Aug 15, 2012

MIRA - OY VEY ALERT: ARCHBISHOP DREXEL GOMEZ and his denial/fear driven ¨Anglican Covenant Campaign¨ now makes sense -- ¨In the Caribbean region today 20% to 30% of men say they are bisexual¨

Almost one in four Caribbean men today describe themselves as bisexual, a new study suggests.

The preliminary findings of the regionwide Caribbean Men’s Internet Survey (CARIMIS) are in stark contrast to the Caribbean’s traditional image of a macho society with sparse tolerance for homosexuality.

“We have a fair population in the Caribbean that identify as bisexual. Across the entire sample … about 20 to 23 per cent say they are bisexual,” facilitator of the CARIMIS project and director of UNAIDS, Caribbean Regional Support Team, Ernest Massiah said.

The CARIMIS study is being touted as the “largest sample” of the Caribbean MSM (men who have sex with men) population of its kind, done via Internet—surveying 2,560 men throughout 33 territories in the region...there is much more, HERE

·  Thanks to LGBTQ Jamaica, sidebar
·  Thanks to CARIMIS
·  Thanks to Ernest Massiah
·  Thanks to Archbishop Desmond Tutu

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