It´s often clear that imagined/pretended arrogantly portrayed purity and holiness, justice, forgiveness, personal virtue/accountability are NOT a quick fix solution for some of the self proclaimed/self-righteous selective Scriptural extremists who harm others. Bigots and other Criminals at Church often ¨fall¨ headfirst onto their hard, and vulnerable discrimination-spewing, heads that seem convulted with thoughts of demonizing others while they are living in a world of denial and lack of personal self-searching and amends and remorse.

THESE and MORE of this Weeks collection of Church Crimes:
Alabama: Pastor Simon Bussie arrested for sodomizing 11 year-old girl. Bussie was in the charge of the church's day care center.
North Carolina: Pastor Robert Lee Adams Reaves, Reaves formerly served as a bishop with the Living In Favor Global Network Churches in Goldsboro, North Carolian.
Associated Press convicted of murdering a 21 year-old woman. According to testimony, Reaves stabbed the woman dozens of times because she was dating a man that Reaves was interested in.
New Jersey: Pastor Lonny Aleshire demands new trial after pleading guilty to raping underage girls.
Canada: Brothers Allen and Phillip Latimer reveal they were sexually molested by the late Father Allen McDonald while serving as his altar boys. The men came forward after last week's arrest of Bishop Raymond Lahey, who briefly hid from authorities after being charged with the possession of child pornography. Lahey had been in charge of Father McDonald's case.
Mexico: Father Jose Carlos Contreras Rodriguez charged with raping and murdering a 16 year-old girl.
South Africa: Unnamed pastor convicted of raping his two pre-teen daughters. His name is shielded to protect the victims.
New York: Pastor Eddy Mijares sentenced to 14 years in prison for molesting 13 year-old girl.
Michigan: Pastor Timothy Allen Ortiz charged with forcible sexual conduct on underage girl.
Virginia: Pastor Steven Joplin charged with seven counts of sexual assault on pre-teen girls.
Ohio:Father Gerald Robinson loses his appeal to overturn his conviction for murdering Sister Margaret Ann Pahl, whom he stabbed 31 times in the face and neck.
This Week's Faith Healing manslaughter/sadness:
Pennsylvania: The parents of two year-old Kent Schaible have been charged with manslaughter for allowing their "faith healing" pastor to pray over the child, rather than seeking medical attention for his bacterial pneumonia, which could have been cured with simple antibiotics. The father is a teacher at First Century Gospel Church, whose members believe in healing by prayer rather than medicine. Before his death, little Kent suffered from "a sore throat, congestion, liquid bowel movements, sleeplessness and trouble swallowing," yet his parents continued to pray.
Read more, and more, and more of the REAL facts, click HERE
·Thanks to Joe.My.God
·Thanks to People Tribe, at the right sidebar
·Thanks to This Week In Holy Crimes
·Thanks to Flickr Photosharing
These are troubling issues. It seems that those who scream the loudest are those that sinnest the mostest.
Dear Fred,
As a Gay person (who knew he was ¨different¨ from childhood) I always had the opportunity to observe close up the doublestandard, the deceit, the living lies...the ultimate truth that often ¨things aren´t what they seem to be¨ develops a certain ¨sense¨ of these damaged character issues that lurk beneath in the world of´s not difficult to understand the full extent of the potential lies when my radar hears words of damnation and exclusion of people like me at Church...there is something rotten and rotting (as is the case with ACNA) and it isn´t Gods love...redemption is possible it seems but more likely for those who are willing to be personally responsible and accountable...truth is the key.
Don't forget; this is just the "convictible" stuff. We are not even counting the psychological abuse that some clergy hand out by having boundary issues about the "power differential"--scapegoating, "in-parish clandestine rendezvous--gay, straight, married, doesn't matter", revealing confidences or using those confidences to psychologically manipulate parishioners. Running off with the church treasurer AND the money, that's a common one too. Bullying parishioners. Getting parishioners to directly give pastors money instead of to the church. The list is endless.
Some of the most wonderful people in my life have worn collars. But some of the most abusive people on the planet wear them too. It's a privilege that some people abuse, and that is incredibly sad.
Yes, it´s all to CLEAR why many that call themselves ¨orthodox¨ believers are simply terrorfied preachers who want NONE OF THE OPENESS that is knocking on, and in some cases shoving open the church closet doors...everytime I hear the preaching of Hellfire and Damnation against LGBT Christians/others I´m suspect that there are SECRETS to be exposed...and those that scream the loudest against others are often the ones that are internally running out of emotional and spiritual control...self-honesty is the key, without a attempt at truth we having nothing but words...words that can be repeated and shouted but still are nothing but selfdeceit flung into a noisy space that clammours for validation...yes, a very ugly kind of end run attempt at a spiritual/religious conjob for the victim and the abuser/pretending common hypocrite.
I think it is essential to hold OURSELVES personally responsible and NOT get sucked into the concept that popular ¨starstruck¨ and grandstanding, often charismatic, Church leaders (one not need look far to see them in every denomination) necessarily are grounded in truth (or even soundness of mind)...nobody ought get a ¨pass¨ when tampering with and/or flat out violating common decency and betraying others with diversions of the impure kind...initiating lack of honesty or truth at Church is vile trickery (and common as we have seen with ¨Provincial crossing¨ greedy foreign bishops who use their brand of ignorant fear/hate preaching to defame and inflame fellow Christians)...of course many homegrown ordained criminals are of the same ilk.
Being responsible/fully accountable is a inside job...with Gods help.
On a similar note of lunatic ravings to keep up a ¨moral appearances¨...
¨Why Republicans Are in the Grip of an Apocalyptic Rapture Cult Centered on Revenge and Vindication¨
A passage:
¨...The evangelical/fundamentalist literalistic "interpretation" of Revelation is symptomatic of a larger problem: make-it-up-as you-go-along biblical interpretation suited to hyping whatever the evangelical/fundamentalist flavor of the moment is, in a desperate effort to keep religion relevant. But taken out of the context of being part of a worship cycle, the Bible became something like an extremely sharp butcher knife in the hands of children running around a garden...¨
Lock them up - and throw away the keys.
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