Dec 11, 2012

¨COMPLEMENTARITY¨: Sexual Body Parts (and assorted other mind boggling ´proper use´ pontifications)

¨Innies, outies, complementarity and other mind boggling foolishness about men and women.¨

By Mark Harris
¨The Church of England has produced a very odd paper on marriage and the reasons for having marriage be about men and women and not other relationships. Titled, not too cleverly "Church of England responds to PM’s same sex marriage statement" it includes a number of references to something called "complementarity." This notion includes the following: (underlines mine). Following each I have a comment or two.

"However, the uniqueness of marriage is that it embodies the underlying, objective, distinctiveness of men and women. This distinctiveness and complementarity are seen most explicitly in the biological union of man and woman which potentially brings to the relationship the fruitfulness of procreation."

The marriage service, at least in the Episcopal Church usage, does not dwell on the distinctiveness of men and women from each other, but rather on the equal nature of the two in making this commitment / contract / covenant, noting that together, if it be God's will there might be procreation and raising of children. "Biological union" is called a variety of things, but it is, let us say fleeting and not particularly a useful model for committed relationship. Biological union has little or nothing to do with the union of man and woman in marriage, except to say that sexual activity is part of the package. The pledge of being "faithful" only to the partner in marriage is the only reach into the question of the biological union and the marriage union. This first proposition also equates the distinctiveness and complementarity. It makes it seem that our distinctiveness is that we are different puzzle pieces that can be fit together. Ho hum.¨  please read it all, by the Reverend Mark Harris 

Obsession with sex and the proper use of male and female body parts at The Anglican Church of Uganda HERE

"People should respect nature and the great creator who modelled man and woman. He wasn't blind and he knows why he created a man's parts and a woman's parts. Why should anyone try to undo that?"  don't miss a word, Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi/Uganda,   HERE

Thanks to Preludium, sidebar
Thanks to The Reverend Mark Harris
Thanks to The Church of England
Thanks to The Anglican Church of Uganda

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