Hamburg: Ein Toter und sechs Verletzte bei Wohnungsbrand
In einer Altbauwohnung im Hamburger Stadtteil Altona brach in der Nacht ein
Feuer aus. Eine Person starb, eine weitere schwebt in Lebensgefahr.
6 minutes ago
Happy Birthday you wonderful guy!
Here's wishing you a healthy, happy, Vanna-theft-free year and may you meet God every single day!
Leonardo--Wishing you love, joy, blessings (more numerous than the stars), good friends and good fortune in your new year.
With love and hugs.
Happy Boitday to Yew,
Happy Boitday to Yew,
Happy Boitday, LEONARDO,
May yew get nekkid too!
Happy Birthday, Leonardo!!
Happy Birthday Len. Loved the feed about the kid from down under.
Happy Birhday! The Episcopal Church is blessed to count you among our defenders and I am blessed to count you as one of my friends. May this day be very special for you, it is for us.
Feliz cumpleaños, amigo! Y muchos mas! Es un día de fiesta!
I'm glad you were born, Leonardo.
Happy Birthday, Leonardo. Have a great day!
Carissima frater Leonardo!*
Happy birthday, my brother. I hope that this day brings only things that make you smile. I shall now have a piece of Belgian chocolate in your honour!
As they say in Greek - CHRONIS POLA, many years to you!
*I hope that is understandable and not a mixture of Latin, Italian and Spanish!
WHATEVER LANGUAGES I'm wished well in is GREAT...I accept and thank you very, very, life is good and I had extra crispy chicken breast sandwiches with Juan Carlos for lunch...we also went to the Central "open" Market and purchased Beef Tenderloin for a little celebration dinner tonight...we're invited for spare ribs tomorrow at our dear friends home...all of this, heavenily volcano views too and good friends like YOU...I love you, thank you for being here (wherever we think we are) with me on my Birthday...blessings to all you very kind folks!
Yo soy tarde a este fiesta!
Felicidades mi amigo bueno!
Happy and beautiful and wonderful day- look at your smile, to match your huge heart and deep soul.
Besitos y abrazos y besitos y abrazos!!!
Juan Carlos??????? THE Juan Carolos? you're hob-knobbing with royalty now? I knew you had connections, but dang! :)
THE Juan Carlos? James
Well not THAT Juan Carlos but a truly fine royal bloodline I'm certain...albeit a more regional and Maya one.
I did know a Spanish Marquis in the mid-1960's, however he was quite overly "exposed" and didn't survive himself (and/or everyone else) I am told.
Happy B-Day Leonard.
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