Pictured is the "Guatemalan Inner City Railroad Community" a REAL live community struggling for life without the benefit of sanitation, basic food supplies and health care (a luxury) and education of the "job training" kind.
...STEP RIGHT UP and meet another "community" that I would like to introduce to you today...today a day like every other day in Central America where poverty, misery and lack of education won't go away...at least, not yet!
HELP! LAMBETH BISHOPS ARE YOU LISTENING? Can you hear us inside of the "locked down" at Canterbury Cathedral?
My friend Lisa Jensen is from New Hampshire. She's a Episcopalian from New Hampshire who is very proud of her Bishop V.Gene Robinson and the "sexual orientation" non-issue surrounding his election/consecration and his spiritual guidance and loving personal leadership at the Diocese of New Hampshire, TEC.
Today, this very day, in Guatemala City, Lisa Jensen is introducing American visitors, recently arrived volunteers and those who simply wish to HELP OUT, in someway/anyway, children who live, struggle in life, work and attempt to "play" at the Guatemala City Dump.
Attention ALL Lambeth Conference Bishops from The North, The East, The West, The Global Center and The Global South...there is much GOOD NEWS to read here, absorb and share with you about what Lisa and her friends are ALL about:
Lisa, our friend/sister, is a full time, non-paid worker at a non-Profit (funded by people like us/you) by the name of "Safe Passage" where she has been "volunteering" for over a year now...please meet the children of "Safe Passage" and get to know them, their everyday style of life and their health and safety issues and know about their journey away from desperate personal circumstances through HOPE, EDUCATION and OPPORTUNITY:
If you are interested in knowing more about "Safe Passage" please contact, online or telephone or come meet Lisa Jensen or leave a comment right here and I will see that she gets it quickly...better yet, come visit Lisa and/or Leonardo Ricardo because, even in Central America Episcopalians are a very friendly lot and WELCOME everyone...everyone means everyone and my door is OPEN and I've got a really nifty little guest room with the "light" on!
Listen to the sound of vividly colored CHIRPPING BIRDS in person!
FBI: 10 Millionen Dollar Kopfgeld auf Ex-Snowboarder Ryan James Wedding
Ryan James Wedding trat 2002 für Kanada bei den Olympischen Winterspielen
an. Heute soll er in den internationalen Drogenschmuggel verwickelt sein –
26 minutes ago
Safe Passage known as Camino Seguro here in Guatemala is helping young children every day to learn and to love the world. Two activities that are most difficult if you live in a huge city dump. The children they serve need sponsors so that they know someone outside their world knows and cares. Sponsorships are available for $600 or more annually and communication is as important as money. Give a child a hand up out of the dump! I did! Judy Sadlier
Welcome Judy to my volcaniclike written eruptions (as if you don't know them in person as I yak, on and on)...I didn't know you were active with the Camino Seguro...that is a very cool thing, and for those of you that don't know Judy, she is very active interacting/networking and connecting individuals with many of the really nifty HELP type groups and individuals that are of "service" to others in Guatemala...helping us help one another is what she donates her time doing as part of her retirement excitement....perhaps we ought get together and provide a whole list of "people helping people" here for my Eruptions at the foot of the Volcano blog place? What do you think? See you on Sunday, we'll talk!
I think your blogroll is malfunctioning?
Best and good luck with the fix!
Sorry, it was my computer's fault!
All is well now.
You have wonderful friends, Leonardo. Camino Seguro is good and necessary work on behalf of these children. I will donate what I can.
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