May 2, 2023

THE OTHERSIDE OF THE VOLCANO - Chapter 35, Kindness Received

IN BED,  my night mind wanders.

Natural and kind acts by others in my life, for me or to me, are gentle memories that touch me like quiet bliss tonight.  

Sometimes I unintentionally reflect on times and events forgotten.  Mostly random reflections but sometimes following a line of my life experience that I may be dwelling on.. 

Remembering the happy, the sweet, the sensual, the gainfully rewarding and/or memories of minor successes or breathless encounters of a intimate type. Very kind embraceable experiences with people I did, or didn't, see again.

I reach back in my mind to remember the thousands of kindnesses that came/come, and often keep coming my way.

I don't want to forget any kind gift from a friend or stranger in my lifetime.  I hope to remember more, even the little kindnesses.  I will not take any new kindness offering lightly. 

Kindness is love. I ought be able to remember to give what I have received..

Thank you

Un gran abrazo, Good Night

Leonard, Leonardo, Lenny, Len and sometimes Leo

to be continued

1 comment:

Envoy said...

Good night, Amigo. (Jose Rafael)