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The Archbishops of Canterbury and York continue to cower and cover-up as they scurry under their dark caper of delay! |
Self-deceiving and the not-so-great-art of sloppy/mutual ¨postponement¨ regarding spiritual/sexual issues that are urgent and vital to the well-being of LGBTI Anglicans are unacceptable!
Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury is currently the ¨driving force¨ behind the ¨validation¨ of Anglican Covenant which is pending ratification before the Church of England. Each diocese is ¨deciding¨ to endorse, or not, the Anglican Covenant and then the document will be returned to The Church of England Synod for final acceptance (no doubt accepted because Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury insists it be so and doesn´t allow ¨open¨ debate on the issue). In other words, Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, is ramrodding through a YES vote that most would, and do, consider a FIXED ELECTION.
Few in England realize the ¨relational consequences¨ for their very own province at the Anglican Communion are at stake...but Rowan does. Should the Church of England elevate an openly Gay Bishop in the meantime or even after endorsing the so called ¨Covenant¨ the Church of England could be held accountable for being in violation of the punishing, Drexel Gomez authored
The Punitive Anglican Covenant , but wait, but of course, the Church of England ALREADY has several/many Gay and Bisexual secretly serving Bishops amongst it´s collection of Episcopal stock and several are currently IN THE HOUSE OF BISHOPS
the well-known Hypocrisy at the Church of Englands House of Bishops . Is there no end to the political hypocrisy of Rowan Williams and his doubletalking accomplices? Must the Archbishop of Canterbury AGAIN been called down to answer for his latest attack
against the election of The Very Reverend Jeffery John (a celibate/partnered gay man)
The Graceless Face of Dr. Rowan Williams
as the ever faithful Archbishop of York serves as his validating accomplice and enforcer? The deceitfilled games of these not-so-holy men is wearing very THIN at The Church of England and beyond.
Rowan Williams archbishop of Canterbury prefers to live in a world of PRETEND and therefore saves his very own face when it comes to the REALITY of sexual orientation of those around him at The Church of England...those abounding around him both honest and not. These vain, pridefilled, stubborn and demeaning and dishonest cowardly/self-preening men...ought resign immediately. No more pretending right from wrong or up from down or truth from untruth.
Addressing sexuality truthfully in the Church of England
¨...In recent months, there has been much publicity over leaks revealing that during a selection process for a bishop’s position, the archbishops were desperate to block an outstanding gay candidate, even though he obeyed the Church of England’s guidelines of celibacy for gay clergy. Legal opinion was sought on how to restrict further the possibility of someone openly gay being chosen as a bishop.
According to the Church of England bishops’ announcement, the wider review will take account of a motion of General Synod (the church’s parliament) commending “continuing efforts to prevent the diversity of opinion about human sexuality creating further division and impaired fellowship within the Church of England and the Anglican Communion.” It will “draw together material from the listening process which has been undertaken within the Church of England over the recent years in the light of the 1998 Lambeth Conference resolution”, which involved a commitment “to listen to the experience of homosexual persons “ while “rejecting homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture”.
At the same time, many in the Church of England are keen for greater inclusion. I, and numerous others, believe this more faithfully reflects God’s will for a church where all should be valued and encouraged to adopt the same standards of faithful and self-giving love whether in same-sex or opposite-sex relationships. It will also help the church to reach out to non-churchgoers who are drawn to Christ but morally offended by what they regard as unjust treatment of LGBT people. Many theologians, Anglican and from other denominations, have come to believe that same-sex partnerships should be accepted. LGBT people (clergy and lay) play a vital part in the life of the Church of England, but this often goes unacknowledged, leaving many feeling alienated.
How can the bishops – an all-male group in which gays are closeted, and under heavy political pressure not to offend those most passionately opposed to full inclusion – take this matter forward in a constructive way? In this context, what does it mean to “love one another as I have loved you” and be guided by the Spirit of truth (John 15.12, 26)? ...¨
· Thanks to Thinking Anglicans, sidebar
· Thanks to Changing Attitudes, U.K., sidebar
· Thanks to Ekklesia, England, sidebar
· Thanks to Savi Hensman