¨Indeed, for guys who are under pressure, the pressure of one of the most homophobic countries in the world, it is simply too easy to infiltrate us. And, it is possible.
To my friends out there, I must confess I am more paranoid than lots of people. I mean, I have aided connection and lessening of our isolation in more than one way. Yet I continue to be anonymous. I am gayuganda, gug. And that is who I want to be. Gay, and closeted, and damned shy! Some have more to lose than others. Maybe I am just a coward...¨read it all from ¨gug¨ in Uganda, HERE
¨...They've had a journalist infiltrate the Kampala gay community to try and ferret out what makes gay boys tick. It's not the first time this sort of thing has happened and the only thing that sets it apart is that this journalist has made a clumsy attempt to be balanced. That said, this journalist simply knows too much about the gay community for me to believe that he didn't get embedded deeper than he admits.And that is a great cause for discomfort.
The tactics the journalist are pretty basic and that he seems to be so successful merely attests to the humanity in all of us. But it is also a wake-up call for those Ugandan gay boys who seem unable to take the simplest precautions in this day and age when stalkers, blackmailers and malevolent people are on the prowl, with gay boys and girls as their target...¨read it all from Afro Gay HERE
Where is gug?
How is the Anglican Church in Africa ¨spearheading and participating in global initiatives that seek to address the threats to human dignity?
Church of Uganda Hosts Conference
This years All Africa Bishops Conference (AABC) is running from 23rd – 29th August 2010 will be hosted by the Province of the Church of Uganda, Henry Orombi, Primate.
Entebbe is located in Namirembe Diocese which is one of the 38 dioceses in the Province of the Church of Uganda.

Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi is the current Primate of the Province of dangerous, anti-LGBT Uganda HERE
Archbishop Of Canterbury Attending along with over 400 African Bishops-- PLEASE START BEHAVING LIKE CHRISTIANS HERE
Where is ¨gug¨ at Gay Uganda blog?

It has been confirmed that the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Dr. Rowan Williams, will be at the conference--Archbishop Rowan please speak out against the persecution, demonizing and deadly persecution of LGBT Anglicans/other in UGANDA, NIGERIA, KENYA, EGYPT, SUDAN and CENTRAL AFRICA...real lives are at stake!
Dr. Rowan is scheduled to preach at the opening service on Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 09:00 AM local time.
This will be the first time that the Head of the Anglican Communion is visting Uganda since he became primate in 2002.
Organizer's Contact Information
Uganda Coordination Office
Provincial Headquarters
Church Of Uganda
Namirembe Hill, Kampala
P.O. Box 14123
Tel : +256-77-283 7323
E-mail: cousecretariat@gmail.com
Website: www.churchofuganda.org
Organizers' Contact Information
Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA)
Rev. Canon Grace Kaiso
CAPA House Kilimani,
Off Wood Avenue, Komo Lane
P O Box 10329-00100 Nairobi
Tel: +254 20 387 3700
Tel: +254 20 387 3283
Fax: +245 20 387 0876
E-Mail: gracekaiso@gmail.com
Venue for Anglican African Bishops Conference:
Imperial Resort Beach Hotel
PO Box 895, Entebbe, Uganda
Telephone: +256 (0) 414 303000
Fax: +256 (0) 414 303333
Web: www.imperialhotels.co.ug/impresortbeachoverview.html
· Thanks to Afrogay
· Thanks to Gay Uganda
· Thanks to ¨gug¨ HERE
Gays in Uganda under pressure!
African Anglican Bishops to meet in Uganda!
Where is ¨gug¨ at Gay Uganda blog?
LGBTI Anglicans and others are murdered in UGANDA HERE, and HERE, and you must read HERE, Nigeria HERE,
Kenya HERE, Sudan HERE and the Anglican Province of Central Africa HERE.
Lord have mercy
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