(I fear the blame/shame and abusive deadly witchcraft angle/purging against LGBT children can´t be far behind if extremist Christians/others believe the kind of dangerous and feardriven nonsense that Nsaba Buturo is spewing in the name of the Ugandan Government at Orombi´s Anglican Church)
James Nsaba Buturo is a Ugandan politician who serves as the Minister of State for Ethics and Integrity. He is also the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, and he represents the electoral district of Bufumbira East.
¨He has accused the United Nations of a surreptitious mission to impose acceptance of homosexuality on sovereign countries.¨ click HERE
·Ugandan ¨Morals¨ Minister blames ¨Gay¨ on PARENTS·
Wednesday, 21st October, 2009
MUKONO - ¨Ethics and integrity minister James Nsaba Buturo has blamed homosexuality in Uganda on failure by parents and guardians to bring up their children in an upright manner...
·Anglican/Gafcon Archbishop Henri Orombi of Uganda supports excluding LGBT Anglicans, Christians/others from aspiring to all levels of Churchlife and campaigns against a ¨open closet/transparent¨ Ugandan Society based on equality and healthier laws protecting Human Rights...+Orombi, along with ¨Morals Minister¨ James Buturo blames ¨Western Imported Homosexuality¨ along with ¨Failed Parents and Guardians¨ and ¨Lavender Infiltrating¨ school administrators for a current and rampant Gay Ugandan Plague·
...He made the remarks on Sunday while attending the fundraising ceremony for the expansion of St. Luke Anglican Church at Seeta. Buturo asked parents to join the battle against homosexuality by bringing up their children well.¨
Buturos ¨battle against homosexuality¨ address at St. Luke Anglican Church, click HERE
·Uganda Refuses to Bow to United Nations Pressure to Accept Homosexuality. Warns homosexual indoctrination and recruitment taking place in some schools under guise of humanitarian relief organizations·
KAMPALA, April 6, 2009 (LifeSIteNews.com) Ugandan Minister of State for Ethics and Integrity Dr. James Nsaba Buturo has accused the United Nations of a surreptitious mission to impose acceptance of homosexuality on sovereign countries and said that Uganda will not bow to international pressure to legalize "abnormal practices."
¨Abnormal Practices in Kampala, Uganda¨
KAMPALA, April 6, 2009. Ugandan Minister of State for Ethics and Integrity Buturo has said that Uganda will not bow to international pressure to legalize "abnormal practices." click HERE
"Uganda will not be forced to legalize practices that are illegal, unnatural and abnormal," he told a press briefing on Friday.
"At the United Nations there are attempts by some nations to impose homosexuality on the rest of us," Mr. Buturo told reporters. "We have learned that they want to smuggle in provisions on homosexuality."
Pictured on the right,¨Ethics and Morality¨ Ugandan Minister James Buturo, who will ¨not be forced¨ to legalize ¨immoral practices¨ of homosexuality.
Uganda will not give equal rights to gays and lesbians nor has it plans to legalise homosexuality, Ethics Minister James Nsaba Buturo has said.
Buturo says ¨No Equal Rights for Gays and Lesbians,¨ click HERE
"Uganda's made a decision that homosexuality, prostitution and those things are not our way of life. Anyone who violates them really will deserve what they get."
In the case of homosexual conduct, that can mean life imprisonment (DEATH LAW pending in the Parliment). It is not surprising that the Minister has a high opinion of the official government view of such things -- it is not just that it pays his salary, but he also believes that God installed it.
¨Gods work¨ is currently being paid for by the Government of Uganda to Minister Buturo, read it all, click HERE
Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (Assumed office 29 January 1986)
¨Ugandan Lawmakers want Death Penalty for LGBT Citizens¨ read it all, from Latin America, click HERE
Death Penalty for Homosexual Acts?, read it all from ¨To See and to Follow¨, from Canada, click HERE
Witchchildren, Hooligan Children, Bastard Children--Evangelical Christianity in Africa, click HERE
UPDATE/FRIDAY: An Anglican church leader in Uganda has rejected proposals that homosexuals should face the death penalty for sexual assault in some cases, but says that prison terms should remain as a deterrent.
"We want to state categorically that homosexuality is unacceptable," Anglican Bishop Stanley Ntagali of Masindi-Kitara diocese told Ecumenical News International in an interview. read it all, click HERE
·Homosexual acts are already a criminal offence in Uganda, with the maximum penalty being life imprisonment·
The new measure, introduced by lawmaker David Bahati, proposes a seven-year jail term for anyone who "attempts to commit the offence" or who "aids, abets, counsels or procures another to engage in acts of homosexuality."·
Heterosexual Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo, Retired bishop of West Buganda, Uganda, was excommunicated by this ¨archbishop¨ after establishing a ministry for gay and lesbian believers in his community of marginalized/persecuted LGBT Anglicans.
Morals Minister Nsaba Buturos new anti-LGBT law would make it illegal for Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo, LGBT Christians/others to worship together because of ¨effectively banning political organizations, broadcasters and publishers that advocate on behalf of gay rights.¨
·ANY WORD YET FROM THE POPE and THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY? Thought not, the REAL and HONORABLE sexuality issues are FAR beyond THEM·
Perhaps they´ve been busy avoiding the inconvenient issue of LGBT ¨religious¨ ordained clergy (Priests, Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals) and LGBT ¨religious¨ Baptised/Confirmed laity at Church who have professed to be lifelong CHRISTIANS and find the playing of hide-and-seek in ¨the closet¨ dishonest, immoral and self-depricating?
Monday, October 26, 2009, UPDATE from Pambazuka:
¨Bahati’s bill: A convenient distraction for Uganda's government¨ click HERE
By Solome Nakaweesi-Kimbugwe and Frank Mugisha
·Thanks to New Vision Online
·Thanks to Wikipedia
·Thanks to Gay Uganda, right side bar
·Thanks to The BBC/Africa
·Thanks to Lifesite News
·Thanks to Global Bioethics Blog
·Thanks to Wounded Bird
·Thanks to To See and to Follow, Canada
·Thanks to Ecumenical News International
·Thanks to Pambazuka.org
·Thanks to Solome Nakaweesi-Kimbugwe and Frank Mugisha
·Thanks to Flickr Photosharing
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1 comment:
Dear Anonymous Coward,
You are a judgmental fool who knows nothing about the heart, soul and ACTIONS of others...nothing but projecting your deadended nonsense--God save us from ignoramouses who continue to persecute others both in and outside of Church--God save you from the harm you do to others in the name of SIN you are in no position to stand of your ¨soapbox¨ and lecture others about--simply put, it is you that is lost in the cesspool of evil thinking--stay away from here as I don´t allow abusers of others at this site. Got it? You are being shown the door and are unwelcome here--coward, bigot and demonizer of others are not welcome--you are a danger to yourself and humanity.
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