Jun 26, 2008

A Memorial Tribute to Carlos, Hijo de Don Juan Jose

The news came to me this morning. It came to me by way of my housekeeper, Violetta, who had been sick and out-of-touch for over a week...Violetta is one of our towns unofficial messengers who carries both happy and sad news...depending...today's news was sad.
All I could see was the wonderful smile and eager helping hands of Carlos as he worked with his Dad doing projects around my house. I really admired them both since the first time I met them three years ago.
Carlos, youngest son and assistant of Don Juan Jose, electrician extraoridinare, had a bicycle accident earlier this week....it was raining, it was dark and his bicycle evidently skidded, flipped him off, his head met rock, the living human world lost him and the sainted heavens gained another star.
I always noticed the way young Carlos had been extra kind and helpful with me as he was working so efficiently with his Dad...it seemed he added a smiling touch of extra welcome to my life in San Miguel in his quietly industrious and respectful, shy way...almost from the first day I lived here.
The funeral was held yesterday.
Funerals are very quickly arranged in Central America. I didn't know about it yesterday or I would have attended.
This morning I went to visit Don Juan Jose and to hug him and offer a tiny measure of support for his family as their intense grief starts to drift into another day...He touched my heart as I struggled with my Spanish to say the words I wanted to convey, and he, Don Juan Jose, helped me say. I think it will take a very long time to accept the sadness that came their way in the dark, on the rainy night their youngest son, Carlos, passed away.
I saw a statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe at their home today...May the The Virgin of Guadalupe comfort Carlos...may she gather him closely into the warm fold of her robes as he makes his way onward to the peaceful place...the place that brings endless comfort and eternal tranquility to all who come to seek it... at the end of a bumpy ride on a cold night or on a sunny day like today.
Pray for Carlos, Pray for his family
Lord Hear My Prayer

Photo by Juan Carlos Castillo Fuentes

1 comment:

Padre Mickey said...

Oh Dios, que por la gloriosa resurrección de tu Hijo Jesucristo, has dtruido la muerte y has hecho irradiar la vida y la inmortalidad: concede que tu siervo Carlo, resucitando con él, conozca la fortaleza de su presencia y se regocije en su gloria eterna; quien contigo y el Espíritu Santo vive y reina, un solo Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén

Dios de toda misericordia, cuya sabiduría sobrepasa muestro entendimiento, atiende con benignidad a Don Juan José y la familia en su pesar. Abrázales con tu amor para que no se sientan abrumados por su pérdida, sino que tengan confianza en tu bondad y hagan frente con valor a los días por venir; por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén

I had a funeral yesterday and one today. They weren't for young people, but so many funerals really take their toll. May Don Juan José and la familia be aware of God's presence during the days ahead.