Sep 30, 2012

ATTENTION GLOBAL SOUTH/GAFCON ¨religiouslike¨ ABUSERS OF LGBT CHRISTIANS/others: California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill banning therapies that attempt to alter a minor's sexual orientation from gay to straight...¨

It´s time: For the common good, and for the nurturing of authentic spirituality and for emotionally healthier societies, to forbid the feardriven and ignorant abuse generated against innocent LGBT youth. The ongoing ¨sexual identity-conversion¨ fraud and spiritual/religious abuse ¨ex-gay con¨ that is most often initiated in the name of a twisted-into-being God (not  the same God that commands us to LOVE God and oneanother...all one anothers) by unwholesome/nervous pontificating zealots on the run.

¨Efforts to change minors' sexual orientation are not therapy, they are the relics of prejudice and abuse that have inflicted untold harm on young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Californians,”

The measure (Senate Bill 1172) was sponsored by Senator Ted W. Lieu, a Democrat from Torrance, and supported by dozens of organizations, including the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), Equality California (EQ), Courage Campaign, Lambda Legal and Mental Health of Northern California.

“Governor Brown today reaffirmed what medical and mental health organizations have made clear: Efforts to change minors' sexual orientation are not therapy, they are the relics of prejudice and abuse that have inflicted untold harm on young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Californians,” Clarissa Filgioun, board president of EQ, said in a statement.

“This law will ensure that state-licensed therapists can no longer abuse their power to harm LGBT youth and propagate the dangerous and deadly lie that sexual orientation is an illness or disorder that can be 'cured,'” said NCLR Executive Director Kate Kendell...¨ HERE

·  Thanks to On Top Magazine, sidebar
·  Thanks to Carlos Santoscoy
·  Thanks to Governor Jerry Brown, California
·  Thanks to State Senator Ted W. Lieu, Torrance


JCF said...


I kept signing petitions and sending messages to Gov. Brown, w/o effect. I was beginning to think he would exercise a "pocket veto." So glad I was wrong!

Leonard said...

Me too...can you imagine the damage that has been done?