Aug 11, 2012

A REPUBLICAN SAFE/SAME SEX ¨MARRIAGE¨ : Mitt Romney hooks up with Paul Ryan!

Paul Ryan as VP Matches Mitt Romney on Homophobia
¨The Wisconsin congressman has voted to ban same-sex marriage and adoption by gay couples, and he voted against repealing the "don't ask, don't tell" ban on gays serving openly in the military...¨ bigots on the runHERE


JCF said...

["Mitt Romney hooks up with Paul Ryan!" Eww, thanks for the mental imagery, Len. :-X]

The "Kill Medicare (and Grandma with it)" ticket: BRING IT ON!!!

Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!!

Leonard said...

Watch out who you´re calling Grandma!! I used my Medicare card once in the States (can´t use it abroad which is stupid as the really good hospitals and doctors here are a tiny fraction of U.S. prices)! The doctor in Florida wrote me a prescription for a little urinary infection (I had one once so I told him what it was), he took a sample, said yes, and I paid $100 (first $20 then billed for $80) and medicare was billed for 8 times that amount...thieves will kill grandpa (we´ll I´m not really a qualifier for Grandpa or ma!) and maybe good old Uncle Sam along with them!

Leonard said...

YES! Obamanos 2012!

JCF said...

Len, I'd have more sympathy if *I* wasn't staring down the gun barrel of having Medicare yanked away when I need it. ["You're safe if you were born before 1957": I'm 5 years too late! :-0]

Leonard said...

You mean to tell me that when I was going off to San Jose State to become a functioning/pushy drunk that you were just being born in San Joaquin somewhere? The wonder of it all, somehow this Ryantwit will be exposed for the weenie that he is and come Novemeber Republicans will be toast (again) most White folks (being one I can say this) we can be a very nasty lot (but I won´t drink over it)!

JCF said...

*Walnut Creek*, Len. My dad's from San Joaquin, but I'm a Bay Area baby!

Leonard said...

THAT, the Walnut Creek¨ part, was very sensible and chic of you...I was even closer to you than I doubt my trip to the physical for Viet Nam (at the Oakland Army crank-em-out center) didn´t disturb your nap!

Hippies, the first ones, the squeaky clean ones, were picketing the entrance and it was a tad rowdy as our bus pulled in!

Interesting, we were differed from ¨duty¨ the first two years of college but then they decided to go for the ¨educated¨ ones too...thankfully I had albumin (sp) in my urine (that was after getting the third lowest score in the room -- at least 400 that day -- on the ¨test¨ which was mostly line drawings of car parts that I failed to recognize)...and I was 4F (or something)...they sent me down the back fire escape with bus fare to return to San Jose but, I fooled them, I went and drank in the City instead! (I had also checked the box but they didn´t believe me and they erased it...OY VEY)! All happening while you were cooing away in Walnut Creek!