Nairobi — Church leaders, just like politicians, have lost the trust of Kenyans, a new survey has said.

According to the Synovate post-referendum poll, only 19 per cent of those interviewed said they fully trusted Church leaders, compared to 17 per cent who said they fully trusted politicians.
And it gets worse -- 38 per cent said they don't trust Church leaders at all, a bigger number than the 22 per cent who said they don't trust politicians at all. But Church leaders dismissed the notion that their credibility had suffered HERE

Nairobi — The Church is facing a major rebellion within its ranks after some senior clergy on Thursday declared they would rally Christians to support the proposed constitution.
The clergymen are operating under the banner, Christians for Yes. In their ranks are Bishop Peter Njenga and the Rev John Njenga of the Anglican Church of Kenya and evangelical bishop Patrick Mungai, who accuse the church leadership of intimidating Christians to reject the proposed constitution "by peddling propaganda and lies about the document."
But at a press conference, the Nairobi archbishop of the Catholic Church, John Cardinal Njue and the Anglican head, Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, maintained that the Church leadership would not relent in its quest to shoot down the document. HERE

The Anglican Church in Africa is spearheading and participating in global initiatives that seek to address the threats to human dignity...read it all HERE

Kenyans have endorsed a new Constitution, largely supported by human rights activists in the country as the new law that upholds human dignity and promotes equality for all.
More than 6 million Kenyans voted in a referendum on 4 August approving the new constitution while some 2.6million rejected it.
The new constitution replaces the old one established by the colonial leaders and inherited by the country’s first government in 1963 when the country became independent.
Kenya has 12.4m million voters and the majority endorsed the proposed constitution.
The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR), Chair, Mrs Florance Jaoko praised the new law saying it will promote human rights, end impunity and improve governance in Kenya.
“The new Constitution has the best bill of rights that will ensure that all human beings receive equal treatment regardless of their religion, cultural background or individual lifestyle and so on. We are happy and we want the government and the parliament to move fast to ensure that the implementation of the new law is on course, Jaoko stated.¨ HERE
LGBTI Anglicans and others are murdered in UGANDA HERE, and HERE, and you must read HERE, Nigeria HERE,
Kenya HERE, Sudan HERE and the Anglican Province of Central Africa HERE.
Lord have mercy
· Thanks to All Africa, sidebar
· Thanks to Jeff Otieno
· Thanks to Walter Menya
· Thanks to The Daily Nation, Africa
· Thanks to Collins Kweyu, Standard, photo
· Thanks to Behind the Mask, sidebar
· Thanks to The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR)
· Thanks to Mrs Florance Jaoko, Kenya Human Rights Chairperson
· Thanks to Box Turtle Bulletin, sidebar
· Thanks to Flickr Photo Sharing
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