John welcomes you to the
Playa Bonita, Chiapas, Mexico
Lunch? Nearing the Mercado San Sebastian, Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico
Breathtaking! Quiet moments inside the Cathedral of the diocese of Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico
The Crucified Christ,
Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico
Casa Mexicana! Our fabulous boutique hotel in Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico
Service? Fortunately, Central America is filled with equal opportunity Democracies, wonderful Indigenous and ¨mixed race¨ peoples and a few Norteamericano Democrats too.
Pacific Coast/Toast? Breakfast in Retalhuleu, Guatemala
Ruins, Guatemala, Before Common Era Crocodile Sculpture (food)
Pre-Christian Terraces,
Ruins, TAK'ALIK AB'AJ, Guatemala
The Spaniards, The Catholic Church, The Central Square.
Retalhuleu, Guatemala, Central America
TIO y TIA (de Juan Carlos),
Asintal, Guatemala, Central America
EIGHTY GRANDCHILDREN and counting (Juan Carlos with his Aunt Ramona--she raised his Dad because JC´s Grandmother, her Mother, died giving birth to his Papa), Asintal, Guatemala

all is well Gracias a Dios
·Prayers Ascending for Haiti·Thanks to Juan Carlos C.F., Photos
·Thanks to Jenn H., Photos
·Thanks to John H.,
Driver·Thanks to Ellen and Irene, Photos
·Thanks to Leonardo Ricardo, One-eyed (until March)
no driving!
·Thanks to
Archbishop Martin Barahona, Primate of Central America
·Thanks to Lionel Deimel, sidebar
·Thanks to Wounded Bird, sidebar
·Thanks to Leave it lay where Jesus flang it, sidebar
·Thanks to Caminante, no hay camino, sidebar
Lionel Deimel, click HERE,¨No Anglican Covenant¨
´The Windsor Report,´ he said.
“It’s just a report. When did it become like The Bible?
´The Covenant´ ¨Why do we need another covenant? We have the Baptismal Covenant. We have the creeds. What else do we need?”Archbishop Martin Barahona, the
Primate, Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central America
Looks like y'all had a MARVELOUS time! Wonderful!
I read your blog all the time and am very thankful for the information that you disseminate.
I'm glad you are having a wonderful time.
I concur!
Wonderful photos. Looks like you really did have a great time.
Welcome home! I am hungry for the breakfast.... sigh.
my word thang is: reasoly
somewhere between reasonable and holy I guess.
Beautiful, Leo. Ah the people! Juan! The sculpture! The terraces! What a lovely trip.
Are the amigas twins?
Yes Mimi, the identical twins from Massachussets Irene and Ellen (have a home here and one in Cambridge)...great friends, wonderful travel companions...they were popular folk singers in the 60´s and they still do some special performances stateside in the Summer (listen for them if you ever hear the soundtrack from ¨Deliverence¨).
Whoops, CORRECTION, las Gemelas/Twins, Irene and Ellen inform me their music/singing is to be found in the movie:
"O Brother, Where Art Thou?"
Leo, I have the soundtrack to the movie, "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"! I shall listen now.
"I'll Fly Away". Yes!!! I found their Wiki entry and their website, too.
Wait! It's not Irene and Ellen singing on the soundtrack. The Alison Krauss version of the song ended up in the movie. :-(
BUT WAIT, Ellen and Irene are HERE right now (came to pick up their doggie who visited for a week while we were away)...they´ll explain:
Grandmère Mimi, please meet Ellen and Irene,
Hi, Grandmere Mimi,
We´re so glad you like our singing. The CD of ¨I´ll Fly Away¨ from the Movie was recorded BEFORE the movie came out and Ethan Coen decided to use our version for the movie...the CD that had our version is no longer in print but IS available on I-tunes.
Best to you and your loved ones,
Irene and Ellen and ¨Coban¨ (the perfect boy doggie)
Irene and Ellen
¨The Kossoy Sisters¨ version on I-tunes just became available last month!
Oh! How wonderful!
Hi Irene and Ellen. So you were in the movie, but not on the CD of the soundtrack. I shall buy your version on iTunes, then.
Good to "meet" you virtually. Give Coban a good scratch behind the ears for me, if he likes that.
Leo is a love, isn't he, even if he's a little crazy? I hope he and I get to meet face to face one day.
Irene and Ellen, I once played about half of the songs on the album on my mountain dulcimer back when I used to play. I played chords only, no picking, and accompanied myself singing.
What crazy? Perhaps a tad eccentric...but we´ve got tons of ¨us¨ colorful Anglicans writing around (and in person sometimes too which reminds me I must have been away for Amelias visit to your lovely Louisiana).
Coban, Ellen and Irene have gone home ...Henry is painting the kitchen and Juan Carlos arrived and is taking care of five baby birds that we´re recently born. Violetta called in sick today and I´m painting a gorgeous painting...we had three smallish terramotos today...one was largish/smallish...whew.
I bought the album. The Twins sound like mountain girls, which is quite a compliment, considering that they come from NYC.
No damage, I hope from your largish/smallish terramotos.
Paint away and take care of your birdies.
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