UN Conference: Urgent need to fight to the global decriminalization of homosexuality |
“Compass to Compassion – Discovering a Common Way to LGBT Global Equality”
¨Almost 100 prominent leaders, after two days of intense meetings and workshops, have agreed that there is an urgency to form an international coalition to fight for the global decriminalization of homosexuality.
It is a crime to be gay in 76 countries across the globe, mostly in Africa and Asia, but those attending the consultation heard from speakers who warned of a growing movement sponsored by America’s Religious Right to criminalize homosexuality here and abroad.
“Compass to Compassion – Discovering a Common Way to LGBT Global Equality” brought together faith, secular, academic, government and media leaders for the consultation on Oct. 11-12 in the grand Social Hall at Union Theological Seminary at Columbia University.
This was the third consultation by this informal group, which was charged by the
Human Rights Watch to form a network of progressive faith leaders to counter the attempts by Uganda’s Parliament to pass the “Kill The Gays” bill. The first meeting was in June 2010 and the second one was in December 2010, both conducted at the UN Church Center in New York City.
Last week, the consultation attendees, now including many secular as well as faith leaders, discussed concrete ways to extinguish homophobia across the world and to end punitive laws that deprive LGBT people of jobs, education, housing, equal rights, dignity and, in a number of countries, their freedom or their lives.
Focusing on Uganda and religious extremists
Day One put the focus on Uganda, often called the “line in the sand” over criminalization of homosexuality, as well as religious extremism on LGBT people abroad.
Keynote speaker
Jeff Sharlet*, the journalist who penned
“The Family,” a book that exposed the Religious Right’s hold on American politics, told attendees that The Family is the most influential fundamentalist group in Washington, D.C., and has been meddling in Uganda and other parts of Africa for decades.
The ¨Underground¨ FAMILY: A ¨Quick Reference¨ list of American and Ugandan perpetrators
Bishop Christopher Senyonjo, a retired Anglican leader who has been hailed as the Bishop Tutu of Uganda and a straight ally, spoke about his grassroots effort to minister to LGBT people in his homeland and about the resistance he faces.
“We need decriminalization of LGBT all over the world,” he said.
Other speakers warned of the growing religious movement called
Dominionism and whose supporters want to turn the United States into a Christian nation and remake laws to reflect a strict evangelical point of view.
American politicians such as Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry have embraced this controversial movement, which is dividing even evangelicals, said the Rev. Dr. Kapya Kaoma, project director of the Political Research Associates...¨
· Thanks to LGBT Asylum News, sidebar
· Thanks to
The Rt. Reverend Christopher Ssenyonjo, Uganda
· Thanks to Human Rights Watch
· Thanks to Political Research Associates
· Thanks to
Jeff Sharlet
· Thanks to
Ken Williams
Australian foreign minister to call on Commonwealth to repeal anti-gay laws
¨Australia’s foreign minister, Kevin Rudd, will urge Commonwealth countries to decriminalise homosexuality.
Heads of Commonwealth countries are to meet in Perth next week for the annual heads of government meeting (CHOGM).
According to the Sidney Star Observer, Mr Rudd’s spokeswoman said: “Australia is a global advocate of non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
“Australia encourages all countries to decriminalise homosexuality by removing all laws imposing criminal penalties for homosexual conduct...¨
please read it all, HERE
· Thanks to Pink News, United Kingdom
· Thanks to
Jessica Geen