Donald Trump: Was er an seinem ersten Tag wirklich erreicht hat – und was
nur Show ist
Mit einer Welle präsidialer Dekrete markiert Trump einen aggressiven
Wandel. Viele dieser »executive orders« haben bereits Folgen, andere sind
nur Gesten. ...
21 minutes ago
Hi Leonardo--YES! and good on Colorado. They are so in need of this breath of fresh air.
I understand that Michelle Obama is going to speak in Colorado Springs tomorrow--that hot bed of the neocon nits. I assume Dobson and all his little evil minon nits along with our former rector will be out in full force protesting.
Dear Bonnie, Does that Armstrong poacher ever leave the building? Why isn´t he in jail for all the TAX opportunities he indulged in? Was there a pay-off to the IRS?
All in the name of Akinola of Nigeria and furthering difference, exclusion and bigotry.
Hi Leonardo--Yes, he is still squatting on the 17 million pile of bricks and the lawsuit from hell rages on just like his demeaning, demoralizing lip service to the Body of Christ.
One funny thing happened recently and I don't have the full story here. He apparently was using the Grace Episcopal Church tax id number and is now being investigated by the IRS.
All the years that we were members there our pledge was made out to: Grace & St. Stephen's EPISCOPAL Church.
A couple of weeks ago our guest preacher was an Episcopal priest from Food for the Poor Inc. They serve mostly in Caribbean and Latin America. The people they serve are not just poor, they are destitute.
When I contrast this situtation with the agenda of the "prince bishop" and the behavior of the Fanglican Land crowd, I am really, really tempted to shout, "Rip the fabric until it is totally in shreds and walk apart."
Lastimosamente, mi hermana no estuvo a esta actividad... my sister is voting for McPalin which is simply beyond me.
OT... Is this a picture of your patio at the top of your blog. Oh my gosh! It is lovely!!!
Peace and Love,
Thanks Leslie,
Yes, it´s a little patio that´s in the center of the house...this is the Land of Eternal Spring but soon we´re having Summer in December until Easter and it will be all flowers soon...stay tuned...hope all is going well for you in San Joaquin! YES!
Thanks Leslie,
Yes, it´s a little patio that´s in the center of the house...this is the Land of Eternal Spring but soon we´re having Summer in December until Easter and it will be all flowers soon...stay tuned...hope all is going well for you in San Joaquin! YES!
Thanks Leslie,
Yes, it´s a little patio that´s in the center of the house...this is the Land of Eternal Spring but soon we´re having Summer in December until Easter and it will be all flowers soon...stay tuned...hope all is going well for you in San Joaquin! YES!
Hola Caminante,
MY SISTER IS TOO (but luckly I´ve turned ALL of her offspring and ALL of the voting age grandchildren into Democrats)...let´s just say we´re doing OUR OBAMA support part in my family!
Wow, I hadn't thought about how close it is to election day. See what happens when the primary season is two years long? Even enthusiastic, life-long voters get tired of it all.
On the off chance that anyone reading here is still undecided: vote Obama/Biden for my sake. It's time to get some interesting people back in the D.C. area. Being surrounded by prosperity gospel, "use it then lose it" neighbors is just boring.
Come'll be fun to have Democrats in the White House again!
your patio is wonderful place for you to sit and pray and take in the wonder of our Lord.
I hope you have a happy day!
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