Jesus said, "The eye is the lamp of the body.
So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body
will be full of light; but if your eye is
unhealthy, your whole body will be full of
darkness. If then the light in you is darkness,
how great is the darkness!"
Matthew 6:22-23
The meaning of life is to see. How we see is
profound. And the blind can teach us a great
deal about spiritual sight. Every so often I
travel into a nearby city for medical care.
Sometimes I see a blind man and his seeing-eye
dog. I marvel at how he sees through that dog
and with his God-given senses. Within seconds
he "sees" people who speak to him through their
words and actions. His dog is an extension of
himself as they weave through traffic, navigate
buses, and commute to and from work. We have
become friends. When he recognizes my voice,
his face lights up and he smiles with pleasure.
He sees me more clearly than if he had perfect
vision. His spiritual eyes are healthier than
the spiritual eyes of many sighted people.
The two greatest truths about God that I know
are simple. God is light. God is love. Light
is healing and cleansing. Where do we need the
loving light of God in our spirits today? A
popular saying is that we can either be the
light, or reflect it.
God, give us healthy spiritual eyes.Fill us
with your light and love. Help us be and reflect
divine light in our world. Amen. HERE
Grace and peace,
Chi Rho Press
· Thanks to Chi Rho Press
· Thanks to The Rev.Dr. Sandra Bochonok
· Thanks to Adam DeBaugh
· Thanks to Flickr, ¨Thinkoutsidethebox¨
Amen indeed.
Your work is so inspiring. Thank you.
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