TITLE: Provisional Acceptance of the Episcopalian Bill of Rights
PREAMBLE: The the Episcopal Church of the United States of America recognizes the revealing nature of our salvation given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ in the two great commandments. Love the Lord your God with all your mind and all your heart and all your soul. And the second, love your neighbor as yourself. Furthermore recognizing that each and every person is a sinner but that we have an Advocate with the Father.
Be it therefore,
Resolved, the House of _____________ concurring, that this 76th General Convention of the Episcopal Church make a commitment to revoke, rescind and reject Resolution B033; and be it further Resolved, that the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies fully, completely and sincerely apologize to all those who have been marginalized by the Episcopal Church including but not limited to LGBT persons, those who are handicapped, and those whose culture and person have been ignored and ridiculed; and be it further
Resolved, that in accordance with the two great commandments the Episcopal Church does hereby recognize, support and defend every person's right to fully and completely participate in every aspect of the Episcopal Church both liturgically and politically; and be it further
Resolved, that this proposed Episcopalian Bill of Rights be commended to the various dioceses of this church for study and comment during the coming triennium;
and be it further Resolved, that the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies appoint a Special Task Force to determine what constitutional and/or canonical measures may be necessary in order to make a permanent commitment to the Episcopalian Bill of Rights; and be it further Resolved, that this Special Task Force prepare a report to the 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church that includes draft legislation that could be considered for the convention to institutionalize this Episcopal Bill of Rights.
read it all, ¨Beware of impostors...real Anglicans in the U.S. belong to the Episcopal Church¨ click HERE
·Thanks to Fred Schwartz, Diocese of San Joaquin
·Thanks to Real Anglicans, at the right side bar
·Thanks to Flickr Photosharing
Bundesverfassungsgericht billigt Tübinger Verpackungssteuer
Pfand statt Müll: Die Betreiberin eines McDonalds-Lokals in Tübingen hat
den Kampf gegen die Verpackungssteuer verloren, ihre Verfassungsbeschwerde
ist unb...
17 minutes ago
Leonardo, it is time! You have beautifully enhanced the work!
Thank you Fred for pushing this...it´s amazing the energy you have devoted to ¨make things right¨ after DJS and the disaster of a hurricane he generated in San Joaquin.
Thank you, you are appreciated in little outposts throughout the world...our Anglican/other sisters in Africa need our help badly...they ARE being persecuted beyond belief by the same criminals who infest TEC with thievery and fear and hate...but, you´re absolutely correct, we must change US first and put a stop to the abuse while attempting to support others in the Anglican Communion who are willing to see the danger of exploiters, bigots and thieves attempting to destroy OUR Church.
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