Aug 18, 2011

BISHOP V. GENE ROBINSON: “There’s no doubt in my mind that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are part of God’s obvious delight in diversity.¨

The Rt. Reverend V. Gene Robinson, diocese of New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Robinson argues that with so many LGBT people coming out there isn’t a person left in America that doesn’t have a family member, co-worker, next-door neighbour or someone they went to school with that’s gay.  Laurence Watts

“There’s no doubt in my mind that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are part of God’s obvious delight in diversity. We see it all throughout creation, why wouldn’t we have it in humankind?

“I believe that the church has gotten this wrong, just as we once used scripture to justify slavery and the subjugation of women. It wasn’t too long ago in this country that women wore hats to church because St Paul said a woman’s place is to keep her head covered and her mouth shut! We kept women out of the ordination process because of that! Sexual orientation is something God celebrates and I believe that will become the mainstream Christian understanding before not too very long...¨ please read it all, HERE

·  Thanks to Bishop Gene Robinson, The Episcopal Church, diocese of New Hampshire
·  Thanks to BProud Photograph, Philadelphia
·  Thanks to Laurence Watts
·  Thanks to, sidebar

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