE DEVIL? By attending Homophobic churches you are being exposed to the demonic, and thereby terribly hurting your spiritual and emotional lives!


By The Reverend Dr. Jerry Maneker

Many people might be surprised to learn that I am a conservative Christian; that I'm theologically conservative and that I'm also evangelical, in that I seek to spread the only Gospel to be found in Christianity: the Gospel of grace, or God's unmerited favor visited upon those whom God has chosen from the foundation of the world.

I also believe in the devil!

I'm absolutely convinced that the demonic has taken over much, if not most, of the institutional Church, as evidenced by hatred touted as "love," and by the false gospels of legalism, perfectionism, exclusion, and genital placement being substituted for the Gospel of grace!

When we fight for full and equal LGBT rights, we are not only seeking to gain those rights, but also portray an accurate view of Christianity!

The two are inextricably linked, as God made LGBT people in God's very image! Once people, LGBT and Straight, see that all of us have been made in God's image, that there are no "queers" or freaks in God's creation, the appeal to God by rank haters will increasingly fall on deaf ears!

You are not a "queer"; you are not a "tranny"; you are not in any way abnormal! You are God's child, made in the exact way and image God wanted to create you, and to in any way despise what God has created is a tragedy and, indeed, sinful, as you are then taking God's gift and throwing it back in God's face!

Moreover, all too many people, LGBT and Straight are, to one degree or another, taking seriously the venom spewed from hatefully ignorant professing Christians, especially pastors, and are continuing to listen to them and even attend homophobic "churches."

Flee homophobic pastors and churches as fast as your legs can carry you!

By attending those churches you are being exposed to the demonic, and thereby terribly hurting your spiritual and emotional lives! HERE

· Thanks to The Reverend Dr. Jerry Maneker
· Thanks to  A Christian Voice For LGBT Christians

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