¨Episcopalians feel easy around scientists. We have a few in our congregations, and they help us remember that the quest for knowledge is 100% God-Approved™
Today is the Feast of Copernicus and Kepler, Astronomers, and already we’re seeing some reaction.
Michael Poteet, a Presbyterian member of the Daily Office congregation, writes, “Is today actually a feast day for these two astronomers on the Episcopal calendar? I think that is marvelous!”
And Maria L. Evans, a stalwart laywoman from Missouri, adds this: “I totally dig that they are on the calendar. Where else but the Episcopal church do we put people on the saints calendar that point out, ‘Guess what? The universe doesn’t revolve around us!’”
(I had to tell Maria this known fact: the universe revolves around the Subdeacon’s new granddaughter. Her name is Hadley, and she’s got more hair than Clint does.)
But there’s a bigger point to be made here, which I will now divulge to you (free of charge): Yes, it is marvelous and wonderful that we have a Copernicus and Kepler Day; and no, there is nowhere else but The Episcopal Church where you will find any feast days of scientists...¨ read it all, HERE
· Thanks to the Daily Office, http://dailyoffice.org/
· Thanks to Josh Thomas
· Thanks to Gay Spirit Diary, sidebar
· Thanks to David Green, Episcopal Rainbow Shield
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¨It’s part of the genius of The Episcopal Church that we mix freely with scientists and artists, bankers and queers; housewives, grandbabies, bakers and cops.¨ Josh Thomas |
Len, it warmed my heart when I saw that the two scientists were in TEC's canon of saints. And the wonderful Collect:
Collect of the Day: Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler, Astronomers, 1543
As the heavens declare your glory, O God, and the firmament shows your handiwork, we bless your Name for the gifts of knowledge and insight you bestowed upon Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler; and we pray that you would continue to advance our understanding of your cosmos, for our good and for your glory; through Jesus Christ, the firstborn of all creation, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Amen, indeed. Thanks for taking note.
Thanks for this fine post, Leonardo! I went over to Josh's blog and read his whole post and left a detailed comment there about how deserving Kepler is of being a saint on our calendar. (Not to slight Copernicus, but I've been reading about Kepler of late.)
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