Bob Duncan and the ¨Chapman Memo¨
HERE TEC deposed Bishop of Pittsburgh, Bob Duncan, but he now preaches ¨difference¨ in Texas at the inauguration of the ACNA which is NOT part of the worldwide Anglican Communion or recognized by the Archbishops of Canterbury or York nor the Anglican Consultative Council as a authentic ¨Anglican¨ Church or Anglican Church Province.
THE BUZZARDS HAVE COME IN FOR A LANDING AT THE ACNA! Breaking Bigots and Blowhards: There you have it! After years of conniving (IRD)
HERE , plotting (Chapman Memo) for TEC Properties and financial resources
HERE, angling Anglicans(Primates Meetings)
HERE, spewing ¨Hooligan Children¨/¨Evil Imported Homosexuals¨
HERE, lieing (as needed)
HERE , deceiving and crying victimhood (poor and garishly overly-brocaded dears), these, tiresome-grim, sorry/bitter old men
HERE and their clutching grandstanding accomplices and not-so-secret financial backers
HERE, have finally managed to declare themselves another faux Anglican cluster of ¨continuing¨ congregations
HERE,...a cluster, of unassociated/not in Communion with the REAL Anglican Communion international Provinces...They believe their group of GAFCON Communion signers are made up of squeaky clean puritans, and Anglo Catholics (the kind that play pretend really well), who are
MORE MORALLY CORRECT than those of us at the body of Christ...fortunately, their
purity pogrom is not authentic, in deed or spirit,
this is a group of everyday haters in pointy hats, accompanied by rabid and sometimes greedy excluders, NOW they are grouped together for all to see. 
Ironically, this reformed, further reformed, and most of all, most REFORMED more reformed butt-covering gang of diluted pontificators are under the illusion they are spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ while selectively abusing/twisting the Scriptures and by demonizing, demoralizing and excluding LGBT Christians and often Heterosexual Women and Children
HERE at all levels of Churchlife.
How can this be? What happened to their personal integrity amongst the clergy at ACNA?
Deposed Bob Duncan and pals/accomplices pose in Texas at the inauguration of the ACNA...Amongst the self-proclaimed extra Holy is holy padre Schofield, left of center, a vision, and illusion, in PAPAL pure white...he is also the
deposed bishop of TEC diocese of San Joaquin!
These men, most whom had been ¨called¨ to ministry, and agreed/swore oaths and vows to serve The Episcopal Church and The Anglican Church of Canada and her people with peace and love and devoted LOYALITY decided instead to participate in a hatefilled
campaign of sedition against the voice of The General Convention and The Anglican Canadian Church instead. The voice of The General Convention and the voice of the Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, are the authoritive voices, that reflect the high standard of Christian fellowship that
WELCOMES EVERYONE at Church and into all levels of Churchlife.
Some of these ¨holy men¨ are VOW BREAKERS. Their ¨WORD¨ and ¨WORD OF HONOR¨ mean little to nothing to them as they ¨BURN OTHERS¨ when SELF-IMAGINED PURITY or poaching on TEC/Anglican Church of Canada REAL property is at stake!I am happy the
renegades are leaving as they continue to harm others at The Episcopal Church and The Anglican Church of Canada...they seem to enjoy their abusive ministries and the trouble they generate throughout the wider Church and as they instigate ¨witch hunts¨ and dangerous ¨demonizing¨ which boldly taints/condemns other Anglican Communion members, our families and our friends with words such as ¨evil¨ and ¨criminal¨ and ¨lower than pigs¨ directed at us.
Leave us now gentlemen, perhaps one day, you´ll find your way home and you´ll find self-accountability for your
malicious action of destructiveness...we will be here ¨with the door open and the light on¨ doing the best we can to love our neighbors, all of OUR neighbors, even those who continue to attempt to
harm us... people like some of YOU (who come here lurking, I have a meter).
UPDATED TUESDAY AFTERNOON ACNA numbers already plummeting?" read it all, at The Episcopal Cafe, click HEREand/or
¨Running the number on ACNA¨ read it all, click HERETHEY´VE NEVER BEEN GOOD WITH NUMBERSThe Network's Imaginary Congregations
From Christianity Today:¨ read it all, at the archives of Fr. Jake´s Blog, click HEREUPDATED WEDNESDAY MORNING¨Duplicity, thy name is ACNA¨
¨...An organization founded on deceit cannot endure. To accomplish their egotistical goals, they have lied to everyone about nearly everything.
Even if the various groups do not turn to cannibalism, the dishonesty will drive people away. There is a limit to how much dishonesty one can tolerate. There is a limit to how much abuse one will endure from leadership. The laity will leave, sooner or later, for other pastures.
But, they won't take the property with them!¨ read it all, from James at The Three Legged Stool, click HERE·Thanks to Preludium, at the right side bar
·Thanks to Thinking Anglicans, at the right side bar
·Thanks to Photos from the ACNA website
·Thanks to ¨Following the Money¨ Jim Naughton
·Thanks to Episcopal Cafe, at the right side bar
·Thanks to RNS, at the right side bar
·Thanks to Daniel Burke
·Thanks to Father Jake/Archives/Anglican Extremists
·Thanks to James, The Three Legged Stool, at the right side bar