Aug 8, 2022

THE OTHERSIDE OF THE VOLCANO, Silent Chirping, Chapter #33

EXCUSES, excuses, excuses.  Just when I thought I would be spared from Covid Virus  I got zapped.  It was nothing serious but  one morning I had a sore throat, runny nose and I thought it best to go to the 24 hour clinic in Antigua.  When I arrived the receptionist told me I needed the Covid test (which was set up in a tiny make-shift room in the parking lot).  I received the test and was quickly escorted to the patio area to wait for results.  Forty-five minutes later the same receptionist announced I tested positive (I was surprised and speechless) and told to go home, drink lots of water and in five days the symtoms would leave and in ten days I would no longer be contagious.  O.K., I can do that but it seemed like I should have a medical specialist tell me and not the receptionist....I was grumpy but went home to bed.  

TRIPLE OY VEY - My voice was becoming SPEECHLESS too!  I felt better but my voice sounded like I was about two decades older than my current 78+ years.  My throat was unsore but crackling in the breeze so I made an appointment with a highly recommended throat doctor in Guatemala City.  He seems to know his stuff and I was thoroughly examined and give prescriptions which I now am into day four....the results seem very helpful so far .....healing in progress as the throat congestion is lifting.  (I have to remember not to yell, or howl, at my three dogs when they bark loudly).

To be continued


Apr 25, 2022


His Royal 18 inch HIGHNESS,  Prince Gonzalo the Gallo

I was thinking of you.  I thought it was way too long since we met up here and shared a few minutes together....sharing a few of my random thoughts that keep me interested in my random real-life plots.

LIFE AROUND ME still astounds me.  There is magic in the volcanos surrounding me.  It's true, I feel it all the time and that is an amazing bonus for a single old Americano fellow who grew up among vibes of beaches and Palm Trees.  I feel the love, I feel the energy, the non-stopped-ness of basic living is front and forward for all to see.  I think it must be eruption-passion inspired and so many people on the Calle Real are related by family.  They are friendly  polite and industrious...a happy family with dozens of primos, primas and sobrino/as.  A whole village of smiling faces that smile on sturdy human beings who work hard, care for others and take care of elders and their children with pride and poise .... lots of beautiful children that the decendents of Maya and Spanish background and raised with glee.  You'd love them. keep in mind everyones kindness to me,the extranajero in Guatemala when you meet Guatemaltecos on the street where you live! 

The rainy season is coming.  I love the rain and the emerald green hills and valleys around me, Department de Sacatepequez.  The Land of the Eternal Sprung forth already/already.

Leonardo Ricardo

to be continued