The Reverend Scott Rennie
UPDATED May 27, 2009
Ordinary churchgoers support Scott Rennie
¨Backers of an online petition against the gay Church of Scotland minister, Scott Rennie, represent a minority of conservatives out of touch with their flock,¨ read it all, by Colin Coward for The Guardian newspaper, click HERE
UPDATED May 25, 2009
Kirk seeks consultation rather than confrontation on sexuality argument
After more than three hours of debate, the Church of Scotland's General Assembly, meeting in Edinburgh, has this evening avoided a confrontation on sexuality and ministry, after a motion from anti-gay hardliners was withdrawn before it could be voted on.¨ read it all, click HERE
Kirk stands by gay minister
¨The unity of the Church of Scotland could be at stake tonight as the General Assembly has upheld the appointment of the openly-gay Scott Rennie election to Queen's Cross Church in Aberdeen. Pink News reports that Rennie has the backing of ten 'evangelical' groups. Stewart Cutler has precise details. Looks like Thurible was among the first with the news.¨ read it all, click HERE
UNHINGED, equating lgbt ¨inclusion at Church¨ with Nazism,¨the haters,¨ Part Three
The Reverend Ian Watson, Church of Scotland, Gay Christians will NOT “inherit the kingdom of God¨
The Reverend Scott Rennie, Church of Scotland, ¨has been warmly welcomed by his congregation and supported by the Aberdeen Presbytery¨
¨While some have tried to talk up a Church of Scotland ‘split’ over sexuality, the great majority of the Presbyterian denomination’s members are horrified by a hard-line minister’s attempt to equate the campaign for inclusion with Nazism, say those involved in preparing for the Church’s forthcoming General Assembly.
In a sermon which religious leaders and politicians have condemned as “deeply disturbing”, the Rev Ian Watson invoked the failure to stand up to the Nazi annexation of the Rhineland in 1938 as a parallel for the refusal of many in the Church of Scotland to join an anti-gay crusade.
The sermon was delivered last Sunday at Kirkmuirhill Church in Lanark and then posted on Mr Watson’s blog. He heads the group Forward Together, which opposes the recognition of gay people in the life, work and ministry of the church.
The Church of Scotland’s governing body meets from 21 to 27 May and is being invited to rule on the appointment of openly gay minister the Rev Scott Rennie, who is being supported by the Aberdeen Presbytery and has been warmly welcomed by his congregation.¨ read it all, click HERE
Anti-gay minister the Rev Ian Watson in ‘Nazi battle’ outrage
By Mike Wade
¨The Church of Scotland is moving towards a schism after one of its ministers compared an increasingly determined campaign against gay clergymen to the war against the Nazis.
The Rev Ian Watson railed against homosexual lifestyles, declaring that such people would not “inherit the kingdom of God” in a sermon that religious leaders and politicians condemned as deeply disturbing.
Mr Watson is a prominent opponent of Scott Rennie, an openly gay minister whose appointment to a parish church last year has caused divisions. Mr Rennie, a divorced father of one, lives with his partner, David, and has the support of his Aberdeen Presbytery. The Church of Scotland is due to debate his appointment at its General Assembly next week after a petition was signed by almost a third of ministers pushing for all gays to be banned from the pulpit.¨ read it all, click HERE
·Thanks to Colin Coward, Changing Attitudes at the right side bar
·Thanks to The Guardian, United Kingdom
·Thanks to The Times, Scotland News
·Thanks to Mike Wade
·Thanks to Ekklesia News, at the right side bar
·Thanks to Flickr Photosharing
·Thanks to Times Online, U.K., Ruth Gledhill
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ist unb...
11 minutes ago
I will pray for Rev Scott Rennie and his congregation who are supporting him. I will also pray for the meeting of the Church of Scotland. Perhaps we can be thankful for the extreme comments as they do tend to repel those in the middle who might not otherwise be very supportive.
this is just nutso!
I know, they are WAY over their head...some are simply obsessed with sex, some are plain egodriven smart guys that aren´t that clever when dealing with practicalities/common sense...some are fighting to GET whatever it is they THINK they MUST GET! These are the really sick cases, they out way-out-of-control and harming everyone around them as they angle for mitres, money and notoriety (meanwhile assuring their feardriven followers that God has created a foundation of survival for only adhered to and secured through them). Lots of sad scenarios to follow for those trapped in the trappings of false Faith...for those following the leader and for those who make a habit out of SHOWING their faith by scapegoating others to prove it...grandstanding at it´s worst.
Madness...they´ve rounded up a unfortunate group of human beings who are likeminded in their mistrust of God and TRUST in their fellow human beings (family and friends), not nice and it appears to be progressively desperate.
Crack ups to follow (pray they are not of the dangerous sort that hurt innocent fellow citizens).
There is an aspect of Scottish Presbyterianism that would be helpful to recognise.
It isn't FOR things. It is, however, AGAINST things.
Old habits die hard.
You are most astute. I do believe that what they say does hurt (I know you meant physical), particularly the unsuspecting. And what must they teach their children? Our children learn hate mostly from their families. Sad, but true.
Leonardo, I read one short story on this over at Mad Priest - thank you for the additional information. What insanity - LGBTs and their loved ones are Nazis? The French could have single-handedly stopped WWII before it began?
Hear my hrrrmph? But thank goodness there are some people so extreme sometimes - it does get the fence-sitters thinking, and often moving to the proper side a bit.
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