Nov 5, 2013


Imagining Possibilities at AIS from Antigua International School on Vimeo.

Doña Estela works in the home of Doña Joan Fuetsch. Estela's daughter, Astrid, is now speaking great ENGLISH as well as improved SPANISH! This is a huge thing. This is just short of a real-life miracle of vertical interaction at all levels of society (never much done here in Guatemala -- social interaction and the embracing of cultural exchange amongst various economic and ethnic levels of society).

The back story, the tenacity, the enlightenment and personal growth (on everyones part) is amazing. Here I suggest a real tribute to¨Tia¨ Joan and the everyday mentoring and technically advanced resources she has provided Astrid...Tia Joan is a frontrunner, a champ. Joan has provided opportunities for Astrids brothers and sisters and countless other children which  are  making a REAL DIFFERENCE in lives of these Guatemalans.  One child at a time. One family at a time.  One Library at a time. One municipality connection at a time.

Doña Joan, you have enhanced,  in a healthy and responsible way,  the lives of thousands of young and young adult lives in Guatemala.  Your non-stop efforts using various innovative tools and approaches to education, to real practical learning,  have brought the opportunity of education to even the most humble of communities. You, Doña Joan  and your generous friends have built libraries/learning centers (you have raised vast amounts of outside money and coordinated local, sometimes tiny, municipal governments to cooperate and join in gladly). Nobody, no government, no individual and/or few NGO´s or private program has focused for such determined successful outcomes in the learning field...learning for all, opportunity for all.

BRAVA! BRAVO! Thanks to Tia Joan and her friendly/generous accomplices who help to build education and responsible social change by enhancing and the creation of more whole and  wholesome lives here in Guatemala with their hands on effort to update personal health information, social interaction and technolized learning.

Leonardo Ricardo
Leonard Clark Beardsley
Sacatepequez, Guatemala

Joan Fuetsch can be reached at:
joan.fuetsch at gmail dot com

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