Bishop Ssenyonjo. ¨Elderly, grandfatherly man. Bishop Emeritus of the Church of Uganda. The lone African voice of dissent from the unified homophobic view of the African Anglicans at that Anglican Conference. I know, he was excommunicated? I am not sure of the details. But, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, in his righteous wrath speaks of him disdainfully as Ssenyonjo. Denying him a life time of work for the church, the studies that he did. And, he is a PhD.¨ HERE
Ugandan church leader brands anti-gay bill 'genocide'

Reverend Canon Gideon Byamugisha (born 1959) is an Anglican priest in Uganda with a parish outside of Kampala. In 1992, he became the first religious leader in Africa to publicly announce that he was HIV positive. In 2009, Byamugisha received the 26th annual Niwano Peace Prize "in recognition of his work to uphold the dignity and human rights of people living with HIV/AIDS".
Byamugisha organized the African Network of Religious Leaders Living with and Personally Affected HIV and Aids (ANERELA) in 2003, and in 2006 started a shelter for orphans of AIDS victims. He lives with his wife and three HIV negative children.
Prominent member of the Ugandan Anglican church, Canon Gideon Byamugisha, joins international condemnation of the anti-homosexuality bill, saying it will breed violence and intolerance
¨If Uganda's anti-homosexuality bill becomes law, it will be little short of state-sponsored "genocide" against the gay community, a prominent member of the Ugandan Anglican church said this week.
Canon Gideon Byamugisha said the bill, which recommends the death penalty for anyone repeatedly convicted of having gay sex and prison sentences for those who fail to report homosexual activity to the police, would breed violence and intolerance through all levels of society.
"I believe that this bill [if passed into law] will be state-legislated genocide against a specific community of Ugandans, however few they may be," he said. HERE
English evangelical bishop calls for tolerance

¨A leading voice in the evangelical wing of the Church of England, Bishop James Jones, speaking to his diocesan synod in Liverpool today says the battle of sexuality in the Church needs to end.
He argues that sexual orientation is a biological given, which represents a departure from the majority of evangelical voices. And he uses the lessons learned from the "Just War" controversy to point a way forward for the Anglican Communion.¨ HERE

¨May I wholly inadequately apologize to my sisters and brothers who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered for the cruelty and injustice that you have suffered and continue to suffer at the hands of us, your fellow Anglicans; I am sorry. Forgive us for all the pain we have caused you and which we continue to inflict on you."

Episcopal priests in the Diocese of Washington may preside at civil same-sex marriages in the District of Columbia under guidelines released today by Bishop John Bryson Chane. No priest is required to preside at such ceremonies.

"Through the grace of Holy Baptism, there are no second class members of the Body of Christ, " Chane said. "We are of equal value in the eyes of God, and any one of us may be called by the Holy Spirit into holy relationships as well as Holy Orders." HERE

L.A. Episcopal diocese elects Glasspool as bishop suffragan

¨...The second woman to be elected a bishop in the diocese's 114-year history, Glasspool is also the first openly partnered lesbian to be elected a bishop in the Episcopal Church, which includes some 2.4 million members in 109 dioceses in 16 nations. She is the 17th woman to be elected a bishop in the Episcopal Church; its House of Bishops includes some 300 active and retired members.¨
Standing Committees continue consents to suffragan elections; one vote will achieve majority for Glasspool

Standing Together: Bishops-elect Diane Jardine Bruce (second from right) and Mary Douglas Glasspool (second from left) are joined by Bishop J. Jon Bruno (center), Bishop Suffragan Chester Talton (left) and Bishop Assistant Sergio Carranza following Dec. 5 news conference in Riverside, where Diocesan Convention elected Bruce and Glasspool new bishops suffragan. For full reports on elections, click on names above. For ballot results, click here. Photo: Don Anderson. Media and other inquiries: Robert Williams, rwilliams@ladiocese.org. HEROS ALL! HERE

The Right Reverend V. Gene Robinson, IX Bishop of New Hampshire, HERO HERE
·Thanks to Gay Uganda, sidebar
·Thanks to Canon Gideon Byamugisha, Uganda
·Thanks to Anglican Bishop Ssenyonjo, Uganda
·Thanks to Lambeth Conference, Photo
·Thanks to Liza Ford and Emma Pomfret
·Thanks to The Guardian, United Kingdom
·Thanks to Wikipedia
·Thanks to The Rt. Reverend Ssenyonjo, Uganda
·Thanks to Episcopal Cafe, sidebar
·Thanks to Ruth Gledhill, The Times
·Thanks to The Rt. Reverend James Jones, England
·Thanks to The Most Reverend Desmond Tutu, South Africa
·Thanks to The Rt. Reverend John Bryson Chane, The Episcopal Church
·Thanks to The Episcopal Church diocese of Washington D.C.
·Thanks to The Episcopal Church diocese of Los Angeles
·Thanks to The Episcopal Church diocese of New Hampshire
·Thanks to The Episcopal Church diocese of Baltimore
·Thanks to The Rt. Reverend Jon Bruno, Bishop of Los Angeles
·Thanks to The Reverend Canon Mary Glasspool
·Thanks to The Rt. Reverend V. Gene Robinson, Bishop of New Hampshire
·Thanks to David Green, Pride/Episcopal Church Shield
·Thanks to Wapedia - Wiki, National Cathedral stained glass window
·Thanks to Robert Williams
·Thanks to Don Anderson
Become a HERO!
TAKE ACTION: The ANGLICAN UN, United Nations, HUMAN RIGHTS Observer, Mrs Hellen Grace Wangusa from Uganda, has an office and staff provided by the Episcopal Church (USA) at the Church Center 815 Second Avenue, New York, 10017. The direct office line is (001) 212-716- 6263 and the email address unoffice@episcopalchurch.org

Lionel Deimel, HERO, click HERE,¨No Anglican Covenant¨
It is good to be reminded of the good guys.
Speaking of ¨the good guys¨ YOU are certainly amongst them...you´re a HERO! Thanks Doorman-Priest, YOU, literally, SAVE LIVES as well as SOULS!
Göran Koch-Swahne is a HERO! Amazing that he can translate what the previously/falsely translated WORDS in the BIBLE REALLY MEAN!
It does help that we UNDERSTAND the ACTUAL meaning of things and STOP pretending beliving convulted, at often hateful, nonsense at Church!
¨The Bible Tells Me So¨
Tells you what? Exactly what?
Leonardo Ricardo, HERO.
And you, Dear Josh, amongst the most enthusiastic and no-nonsense in OUR whole Anglican Communion world...you who has the courage of OUR convictions.
Mil Gracias todo.
Thank you for the kind words!
Those who say you area a hero are correct. Leo, you bravely let us all know what is going on in the world both good and bad. Thank you.
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