I will NOT allow fundamentalist religious extremism, bigotry or racism to poison my heart! Leonardo Ricardo (and most of my loved ones, dear family and friends)

Senator Barack Obama of Illinois and Democratic Party candidate for President of The United States of America
Lord hear my, fairly noisy, slightly bull-headed, yet respectfully submitted/desperate, ENTHUSIASTIC and JOYOUS prayer!

Breaking News: Madelyn Dunham, Barack Obamas 86 year old grandmother, passed away in Hawaii today...May God Bless Madelyn and all loving Grandparents who have added so much to our everyday lives...both those grandparents still with us as they help us, teach us and love us....and also, the dearly remembered souls of our departed loved ones...prayers of gentle peace and thanks for a greatlady and greatgrandmother, Madelyn Dunham.
Bless her sweet soul.
May she be watching from above and cheering in not too many hours (Lord, hear my prayer).
If we get a really strong turnout here in Northern Virginia, Obama will likely win Virgina, and we will have two Democratic Senators. Imagine that!
I am very nervous about voting for Obama, for one reason only. I have only picked the winner in a presidential race ONCE. That's not a very good record since I have been voting since 1976 (Carter-Ford).
Maybe this means I should vote for McCain? Nah, I'm bound to have at least one more winner before I meet my maker. But if Obama doesn't win, you can blame it on me, I'm used to it.
Oh good, we´ve found a vicitim in Lynn to BLAME...but, I´m afraid we may all be disappointed...good may come in spite of pending doom...often the way in my case.
Thanks for volunteering, it was a generous offering (considering the number of voters in the United States and all).
Love to you and Leslie today, love and hope to all LLL´s.
Well Leonardo - I went with my conscience so keep your fingers crossed. I didn't even have to wait.
Remember, if Sen. Obama loses...it's my fault, and the Virginia voting authorities for having me go at a time with no lines.
Peace...I'm praying for change...
Hi Leonardo--This is so sad news about Madelyn Dunham. May she rise in glory.
There were a lot of people at the "staging area" for getting out the Obama vote today. Most of the people we were able to talk to personally had already voted and voted for Obama, YES!
One woman complained that there were no Obama signs at her voting place; all Cain/Pain signs were in place though. Hopefully all of the stolen Obama signs will be worth something on ebay and the Cain/Pain signs will end up gathering the dust and rust that they deserve. I'm sure we will all be glued to the election results tonight.
Hi Leonardo--This is so sad news about Madelyn Dunham. May she rise in glory.
There were a lot of people at the "staging area" for getting out the Obama vote today. Most of the people we were able to talk to personally had already voted and voted for Obama, YES!
One woman complained that there were no Obama signs at her voting place; all Cain/Pain signs were in place though. Hopefully all of the stolen Obama signs will be worth something on ebay and the Cain/Pain signs will end up gathering the dust and rust that they deserve. I'm sure we will all be glued to the election results tonight.
Hi Leonardo--This is so sad news about Madelyn Dunham. May she rise in glory.
There were a lot of people at the "staging area" for getting out the Obama vote today. Most of the people we were able to talk to personally had already voted and voted for Obama, YES!
One woman complained that there were no Obama signs at her voting place; all Cain/Pain signs were in place though. Hopefully all of the stolen Obama signs will be worth something on ebay and the Cain/Pain signs will end up gathering the dust and rust that they deserve. I'm sure we will all be glued to the election results tonight.
Hi Leonardo--This is so sad news about Madelyn Dunham. May she rise in glory.
There were a lot of people at the "staging area" for getting out the Obama vote today. Most of the people we were able to talk to personally had already voted and voted for Obama, YES!
One woman complained that there were no Obama signs at her voting place; all Cain/Pain signs were in place though. Hopefully all of the stolen Obama signs will be worth something on ebay and the Cain/Pain signs will end up gathering the dust and rust that they deserve. I'm sure we will all be glued to the election results tonight.
Sorry Leonardo--I have absolutely no idea why the comment published that many times.
Thanks Bonnie and Lynn,
I´m glued too...all day watching crazy electionday stuff...which happens to include Puerto Rican Elections (no presidential) which is fabulous for me...I´m a prostatehooder when Puerto Rican...and it looks as if the Prostatehood candidate may be elected!
Lynn, I´ve got my eye on you!
I Remain Riveted,
Hi Leonardo--CNN just projected Obama the winner w/297 electoral votes. YES! Now we await news on Prop 8
According to my..friend,...Assassination is in hand,...
I told her that would point to how SAD THE UNITED/scrambled STATES was in.
(what I didn't tell her was, if that happened, I would leave the U.S. ...and be PROUD to do so!!
Fine and Dandy,...but it seems these Hate initiatives are passing,...(so much for equality!!)
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