Oct 12, 2010

Cooking up a storm in Central America: It´s Tom´s Birthday!

Amongst the invited guests: Dulce Serena de Gonzalez, Fido Gonzalez, Coban Gonzalez from Camp Gonzalez
We´re having a party tonight.  Our dear friend Tom from Hawaii is having a birthday...he´s a very good guy and stops at nothing to be the best friend to his human and ¨mascot¨ friends we could ever want...we leap for joy when we see Tom, Paul, Mom and Todd and tonight we´re preparing Chicken Mole Enchiladas in his honor...we howl with pleasure at the prospect of pleasing our friend Tom and wishing him well for another year of his very busy life helping those around him...Tom is the Cats Meow reports Waikiki Todd--The Most Glamorous Cat in Hawaii and Guatemala!


Unknown said...

Hope Tom's birthday was the cat's meow!! Happy Birthday Tom!

Leonard said...

Thanks Ciss, the party was a smash hit and everyone said they loved it (and having been telephone in today with thank yous--I even received two while I was on the ´chicken bus´ roaring toward the Captiol this A.M.)...one of our friends brought huge (batteries?) of fireworks so we actually had a fireworkslighter come and we had our own birthday tribute in the sky to Tom...what a beautiful evening. Hope all is well with you Ciss.
