Apr 20, 2012

PLEASE MEET BETU AND MAYA: They provide ¨transitional housing¨ for the disowned Lesbian, Bisexual Women and Transmen of South Delhi, India

Indian Supergays create a home for women rejected by their families

¨Just how far would you go to help out your community? This is what I asked myself when I visited Betu and Maya’s home in South Delhi where they provide transitional housing for lesbian and bisexual women as well as transmen who find themselves disowned by their families or in danger after coming out. Through their organization, Sangini, Betu and Maya (pictured left) host an average of 20 “guests” a year in their home and at times risk their own safety to do so. While they rarely talk to local press so as not to disclose their location, they graciously welcomed us into their home. please read it all, HERE

·  Thanks to Fridae, sidebar
·  Thanks to Jennifer Chang and Lisa Dazols
·  Thanks to Sangini, South Delhi, India


rwattonville said...

This is a powerful example of 2 people making a real difference in their local community, which no charity, government, or organization could, or ever would do. If there is any hope for us in this increasingly violent world we have created, it is in learning to cooperate & coordinated at the local level without entitlements or assistance from any authorities.

JCF said...

God bless 'em!

Leonard said...

Yes, God Bless them and all that they do (which is huge when considering the generosity of spirit and real, and costly in many ways, help they give)!

When I open my wallet and my heart and my tolerance for others simultaneously/freely it is a very rare thing...thank God I have ¨entitlements¨ to stretch or I would be depending on the kindness of others too...I can´t imagine how that would play out at this late time in my life...but, gratitude comes to mind instead of fear, bitterness, blame and regret.