·A URGENT CALL for HELP from LGBT CHRISTIANS, our families, our beloved friends, as the Anti-Homosexuality Bill is before the Parliament of Uganda·
A Call to Action for EVERYONE who believes in JUSTICE:
A Call to Anglican Archbishop Orombi of Uganda. A Call to ALL PRIMATES at The Anglican Communion.
A Call to The Archbishop of Caterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams!
As you already know, the "Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009." was recently tabled before the Parliament of Uganda. The Bill's provisions are draconian and among them are;
• Any person alleged to be homosexual would be at risk of life imprisonment or in some circumstances the death penalty;
• Any parent who does not denounce their lesbian daughter or gay son to the authorities would face fines of $ 2,650.00 or three years in prison;
• Any teacher who does not report a lesbian or gay pupil to the authorities within 24 hours would face the same penalties;
• And any landlord or landlady who happens to give housing to a suspected homosexual would risk 7 years of imprisonment.
• Similarly, the Bill threatens to punish or ruin the reputation of anyone who works with the gay or lesbian population, such as medical doctors working on HIV/AIDS, civil society leaders active in the fields of sexual
and reproductive health, hence further undermining public health efforts
to combat the spread of HIV;
• All of the offences covered by the Bill as drafted can be applied to a Ugandan citizen who allegedly commits them - even outside Uganda!
¨Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) calls upon YOU, our partner, ally and/or FRIEND to action. Denounce this bill through a protest at a Ugandan Diplomatic Mission in your country on November 9th 2009, where applicable.
Urge the Government of Uganda to reject this Bill in its entirety.¨
·Smug of Uganda·
For more information please contact:
Frank Mugisha
Telephone: + 256 772 616 062
Valetine Kalende
Email: vkalende@faruganda.org
Telephone: +256 752 324 249

UPDATE, Friday Afternoon, October 30, 2009
Uganda's Proposed ‘Anti-Homosexuality’ Law Threatens Human Rights, Say International Organizations: Draft Provisions Illegal, Immoral, Ominous, and Unnecessary, click HERE, from Amnesty International
Uganda: ‘Anti-Homosexuality’ Bill Threatens Liberties and Human Rights Defenders, click HERE, from Human Rights Watch
Uganda’s toothless battle on gays, click HERE, from The Daily Monitor, Kampala
The Government of The United States of America objects to Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill pending before Parliament
An official with the US Embassy in Kampala, Uganda, has said that the new Anti-Homosexuality Bill, if enacted into law, would “mark a major setback in the promotion of human rights.”
¨We urge states to take all necessary measures to ensure that sexual orientation or gender identity may under no circumstances be the basis for criminal penalties, in particular executions, arrests, or detention.¨ click HERE, By AFP
PRA: Rick Warren exports bigotry to Africa
In March 2008, U.S. evangelical leader Rick Warren told Ugandans that homosexuality is not a natural way of life and thus not a human right. One year later, U.S. conservative evangelical and Holocaust revisionist Scott Lively (a resident of Massachusetts) addressed the Family Life Network and Ugandan members of Parliament in March 2009, saying legalizing homosexuality is akin to legalizing "the molestation of children or having sex with animals." read it all, click HERE
Alert/Note/Response, October 31, 2009: ¨Martin Ssempa does not represent me, my wife Kay, Saddleback Church, nor the Global PEACE Plan strategy. In 2007, we completely severed contact with Mr. Ssempa when we learned that his views and actions were in serious conflict with our own. Our role, and the role of the PEACE Plan, whether in Uganda or any other country, is always pastoral and never political. We vigorously oppose anything that hinders the goals of the PEACE Plan: Promoting reconciliation, Equipping ethical leaders, Assisting the poor, Caring for the sick, and Educating the next generation.¨ Pastor Rick Warren Denounces Martin Ssempa and Ugandas Anti-Homosexuality Bill, click HERE
¨If the anti-homosexuality bill passes, that will be a sign that the culture of fanaticism in Uganda is starting to get into Taliban territory, only it's Christian. I'd really like to hear the Anglican Church, which has so much influence in Africa, speak out strongly against this.¨ by Kate Heartfield, The Ottawa Citizen, click HERE
Alert/Note: Ethics and integrity minister James Nsaba Buturo revealed that there was ¨pressure from the international community not to implement the Bill.¨
Alert/Note: Chwa MP Livingstone Okello Okello expressed fear that the ¨Government might block the Bill.¨
Alert/Note: KEEP UP THE PRESSURE, Contact the Ugandan Consulate near you. Contact your religious denomination leaders and object to The Anti-Homosexuality 2009 Bill that is pending before the Ugandan Parliament.
·Thanks to Gay Uganda, right sidebar
·Thanks to The Daily Monitor, Kampala, Uganda
·Thanks to Sexual Minorities Uganda
·Thanks to Frank Mugisha
·Thanks to Valetine Kalende
·Thanks to The Reverend Colin Coward
·Thanks to Changing Attitudes, U.K.
·Thanks to The Episcopal Cafe, right sidebar
·Thanks to Thinking Anglicans, right sidebar
·Thanks to Amnesty International
·Thanks to Human Rights Watch
·Thanks to Rodney Muhumuza, ¨Truth Every Day¨
·Thanks to Ex-Gay Watch, right sidebar
·Thanks to The United States Embassy, Kampala, Uganda
·Thanks to Public Research Associates
·Thanks to The Ottawa Citizen, Canada
·Thanks to Kate Heartfield
·Thanks to New Vision Online, Uganda