I´m home. All is well. The dogs were leaping around me when I returned last night...lot´s of leaping as we´ve got five --that included Coban who was visiting for a week because his mother(s), the stars of many skies, were featured singers at the Newport Folk Festival (and they were heavily praised in the Boston Globe reviews and previews both before and after the festival).
Big greeting. The birds were chirping and Chepe the Gardener and Juan Carlos the Great were busy doing their Tuesday evening miracle of ¨Night Gardening¨ (It happens every Tuesday and Friday night as Juan Carlos loves working in the garden and Chepe IS the Vice Mayor of this town during the day but he was our official gardener long before public service).
Me? I went to bed early last night and I´m going back to bed for a few right now.
Love to all of you. I extend great fondness and gladness for my friends -- especially to those of you who were so kind as to have me as a guest in your homes this past month...and thanks to my work associates too in Austin, Texas...¨our reviews¨ were also excellent! Un gran abrazo, Len
Thank you ladies, it´s nice to be back with the rainy season doing it´s afternoon rainpouring...the country is blasting green and new growth everywhere...still a little sleepy after the return trip but activities are filling the calendar already. Best to all, Len
Thanks JCF, The Unitarians were swell, friendly, open and a extremely welcoming lot BUT, I´m with you, the Episcopal Church is the place for me (just not in the diocese of Central Florida)
Opinion – 12 March 2025
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Asheville’s Scandals closes after 44 Years
[image: Dancing the night away at Scandals in 2016.]
After a 44-year run, Asheville’s legendary Scandals Nightclub is shutting
the doors at its current do...
Dictionary.com provides the following definition for DEI:
Abbreviation for
diversity, equity, and inclusion: a conceptual framework that promotes the ...
The short answer is “Yes.” But hope is hidden from the world, because in
really hard times, times of war, despair and chaos, people...
The War On Tomatoes
*The war on drugs is a joke. We spend $40 billion a year, and the proof
that it's a failure is that any kid can get almost any drug they want in
any c...
Roger Ailes
Roger Ailes Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 10/01/2024 - 21:31
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Roger Ailes
1939: W. Lee Simpson, rat-hunter
(Thanks to Robert Elder of Last Words of the Executed — the blog, and the
book — for the guest post. This post originally appeared on the Last Words
blog. ...
This is an archive of Good As You, as it existed from 2005–2018. While
further updates are unlikely, this site will remain online indefinitely as
an histor...
cry the lost republic
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Constitutional Convention that the new government is a republic, "if you
can keep it." It i...
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The Adventure Begins
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vacation, which will conclude with my official retirement on March 1. It
feels very...
*David, age 12 *
*Tasmania, Australia (1963)*
This photo of me was shot during my first year at high school, and was set
up by a semi-professional photogra...
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afraid of Muslims...
Beyond the Call of Duty
*Church of the Advent, Federal Hill • Proper 18c 2019*
Though I am bold enough in Christ to command you to do your duty, yet I
would rather appeal to you ...
How to Survive Having an Internet-Famous Relative
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Goes W...
The Campaign
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industry. No surprise I would say, since gay people are quite entertaining
and ...
I’m sure all politicians careen between saying what they believe and
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Proud Again to be a Kiwi
New Zealand voted against the USA in the United Nations vote over the USA
recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. All wimpy Australia could
do was ...
5 It Gets Better Videos to Warm Your Heart
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“The Intel On This Wasn’t 100 Percent”
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The Work Begins...
Things are getting busier, My Beloved Sinners. Not a moment passes but a
new face doesn’t join us at The Trough. As this happy snap shows, life's a
laugh ...
His Name Was Aylan - Today's sermon
I don't usually write sermons. I wrote this one. You can listen to the
recording here.
Here is the text. Check against delivery.
Sermon Notes: His Name ...
Is it dead yet?
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of the C...
Of two minds
For years and years visitors to the little house in which Msr Óscar Romero
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Altoona, Pennsylvania
Due to life, I haven’t written in quite some time. And I’m not sure when
I’ll write again, but I noticed something tonight I wanted to let you know
about. ...
Sermon for the Second Sunday after Epiphany
"Brooklyn Museum - Nathaniel Under the Fig Tree (Nathanaël sous le figuier)
- James Tissot - overall" by James Tissot - Online Collection of Brooklyn
Welcome home, Len.
Nice to know you are safely home.
Thank you ladies, it´s nice to be back with the rainy season doing it´s afternoon rainpouring...the country is blasting green and new growth everywhere...still a little sleepy after the return trip but activities are filling the calendar already. Best to all, Len
Travelin' mercies, Returnin' Alleluias!
Thanks JCF, The Unitarians were swell, friendly, open and a extremely welcoming lot BUT, I´m with you, the Episcopal Church is the place for me (just not in the diocese of Central Florida)
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