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Note: Not ¨Dream Dotoy¨ (not even close) but, you get the idea! |
I have a friend whom I will love forever. She dropped into my world, almost literally, when I was in my late 20´s and changed/redecorated and immediately added hundreds of exciting adventures to my life from the first day. She lived in the midwest, and does now, and I lived in Los Angeles at the time. We have spent a lifetime meeting up in exotic places (and also some less glamours bars and venues of adventure and no matter where/when/how we were together, it was always great fun). Spontaneous combustion.
My friend and I would often fly off to Mexico on the nightbird Mexicana Flight after having a few ¨cocktails¨ or even sometimes meet up in Paris, London, Madrid or flee and take a overnight train to Italy and then quickly book a overnight ferrieboat to Greece. We gave Puerto Rico a run for it's money for years and are no strangers in Guatemala, Venezuela or other points south. She was/is my very best friend, my very favorite accomplice and she is also the person in this world who knows me best (and I think the insight is mutual). Onward we go into our 70´s, undaunted. HAPPY VALENTINES, together or in a crowd (sometimes with other friends and people we may have been dating at the time).
Last night, my friend, whom I will call Dream Dotoy, came to me in a middle-of-the-night in a dream/vision. There we were holding hands, walking along to some party and content and happy. There was only one thing that had changed. Dream Dotoy had become a nun and not only had a draped head but also had several religious badges pinned to the uppermost top part of her robe (gray, black and white combos). Nothing had changed between us and off we went to investigate another wild adventure. What could it mean when my lifelong partner in crime entered a nunnery?
I will send her a link to this blog entry and find out!
Forgive me for asking, but what did you have for dinner? ;-)
Dream Dotoy is a very special friend! Thanks for sharing her and your dream!
Hi Susan,
Lentel soup (I made it) and brown/bread...that was it, certainly nothing vivid-dream generating.
Have a great day!
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